Daihatsu Rocky Mengaspal di Sumatera | Harga 200 Jutaan

Daihatsu Rocky Mengaspal di Sumatera | Harga 200 Jutaan

Daihatsu Rocky Mengaspal di Medan | Harga 200 Jutaan | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Daihatsu Rocky diperkenalkan di Indonesia pada April 2021 melalui kanal Youtube ‘Daihatsu Sahabatku’. Kini, sang ROCKY telah mengaspal di wilayah Sumatera, melalui Brand Activation dan Aktivitas exhibition khusus Daihatsu Rocky secara serentak dilakukan di Kota Padang, Jambi, lampung, Palembang, Pekanbaru dan terutama Medan pada hari ini, Kamis, 3 Juni 2021.

Mengikuti trend SUV global yang kini tengah digemari banyak orang, Daihatsu memperkenalkan Rocky yang merupakan mobil compact SUV berkapasitas 5 penumpang dengan desain stylish dan modern yang sangat cocok serta nyaman dikendarai pada berbagai kondisi jalan.

“Nama Rocky dipilih karena menggambarkan jiwa muda yang tangguh dan kuat,” sebut Edy Susanto selaku Regional Head Sumatera.


Bacaan Lainnya

Rocky adalah produk Daihatsu pertama di Indonesia yang mengusung teknologi DNGA (Daihatsu New Global Architecture). DNGA adalah platform terbaru dari Daihatsu yang dikembangkan dengan konsep: Kualitas Tinggi dengan Harga Terjangkau, Teknologi Terkini, serta memperhatikan hingga ke detail terkecil seperti ukuran, berat, harga, dan waktu, untuk menghasilkan kendaraan yang lebih efisien.

Daihatsu Rocky adalah produk kolaborasi ke 5 dari Daihatsu & Toyota. Seperti kolaborasi sebelumnya, produk ini diproduksi di pabrik PT Astra Daihatsu Motor (ADM). Research and Development ADM juga terlibat dalam pengembangannya, sehingga Rocky cocok dengan pasar Indonesia.



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Pada sisi Eksterior, Rocky dilengkapi dengan fitur canggih terkini, seperti LED Headlamp, Auto retractable mirror dan Key Free. Di bagian interior, dashboard Rocky di-desain seperti cockpit, yang memberikan kesan modern.

Senada dengan itu, meter cluster Rocky didesain menggunakan teknologi Full Digital dengan 4 mode tampilan yang dapat dipilih sesuai dengan style dan selera Sahabat.


Hadir perdana dengan mesin 1.0L dengan teknologi turbocharger, Daihatsu Rocky memberikan performa dan akselerasi layaknya mesin dengan kapasitas lebih besar.

Mesin 1.0L ini juga dilengkapi dengan teknologi CVT terbaru Daihatsu, Dual Mode CVT, yang menghadirkan pengalaman berkendara yang nyaman, bertenaga sekaligus tetap hemat bahan bakar. Dari sisi keamanan, Daihatsu Rocky dilengkapi dengan fitur keamanan spesial tertinggi di kelasnya, yakni Daihatsu ASA (Advance Smart Assist).



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Daihatsu Rocky 1.0L memiliki 5 varian yang tersedia di semua outlet Daihatsu di seluruh Indonesia dengan harga OTR Medan per 1 Juni, mulai dari 226,800,000 Sampai 249,600,000.

Dengan sederat fitur terkini, desain yang stylish serta harga yang sangat menarik tersebut, besar harapannya Daihatsu Rocky 1.0L bisa menjadi jawaban untuk menjadi mobil impian dan member kebanggan bagi Sahabat Daihatsu di Sumatera.


Edy Susanto menambahkan, gelaran launching otomotif di Medan menjadi prioritas dalam pengembangan dunia otomotif di Sumut khususnya kota Medan.

“Kami selalu memberikan yang terbaik tiap tiap pagelaran launching yang sudah bekerjasama dengan kami, dan kami optimis launching Daihatsu Rocky di Plaza Medan Fair menambah penjualan bagi daihatsu,” kata Edy.

Sementara itu, Owner IMS Organizer, Indra Yones mengatakan, gelaran launching otomotif di Medan menjadi prioritas dalam pengembangan dunia otomotif di Sumut khususnya kota Medan.

“Kami selalu memberikan yang terbaik tiap tiap pagelaran launching yang sudah bekerjasama dengan kami, dan kami optimis launching daihatsu Rocky di Plaza Medan Fair menambah penjualan bagi daihatsu,” katanya.



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Daihatsu Rocky Paving in Medan | Price 200 Million | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Daihatsu Rocky was introduced in Indonesia in April 2021 through the ‘Daihatsu Sahabatku’ Youtube channel. Now, the ROCKY has paved the way in Sumatra, through Brand Activation and special Daihatsu Rocky exhibition activities simultaneously in Padang, Jambi, Lampung, Palembang, Pekanbaru and especially Medan today, Thursday, June 3, 2021.

Following the global SUV trend that is now popular with many people, Daihatsu introduces the Rocky which is a compact SUV with a capacity of 5 passengers with a stylish and modern design that is very suitable and comfortable to drive on various road conditions.

“The name Rocky was chosen because it depicts a tough and strong young soul,” said Edy Susanto as Sumatra Regional Head.



Rocky is the first Daihatsu product in Indonesia that carries DNGA (Daihatsu New Global Architecture) technology. DNGA is the latest platform from Daihatsu which was developed with the concept: High Quality at Affordable Prices, Latest Technology, and attention to the smallest details such as size, weight, price, and time, to produce more efficient vehicles.

Daihatsu Rocky is the 5th collaboration product from Daihatsu & Toyota. Like the previous collaboration, this product is produced at the PT Astra Daihatsu Motor (ADM) factory. Research and Development ADM is also involved in its development, so Rocky fits into the Indonesian market.


On the exterior, Rocky is equipped with the latest advanced features, such as LED Headlamp, Auto retractable mirror and Key Free. In the interior, the Rocky dashboard is designed like a cockpit, which gives a modern impression.

In line with that, the Rocky meter cluster is designed using Full Digital technology with 4 display modes that can be selected according to your style and taste.

Presenting for the first time with a 1.0L engine with turbocharger technology, the Daihatsu Rocky provides performance and acceleration like an engine with a larger capacity.



This 1.0L engine is also equipped with Daihatsu’s latest CVT technology, Dual Mode CVT, which provides a comfortable, powerful and fuel efficient driving experience. In terms of security, Daihatsu Rocky is equipped with the highest special safety feature in its class, namely Daihatsu ASA (Advance Smart Assist).

Daihatsu Rocky 1.0L has 5 variants available at all Daihatsu outlets throughout Indonesia with OTR prices in Medan as of June 1, starting from 226,800,000 to 249,600,000.


With the latest features, stylish designs and very attractive prices, we hope that the Daihatsu Rocky 1.0L can be the answer to become a dream car and a member of pride for Friends of Daihatsu in Sumatra.

Edy Susanto added that the automotive launching event in Medan was a priority in the development of the automotive world in North Sumatra, especially the city of Medan.



“We always give the best for every launching event that we have collaborated with, and we are optimistic that the launching of Daihatsu Rocky at Plaza Medan Fair will increase sales for Daihatsu,” said Edy.

Meanwhile, the owner of the IMS Organizer, Indra Yones said that the automotive launching event in Medan was a priority in the development of the automotive world in North Sumatra, especially the city of Medan.

“We always give the best for every launching event that we have collaborated with, and we are optimistic that the launching of Daihatsu Rocky at Plaza Medan Fair will increase sales for Daihatsu,” he said. ***



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