Nilai Ekspor Sektor Industri Sumut Dongkrak Kenaikan Kuartal Pertama

Nilai Ekspor Sektor Industri Sumut Dongkrak Kenaikan Kuartal Pertama | — Nilai ekspor sektor industri Sumatera Utara pada kuartal I 2021 mencapai 3,373 miliar, naik 47,32 persen dibandingkan periode sama 2020 sebesar 2,290 miliar.

Kepala Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Sumut, Syech Suhaimi mengatakan, sektor industri tercatat masih tetap memberi kontribusi terbesar dalam total nilai ekspor Sumut.

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“Kenaikan nilai ekspor sektor industri itu didorong naiknya ekspor berbagai golongan barang. Kenaikan terbesar terjadi di golongan barang lemak dan minyak hewan/nabati serta karet dan barang dari karet,” sebutnya, kemarin.


• Sekolah Ekspor Bersama Shopee Beri Ruang Pelaku UMKM Jadi Eksportir

Syech menyebutkan, berbeda dengan sektor industri yang naik lumayan besar atau 47,32 persen, ekspor sektor pertanian justru turun 6,05 persen. Dari 222,641 miliar dolar AS di kuartal I 2020, turun 6,05 persen di periode sama 2021 atau menjadi 209,116 miliar dolar AS.

Ketua Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia (Apindo) Sumut, Parlindungan Purba menyebutkan, ekspor Sumut sudah meningkat didorong mulai bergeraknya perekonomian meski pandemi Covid-19 masih berlangsung.


• Ketidakprofesionalan Hakim BPSK Kerap Kecewakan Konsumen

“Kenaikan nilai ekspor Sumut harusnya bisa lebih tinggi kalau tidak terjadi penjadwalan ulang pengiriman oleh ‘buyer’/pembeli karena perusahaan layanan pengiriman barang ekspor lagi banyak permintaan,” ujar Parlindungan.

Parlindungan Purba memprediksi, volume dan nilai ekspor akan terus meningkat di semester II 2021. ***


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North Sumatra’s Industrial Sector Exports Increase First Quarter | — The export value of the North Sumatran industrial sector in the first quarter of 2021 reached 3.373 billion, up 47.32 percent compared to the same period in 2020 of 2.290 billion.

The head of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of North Sumatra, Syech Suhaimi, said that the industrial sector was still the largest contributor to North Sumatra’s total export value.

“The increase in the export value of the industrial sector was driven by the increase in exports of various categories of goods. The largest increase occurred in the category of animal/vegetable fats and oils as well as rubber and rubber products,” he said yesterday.

Syech said that in contrast to the industrial sector which rose quite large or 47.32 percent, exports from the agricultural sector actually fell by 6.05 percent. From 222.641 billion US dollars in the first quarter of 2020, it fell 6.05 percent in the same period in 2021 or to 209.116 billion US dollars.

The chairman of the North Sumatran Indonesian Employers’ Association (Apindo), Parlindungan Purba, said North Sumatra’s exports had increased, driven by the start of the economy, even though the Covid-19 pandemic was still ongoing.

“The increase in the value of North Sumatra’s exports should have been higher if there had not been a rescheduling of shipments by the ‘buyer’/buyers because there were more requests for export goods delivery service companies,” said Parlindungan.

Parlindungan Purba predicts that the volume and value of exports will continue to increase in the second semester of 2021. ***


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