Inilah Strategi Musa Rajeck Shah Atasi Banjir Kota Medan | — Wakil Gubernur (Wagub) Sumatera Utara (Sumut) Musa Rajekshah meninjau perkembangan pembangunan Bendungan Lau Simeme yang merupakan Proyek Strategis Nasional, di Desa Kuala Dekah Lau, Kecamatan Sibiru Biru, Kabupaten Deliserdang, Rabum 16 Juni 2021.
Wagub Musa Rajekshah mengatakan, akan banyak manfaat yang diperoleh dari Bendungan Lau Simeme tersebut. Antara lain sebagai alternatif mengatasi permasalahan banjir di Kota Medan dan bermanfaat sebagai pembangkit tenaga listrik.
“Kemudian debit airnya juga bisa dimanfaatkan menjadi sumber air baru bagi PDAM Tirtanadi atau pun TirtaDeli. Selain itu, di area-area tertentu tempat ini, juga dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai salah satu tempat wisata,” ujar Musa Rajekshah yang akrab disapa Ijeck.
Walau telat memulai pengerjaanya, Ijeck mengharapkan agar Bendungan Lau Simeme bisa selesai tepat waktu. Sehingga dapat segera difungsikan dan manfaatnya segera dirasakan oleh masyarakat.
“Ada keterlambatan dalam memulai pembangunan bendungan ini, seharusnya akan selesai tahun 2022. Keterlambatan tersebut dikarenakan permasalahan pembebesan lahan. Saat ini, laporan yang saya terima sudah 60% proses pembebasan lahan yang sudah dilakukan, semoga saja dapat selesai tidak terlalu lama dari waktu yang telah ditentukan,” harapnya.
Untuk diketahui, Bendungan Serbaguna Lau Simeme merupakan salah satu alternatif untuk mengatasi permasalahan banjir di Kabupatn Deliserdang dan Medan, yang terjadi akibat besarnya debit air Sungai Percut dan Sungai Deli. Juga mampu menyediakan air baku sebesar 3.000 liter/detik.
Kepala BWS Sumatera II Maman Noprayamin mengatakan bahwa progres pembangunan Bendungan Lau Simeme telah mencapai 40%. Untuk pembangunan fisik sudah dilakukan mulai dari tahun 2018.
“Pembangunan dilaksanakan dengan dua paket, Paket I senilai Rp 806.871.000.000 yang dikerjakan PT Wijaya Karya (Wika), dan paket II bernilai Rp 581.047.000.000 yang dilaksanakan oleh PT Pembangunan Perumahan (PP),” ungkap Maman.
Disampaikan juga, terkait permasalahan lahan, untuk wilayah batas hutan itu diselesaikan dengan mengikuti perubahan tapal batas hutan, dan secara administratif akan dilakukan pelepasan pada tahun 2021 ini. ***
This is Musa Rajeck Shah’s Strategy to Overcome Medan City Floods | — The Deputy Governor (Vice Governor) of North Sumatra (North Sumatra) Musa Rajekshah reviewed the development of the Lau Simeme Dam, which is a National Strategic Project, in Kuala Dekah Lau Village, Sibiru Biru District, Deliserdang Regency, Wednesday 16 June 2021.
Deputy Governor Musa Rajekshah said there would be many benefits from the Lau Simeme Dam. Among others, as an alternative to overcome the problem of flooding in the city of Medan and useful as a power plant.
“Then the water discharge can also be used as a new water source for PDAM Tirtanadi or TirtaDeli. In addition, in certain areas of this place, it can also be used as a tourist spot,” said Musa Rajekshah, who is familiarly called Ijeck.
Even though the construction was late, Ijeck hoped that the Lau Simeme Dam could be completed on time. So that it can be used immediately and the benefits are immediately felt by the community.
“There is a delay in starting the construction of this dam, it should be completed in 2022. The delay is due to land acquisition problems. Currently, the report I received has 60% of the land acquisition process that has been carried out, hopefully it can be completed not too long from the time that has been set determined,” he hoped.
To note, the Lau Simeme Multipurpose Dam is an alternative to overcome the problem of flooding in Deliserdang and Medan districts, which occurred due to the large water discharge of the Percut River and Deli River. It is also capable of providing raw water of 3,000 liters/second.
Head of BWS Sumatra II Maman Noprayamin said that the progress of the Lau Simeme Dam construction has reached 40%. Physical development has been carried out starting from 2018.
“The development was carried out in two packages, Package I worth Rp 806.871 million which was carried out by PT Wijaya Karya (Wika), and Package II worth Rp 581.047 million which was carried out by PT Pembangunan Perumahan (PP),” said Maman.
It was also conveyed, related to land issues, for the forest boundary area it was resolved by following changes in forest boundaries, and administratively the release will be carried out in 2021. ***