Pemerintah Harus Hadir Dorong Pengembangan UKM

Pemerintah Harus Hadir Dorong Pengembangan UKM | — Wakil Gubernrnur (Wagub) Sumatera Utara (Sumut) Musa Rajekshah mengapresiasi kehadiran Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) yang menyajikan penganan dalam berbagai produk. Karena itu Wagub meminta dinas terkait melakukan pembinaan dan pengembangan bagi industri rumah tangga (IRT) tersebut dari segi kemasannya.

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Hal itu disampaikan Wagub saat mengunjungi IRT Medan Crispy 22 (MC22) milik Koad Chamdi, di Jalan Anugerah VII, Komplek Perumahan Cemara Abadi, Desa Sampali, Kecamatan Percut Seituan, Senin, 28 Juni 2021. Turut mendampingi Kepala Dinas Koperasi dan UKM Suherman, Kepala Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Riadil Akhir Lubis serta perwakilan PT Bank Sumut.

Dalam kunjungan tersebut, Wagub sempat melihat beberapa produk yang dihasilkan oleh MC22 maupun yang dikemas, baik menggunakan alat khusus yang mampu mensterilisasi makanan cepat saji sehingga mampu bertahan lama. Di antaranya Rendang Kepah, Kerang, Daging, Jamur, Sambal berbagai rasa, Bawang Goreng berbagai varian, dan lainnya, bahkan hingga menembus pasar ekspor.

“Melihat ini saya merasa pemerintah harus hadir dan ikut membatu mendorong pengembangan UKM seperti ini. Bahkan Pak Koad ini juga bersedia menjadi mentor untuk produk unggulan dari berbagai daerah. Apalagi kita kan banyak produk unggulan masing-masing kabupaten/kota,” ujar Musa Rajekshah kepada wartawan.

Kekuatan dari segi kemasan agar sebuah produk bisa tahan lama, menurut Wagub, adalah satu faktor penting dalam upaya pengembangan produksi makanan olahan yang siap saji dan memiliki citarasa tinggi. Sesuai kebutuhan perkembangan zaman, sesuatu yang praktis dan tahan lama sangat diminati oleh masyarakat, terutama pada industri pariwisata.

“Nanti Dinas Koperasi dan Dinas Perindag kita (Sumut) akan menindaklanjutinya. Pemprov bergandengan tangan dengan Pemkab/Pemko untuk mendorong UKM unggulan di daerahnya bisa maju. Mendorong pemasaran, seperti produk lokal di pasar (swalayan) modern dengan standar kualitas yang baik. Saya kira pengusaha juga akan bersedia menerima produk lokal. Intinya adalah bagaimana kita bisa memperkuat kemasan, seperti ini,” sebut Musa Rajekshah yang akrab disapa Ijeck ini sambil menunjukkan makanan kemasan hasil produksi MC22.


• Sabun Beraroma Eucalyptus Produksi UKM Jurnalis ‘Diorder’ TPL

Senada dengan itu, Kepala Dinas Koperasi dan UKM Sumut Suherman menjelaskan bahwa pihaknya akan membuat semacam klaster di beberapa daerah dalam hal pengembangan produk makanan olahan yang khas. Untuk selanjutnya akan dilakukan perluasan ke kabupaten/kota yang lain.

“Jadi untuk pengembangan produksi UKM ini, bagaimana barang yang dibutuhkan pasar bisa dipenuhi oleh para pelaku usaha. Untuk itu, harus ada kolaborasi antara UKM dalam wadah koperasi guna memperluas pasar. Jadi semua terintegrasi, semua terlibat. Sehingga ada penguatan lembaga di dalamnya,” jelas Suherman, didampingi Kabid Kelembagaan Dinas Koperasi dan UKM Sumut Unggul Sitanggang.

Sementara pemilik UKM MC22, Koad Chamdi menyampaikan apresiasi dan terima kasih atas kehadiran serta perhatian Wagub Sumut untuk melihat produksi rumahan yang ia jalankan bersama dengan belasan ibu rumah tangga. Apalagi tidak sekadar hadir, dorongan untuk penguatan produk khususnya kemasan, memberikan motivasi baginya dalam hal memperkuat industri makanan olahan tersebut.

“Saya sangat senang dan berterima kasih atas kedatangan beliau (Wagub). Jadi bisa melihat ada UKM yang punya potensi luar biasa untuk dikembangkan. Mudah-mudahan ini bisa dikembangkan dengan bantuan pemerintah, bagaimana membentuk klaster lain untuk satu daerah tertentu, agar lebih mudah dideteksi,” sebut Koad.

Menurutnya, bagaimana produk bisa diterima oleh konsumen ada beberapa hal seperti kualitas (citarasa), harga terjangkau, mudah didapat serta memiliki kemasan yang baik. Namun untuk menjadikan itu, perlu alat produksi yang memadai seperti alat masak, sampai pengemasan yang bisa membuatnya tahan lama. Hal itu juga memungkinkan jika pemerintah membantu membangun rumah produksi.

“Sehingga semua produksi UKM itu bisa dikumpul di sana (rumah produksi). Jika ada orang datang, apalagi wisatawan, bisa mendapatkan produk kuliner unggulan dari Sumut. Seringkali kita banyak membuat, tetapi menjalankannya kurang serius dan tidak kreatif. Makanya ke depan, saya berharap itu bisa diperbaiki. Mulai dari perbaikan produk hingga pemasaran yang aktif,” pungkasnya. ***

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Government Must Be Present to Encourage SME Development | — The Deputy Governor of North Sumatra (North Sumatra) Musa Rajekshah appreciated the presence of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) which served snacks in various products. Therefore, the Deputy Governor asked the relevant agencies to provide guidance and development for the home industry (IRT) in terms of packaging.

This was conveyed by the Deputy Governor while visiting IRT Medan Crispy 22 (MC22) belonging to the Chamdi Koad, on Jalan Anugerah VII, Cemara Abadi Housing Complex, Sampali Village, Percut Seituan District, Monday, June 28, 2021. Accompanying the Head of the Cooperatives and SMEs Service, Suherman, the Head of Department of Industry and Trade Riadil Akhir Lubis and representatives of PT Bank Sumut.

During the visit, the Deputy Governor had a chance to see several products produced by MC22 and those packaged, both using special tools that are capable of sterilizing fast food so that they can last a long time. Among them are Rendang Kepah, Mussels, Meat, Mushrooms, Sambal of various flavors, Fried Onions of various variants, and others, even reaching the export market.

“Seeing this, I feel that the government should come and help encourage the development of SMEs like this. Even Mr. Koad is also willing to be a mentor for superior products from various regions. Moreover, we have many superior products from each district/city,” said Musa Rajekshah to reporters.

The strength in terms of packaging so that a product can last a long time, according to the Deputy Governor, is an important factor in efforts to develop the production of processed foods that are ready to serve and have a high taste. According to the needs of the times, something practical and durable is in great demand by the public, especially in the tourism industry.

“Later, our Cooperative Service and Industry and Trade Service (North Sumatra) will follow up. The provincial government is working hand in hand with the regency/municipal government to encourage leading SMEs in their regions to progress. Encouraging marketing, such as local products in modern (supermarket) markets with good quality standards. I think entrepreneurs will also be willing to accept local products. The point is how we can strengthen packaging, like this,” said Musa Rajekshah, who is familiarly called Ijeck, while showing the packaged food produced by MC22.

In line with that, the Head of the North Sumatra Cooperatives and SMEs Office, Suherman, explained that his party would form clusters in several regions in terms of developing typical processed food products. Further expansion will be carried out to other districts/cities.

“So for the development of SME production, how can the goods needed by the market be fulfilled by business actors. For that, there must be collaboration between SMEs in a cooperative forum in order to expand the market. So all integrated, all involved. So that there is a strengthening of institutions in it,” explained Suherman, accompanied by the Head of Institutional Division of the North Sumatra Unggul Sitanggang Cooperatives and SMEs Service.

Meanwhile, the owner of UKM MC22, Koad Chamdi expressed his appreciation and gratitude for the presence and attention of the Deputy Governor of North Sumatra to see the home-based production he runs together with dozens of housewives. Moreover, not just being present, the encouragement to strengthen products, especially packaging, provides motivation for him in terms of strengthening the processed food industry.

“I am very happy and grateful for his arrival (Vice Governor). So we can see that there are SMEs that have tremendous potential to be developed. Hopefully this can be developed with the help of the government, how to form another cluster for a certain area, so that it is easier to detect, “said Koad.

According to him, how the product can be accepted by consumers there are several things such as quality (taste), affordable prices, easy to obtain and have good packaging. However, to make that happen, it needs adequate production tools such as cooking utensils, to packaging that can make it durable. It is also possible if the government helps build production houses.

“So that all SME production can be collected there (production house). If anyone comes, especially tourists, they can get superior culinary products from North Sumatra. Often we make a lot, but run it less seriously and not creatively. So in the future, I hope it can be improved. Starting from product improvement to active marketing,” he concluded. ***


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