UNPRI Peroleh Hibah Terbesar Dalam Penyelenggaraan KMMI 2021

UNPRI Peroleh Hibah Terbesar Dalam Penyelenggaraan KMMI 2021

UNPRI Peroleh Hibah Terbesar Dalam Penyelenggaraan KMMI 2021 | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Universitas Prima Indonesia (UNPRI) memperoleh hibah terbesar sebagai penyelenggara KMMI 2021 di Provinsi Sumatera Utara.

Tak hanya itu, UNPRI juga berhasil memperoleh jumlah course dan kuota peserta terbanyak dari seluruh perguruan tinggi di Sumut yang memperoleh hibah KMMI 2021.

Rektor UNPRI, Prof Dr Chrismis Novalinda Ginting MKes sangat bangga atas perolehan ini. Keberhasilan ini merupakan perwujudan universitas dalam mendukung Program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka dan berharap ini akan terus berlanjut.


Bacaan Lainnya

“UNPRI terus berprestasi dalam bidang lainnya karena UNPRI the best choice,” jelas Rektor UNPRI.

Tambah Rektor, dengan tetap mengusung sebagai Kampus Multi Etnis, beberapa bidang course yang berhasil diajukan oleh UNPRI adalah Media Pembelajaran Digital BIPA, Legal Corporate, Perawatan Hemodialisa, Corporate Financial Accounting Check Up, Keterampilan Masase Bayi, Surveilans Epidemiologi Molekuler Penyakit Diabetes Melitus dan A Data Science Fundameta dengan total kuota peserta dari UNPRI yang dapat mengikuti hibah KMMI 2021 adalah sebanyak 1.040 mahasiswa. 

Sementara di tempat terpisah Ketua BPH UNPRI Dr Tommy  Leonard SH MKn kepada wartawan, Minggu, 4 Juli 2021, memberikan apresiasi atas prestasi luar biasa yang sudah ditorehkan oleh UNPRI di masa pandemi Covid-19 yang belum berakhir hingga saat ini dan harus senantiasa waspada agar semua terhindar dari virus berbahaya dan mematikan itu dan selalu menerapkan ubah prilaku hidup sehat sesuai anjuran protokol kesehatan ketat. 



• UNPRI Torehkan Prestasi 5 Hibah Dirjen Dikti Kemendikbud

“UNPRI harus berinovasi di segala bidang dalam kondisi apapun. Karena kemajuan dan kesinambungan perguruan tinggi akan sangat ditentukan dari banyaknya kreasi dan inovasi sebuah perguruan tinggi tersebut. UNPRI sudah membuktikan sebagai satu-satunya penerima hibah terbanyak KMMI 2021 di Sumatera Utara. Prestasi sulit dicapai tapi juga hendaknya harus dapat dipertahankan atau ditingkatkan lagi di waktu lain,” kata Tommy.

Tommy berharap, kedepannya UNPRI dapat terus berkiprah mengembangkan role model pembelajaran di perguruan tinggi sejalan dengan tuntutan kampus ini menuju universitas berkelas dunia dan mampu bersaing dengan perguruan tinggi lainnya di era revolusi industri 4.0.

“Pesatnya kemajuan pendidikan tinggi yang mengharapkan agar lulusan UNPRI bisa diterima di dunia kerja dan industri karena telah dibekali keahlian dan kemampuan wirausaha,” sebut Tommy. ***


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UNPRI Receives Largest Grant in Implementing KMMI 2021 | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Prima Indonesia University (UNPRI) received the largest grant as the organizer of KMMI 2021 in North Sumatra Province.

Not only that, UNPRI also succeeded in obtaining the highest number of courses and quotas of participants from all universities in North Sumatra that received the 2021 KMMI grant.

The Chancellor of UNPRI, Prof. Dr. Chrismis Novalinda Ginting MKes, is very proud of this achievement. This success is a manifestation of the university in supporting the Independent Campus Independent Learning Program and hopes that this will continue.



“UNPRI continues to excel in other fields because UNPRI is the best choice,” explained the UNPRI Chancellor.

The Chancellor added, while still carrying as a Multi-Ethnic Campus, several courses that were successfully proposed by UNPRI were BIPA Digital Learning Media, Corporate Legal, Hemodialysis Treatment, Corporate Financial Accounting Check Up, Infant Massage Skills, Surveillance of Molecular Epidemiology of Diabetes Mellitus and A Data Science Fundameta with a total quota of participants from UNPRI who can take part in the 2021 KMMI grant is 1,040 students.

Meanwhile, in a separate place, the Head of BPH UNPRI Dr Tommy Leonard SH MKn told reporters, Sunday, July 4 2021, giving appreciation for the extraordinary achievements that have been made by UNPRI during the Covid-19 pandemic which has not ended until now and must always be vigilant so that all avoid this dangerous and deadly virus and always implement changes in healthy living behavior according to the recommendations of strict health protocols.


“UNPRI must innovate in all fields under any conditions. Because the progress and sustainability of higher education will be largely determined by the many creations and innovations of a university. UNPRI has proven to be the only recipient of the most KMMI 2021 grants in North Sumatra. Achievements are difficult to achieve but should also be maintained or improved again at another time,” said Tommy.

Tommy hopes that in the future UNPRI can continue to take part in developing role models of learning in higher education in line with the demands of this campus towards world-class universities and being able to compete with other universities in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0.

“The rapid progress of higher education hopes that UNPRI graduates can be accepted in the world of work and industry because they have been equipped with entrepreneurial skills and abilities,” said Tommy. ***






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