Kisah Viral Susu Mbok Darmi Miliki 36 Outlet

Kisah Viral Susu Mbok Darmi Miliki 36 Outlet

Kisah Viral Susu Mbok Darmi Miliki 36 Outlet | — Industri minuman kekinian di Indonesia yang booming dalam beberapa tahun terakhir umumnya menawarkan jenis minuman berbahan dasar kopi atau teh. Menolak mengikuti arus, Dhony Pratama memutuskan untuk mengembangkan minuman kekinian berbahan susu pasteurisasi dengan brand Susu Mbok Darmi.

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Dari hanya satu outlet di kantin kampus, kini susu Mbok Darmi berkembang pesat menjadi 36 outlet dan 130 karyawan. Di tengah kesibukan, pria 27 tahun itu tampak mempersiapkan partisipasi Susu Mbok Darmi dalam kampanye ShopeePay 7.7 Juli Cashback Meriah. Di sana CEO & Founder Susu Mbok Darmi Dhony Pratama membagikan kisah suksesnya dalam membangun bisnis susu kekinian ini, Senin, 5 Juli 2021.

Memang, sebelum viral, siapa sangka kisah sukses Susu Mbok Darmi berawal dari ide sederhana Dhony untuk menambah uang jajan saat kuliah. Dhony yang kala itu berstatus sebagai mahasiswa Fakultas Peternakan Institut Pertanian Bogor, melihat peluang bisnis susu dari ilmu peternakan yang dipelajari.

“Saat pertama memulai, saya ingin produk yang kami tawarkan bisa menjangkau pasar dengan cepat. Oleh karena itu, kami memilih pasar yang sudah jadi seperti kantin kampus di mana target pasarnya sudah terbentuk, yaitu mahasiswa,” kata Dhony.

Ketika banyak merek memilih nama kebarat-baratan, Dhony memilih jalan berbeda. Ia memilih nama “Mbok Darmi” sebagai merek. Nama tersebut dipilih karena terdengar sederhana dan Indonesia banget. Tak berhenti di nama, Susu Mbok Darmi juga tampil dengan slogan yang nyeleneh. Kombinasi dua hal tersebut berkontribusi pada pesatnya kenaikan popularitas Susu Mbok Darmi di awal kemunculannya.

Di awal kemunculan Susu Mbok Darmi, layanan pembayaran digital belum sepopuler sekarang. Namun, seiring meningginya adopsi layanan digital oleh masyarakat Indonesia, Susu Mbok Darmi juga melakukan digitalisasi bisnis. Sejak Januari 2020, Susu Mbok Darmi bisa dibeli menggunakan layanan pembayaran digital ShopeePay.


Dari segi marketing, Susu Mbok Darmi secara jeli memanfaatkan kampanye tanggal cantik dari pembayaran digital ShopeePay. “Penjualan kami bisa meroket hingga 36% saat mengikuti kampanye tanggal cantik dari ShopeePay. Konsumen yang umumnya membeli satu minuman jadi membeli lebih banyak, berkat promo tanggal cantik yang diberikan ShopeePay dan juga paket bundling yang kami tawarkan,” cerita Dhony.

Bulan ini, Susu Mbok Darmi kembali berpartisipasi pada kampanye tanggal cantik ShopeePay 7.7 Juli Cashback Meriah. Pada kampanye tersebut, produk Susu Mbok Darmi dan ratusan merchant lainnya bisa didapatkan dengan lebih hemat berkat adanya promo-promo seperti Voucher Cashback 100% seharga Rp100 dan Flash Sale Rp7. Pada promo puncak yang berlangsung 7 Juli, Voucher Cashback dapat dibeli hanya dengan Rp1.

Ketika sudah viral, tugas selanjutnya adalah bagaimana mempertahankan kualitas produk dan pelayanan prima. Untuk itu, kualitas Susu Mbok Darmi dijaga ketat dengan quality control berlapis yang dilakukan setiap harinya. Dhony juga memperlakukan karyawannya seperti keluarga sehingga mereka pun bisa berlaku ramah terhadap konsumen.

Secara pribadi, Dhony juga terus belajar dengan mengikuti pelatihan-pelatihan entrepreneurship dan belajar dari sosok-sosok sukses lainnya. ***

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The Viral Story of Mbok Darmi’s Milk Has 36 Outlets | — The booming beverage industry in Indonesia in recent years generally offers coffee or tea-based drinks. Refusing to go with the flow, Dhony Pratama decided to develop a contemporary drink made from pasteurized milk with the Mbok Darmi Milk brand.

From only one outlet in the campus canteen, now Mbok Darmi’s milk has grown rapidly to 36 outlets and 130 employees. In the midst of his busy schedule, the 27-year-old man seemed to be preparing for Susu Mbok Darmi’s participation in the ShopeePay 7.7 July Cashback Meriah campaign. There, Mbok Milk CEO & Founder Darmi Dhony Pratama shared his success story in building this modern dairy business, Monday, July 5, 2021.

Indeed, before it went viral, who would have thought that Mbok Darmi’s success story started with Dhony’s simple idea to increase pocket money during college. Dhony, who at that time was a student at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Bogor Agricultural University, saw a milk business opportunity from the animal husbandry he studied.

“When I first started, I wanted the products we offered to reach the market quickly. Therefore, we choose a ready-made market, such as a campus canteen where the target market is already established, namely students,” said Dhony.

While many brands chose westernized names, Dhony chose a different path. He chose the name “Mbok Darmi” as the brand. The name was chosen because it sounded simple and very Indonesian. It doesn’t stop at the name, Susu Mbok Darmi also appears with an eccentric slogan. The combination of these two things contributed to the rapid increase in the popularity of Mbok Darmi Milk at the beginning of its appearance.

At the beginning of the emergence of Mbok Darmi Milk, digital payment services were not as popular as they are now. However, along with the increasing adoption of digital services by the Indonesian people, Susu Mbok Darmi is also digitizing business. Since January 2020, Mbok Darmi Milk can be purchased using the ShopeePay digital payment service.

From a marketing perspective, Susu Mbok Darmi is keen to take advantage of the beautiful date campaign from ShopeePay’s digital payments. “Our sales can skyrocket up to 36% when participating in the beautiful date campaign from ShopeePay. Consumers who generally buy one drink buy more, thanks to the beautiful date promo provided by ShopeePay and also the bundling package that we offer,” said Dhony.

This month, Susu Mbok Darmi again participates in the ShopeePay beautiful date campaign 7.7 July Cashback Meriah. In this campaign, Mbok Darmi Milk products and hundreds of other merchants can be obtained more efficiently thanks to promotions such as a 100% Cashback Voucher for Rp. 100 and a Flash Sale of Rp. 7. At the peak promo which took place on July 7, Cashback Vouchers can be purchased for only Rp 1.

When it is viral, the next task is how to maintain product quality and excellent service. For this reason, the quality of Mbok Darmi’s milk is strictly maintained with layered quality control that is carried out every day. Dhony also treats his employees like family so that they too can be friendly to consumers.

Personally, Dhony also continues to learn by participating in entrepreneurship trainings and learning from other successful figures. ***



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