Berkah Idul Adha Bagi Saham Bank Syariah

Berkah Idul Adha Bagi Saham Bank Syariah | — Saham perbankan syariah kompak menguat pada awal perdagangan, Rabu (21/7/2021), setelah sebelumnya cenderung ditutup melemah di zona merah.

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Menurut data, saham Bank menjadi pemimpin ‘klasemen’ dengan naik 3,12% ke Rp 3.300/saham. Padahal sempat melorot 1,54% ke Rp 3.200/saham. Seiring dengan kenaikan saham Bank, asing ramai-ramai masuk dengan catatan beli bersih (net buy) sebesar Rp 10,29 miliar. Dalam sepekan saham BANK stagnan di 0,00%, sementara dalam sebulan naik tipis 0,92%.

Kabar teranyar, pada awal bulan ini, Bank Aladin mengumumkan kolaborasi strategis dengan emiten pengelola ritel Alfamart PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk (AMRT) serta perusahaan penyedia aplikasi telemedicine Halodoc.

Selain Bank, saham BTPS juga menguat 1,62% ke Rp 2.510/saham dengan nilai transaksi Rp 2 miliar, setelah pada Senin lalu ambles 3,89%. Kendati menguat, dalam sepekan saham BTPS ambles 4,20%, sementara dalam sebulan anjlok 10,36%.

Mengenai kinerja keuangan, BTPS mencatatkan laba bersih senilai Rp 375 miliar sepanjang kuartal I-2021 atau sekitar 44% dari total laba bersih 2020 senilai Rp 854,61 miliar.

Sementara itu, dari sisi aset tercatat Rp 17,27 triliun atau naik 8% dibandingkan periode yang sama 2020 senilai Rp 16 triliun. Sementara itu Dana Pihak Ketiga (DPK) perseroan juga meningkat sebesar 9% mencapai Rp 10,5 triliun dari periode yang sama tahun lalu senilai Rp Rp 9,68 triliun. BTPN Syariah juga telah menyalurkan pembiayaan senilai Rp 9,7 triliun.


Di bawah saham BTPS, ada saham BRIS yang naik 1,54% ke Rp 2.630/saham. Nilai transaksi saham BRIS mencapai Rp 165 miliar pagi ini, menjadikan saham ini di posisi ketiga saham dengan nilai transaksi tertinggi di bursa.

Dalam sepekan saham BRIS melesat 14,85%, sementara dalam sebulan melonjak 45,30%. Sepanjang kuartal I-2021 BRIS mencatatkan laba bersih senilai Rp 742 miliar. Nilai ini naik 12,85% secara tahunan (year on year/YoY) dibandingkan dengan akhir kuartal I-2020 lalu yang sebesar Rp 657 miliar.

Dari segi pembiayaan, nilai pembiayaan yang disalurkan mencapai Rp 159 triliun, naik 14,74% dari periode sama 2020 sebesar Rp 138,6 triliun. Penghimpunan Dana Pihak Ketiga (DPK) hingga periode tersebut mencapai Rp 205,5 triliun, naik 14,3% dibandingkan periode sama 2020 sebesar Rp 179,8 triliun.


Dana ini didominasi oleh peningkatan Dana Murah (Giro dan Tabungan) sebesar 14,73% sehingga meningkatkan rasio CASA dari 57,54% pada triwulan 1 2020 menjadi 57,76% di triwulan 1 2021.

Berikut pergerakan saham Bank Syariah:
1. Bank Aladin Syariah (BANK), saham +3,12%, ke Rp 3.300, transaksi Rp 88 Miliar.
2. Bank Panin Dubai Syariah (PNBS), +2,90%, ke Rp 142, transaksi Rp 8 Miliar.
3. Bank BTPN Syariah (BTPS), +1,62%, ke Rp 2.510, transaksi Rp 2 Miliar.
4. Bank Syariah Indonesia (BRIS), +1,54%, ke Rp 2.630, transaksi Rp 165 Miliar. ***

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Eid Al Adha Blessings for Sharia Bank Shares | — Compact Islamic banking stocks rose in early trading, Wednesday (21/7/2021), after previously tending to close lower in the red zone.

According to the data, the Bank’s shares became the leader of the ‘standings’ with an increase of 3.12% to Rp 3,300/share. Even though it had dropped 1.54% to Rp 3,200/share. Along with the increase in Bank shares, foreigners flocked to enter with a net buy record of Rp 10.29 billion. In a week, BANK’s stock was stagnant at 0.00%, while in a month it edged up 0.92%.

The latest news, earlier this month, Bank Aladin announced a strategic collaboration with the issuer of Alfamart retail management PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk (AMRT) and the telemedicine application provider Halodoc.

Apart from banks, BTPS shares also rose 1.62% to Rp 2,510/share with a transaction value of Rp 2 billion, after last Monday’s 3.89% drop. Despite strengthening, in a week BTPS shares fell 4.20%, while in a month fell 10.36%.

Regarding financial performance, BTPS recorded a net profit of Rp 375 billion during the first quarter of 2021 or around 44 percent of the total 2020 net profit of Rp 854.61 billion.

Meanwhile, in terms of assets, it was recorded at IDR 17.27 trillion, an increase of 8% compared to the same period in 2020 which was IDR 16 trillion. Meanwhile, the company’s Third Party Funds (DPK) also increased by 9% to Rp 10.5 trillion from the same period last year of Rp 9.68 trillion. BTPN Syariah has also disbursed financing worth Rp 9.7 trillion.

Below BTPS shares, there was BRIS stock which rose 1.54% to Rp 2,630/share. The transaction value of BRIS shares reached Rp 165 billion this morning, making this stock in the third position with the highest transaction value on the stock exchange.

In a week, BRIS shares shot up 14.85%, while in a month it jumped 45.30%. Throughout the first quarter of 2021, BRIS recorded a net profit of Rp 742 billion. This value increased by 12.85% year on year (YoY) compared to the end of the first quarter of 2020 which amounted to Rp 657 billion.

In terms of financing, the value of financing disbursed reached Rp 159 trillion, an increase of 14.74% from the same period in 2020 of Rp 138.6 trillion. Third Party Funds (DPK) until that period reached Rp 205.5 trillion, up 14.3% compared to the same period in 2020 of Rp 179.8 trillion.

This fund was dominated by an increase in Cheap Funds (Current Accounts and Savings) by 14.73%, thereby increasing the CASA ratio from 57.54% in the 1st quarter of 2020 to 57.76% in the 1st quarter of 2021.

The following is the movement of Islamic Bank shares:
1. Bank Aladin Syariah (BANK), +3.12% shares, to Rp. 3,300, transaction of Rp. 88 billion.
2. Bank Panin Dubai Syariah (PNBS), +2.90%, to Rp. 142, transaction of Rp. 8 billion.
3. Bank BTPN Syariah (BTPS), +1.62%, to Rp 2,510, transaction Rp 2 Billion.
4. Bank Syariah Indonesia (BRIS), +1.54%, to Rp. 2,630, transactions of Rp. 165 billion. ***


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