Tiga Mahasiswa IB IT&B Raih Prestasi Bertaraf Internasional

Tiga Mahasiswa IB IT&B Raih Prestasi Bertaraf Internasional

Tiga Mahasiswa IB IT&B Raih Prestasi Bertaraf Internasional | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Tiga mahasiswa jurusan Management Institut Bisnis Informasi Teknologi dan Bisnis (IB IT&B) berhasil meraih gelar Top 6 dalam kompetisi bertaraf internasional, yaitu ‘International Risk Management Case-Solving Competition 2021’.

Kompetisi itu diselenggarakan oleh Universitas Katolik Parahyangan dan Center for Risk Management & Sustainability (CRMS), diikuti oleh 85 tim dari berbagai Universitas di dunia.

Perwakilan mahasiswa jurusan Management IB IT&B yang meraih prestasi adalah Fransiska Theresia, Dedy Hariady dan Metta Shinta Devi.

Dalam kompetisi tersebut, para peserta diminta untuk menganalisa manajemen risiko dari berbagai perusahaan. Ada 3 babak yang dilewati oleh para peserta, diantaranya babak penyisihan awal yang mengeliminasi 70 tim.


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Pada babak kedua, 15 tim yang tersisa bertanding lagi dan 6 tim dipilih untuk masuk ke babak Final. Dalam babak final, mahasiswa IB IT&B bersaing dengan para mahasiswa dari Nanyang Technology University (NTU) – Singapore, National University Singapore (NUS) – Singapore, Vietnam National University, Universitas Surabaya dan Institut Pertanian Bogor.

“Mahasiswa IB IT&B telah berlatih dan melakukan yang terbaik hingga bisa mecapai prestasi ini. Hal ini tentunya dapat dicapai karena dukungan moral dan bimbingan dari para dosen IB IT&B,” ujar Managing Director IB IT&B, Dr Agus Susanto Tan kepada awak media ketika dikonfirmasi, Rabu, 21 Juli 2021.



• Tiga Mahasiswa IB IT&B Raih Prestasi Bertaraf Internasional

Dr Agus mengungkapkan, prestasi skala internasional yang diraih mahasiswa IB IT&B merupakan kebanggaan bagi civitas IB IT&B.

“Saya ucapkan terimakasih kepada para dosen dan para Kaprodi Institut Bisnis IT&B terus membimbing dan memotivasi mahasiswa untuk terus menuai karya di tengah pandemi yang masih berkepanjangan di tanah air,” kata Dr Agus.

“Harapannya ke depan, semoga pencapaian ini dapat memotivasi mahasiswa IB IT&B lain untuk terus semangat dan berprestasi,” tambah Dr Agus. ***


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Three IB IT&B Students Achieve International Standards | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Three students majoring in Management at the Institute of Business, Information Technology and Business (IB IT&B) won Top 6 titles in an international competition, namely the ‘International Risk Management Case-Solving Competition 2021’.

The competition was organized by Parahyangan Catholic University and the Center for Risk Management & Sustainability (CRMS), followed by 85 teams from various universities around the world.

Representatives of students majoring in IB IT&B Management who achieved achievements were Fransiska Theresia, Dedy Hariady and Metta Shinta Devi.



In the competition, participants were asked to analyze the risk management of various companies. There were 3 rounds that were passed by the participants, including the preliminary preliminary round which eliminated 70 teams.

In the second round, the remaining 15 teams competed again and 6 teams were selected to enter the Final round. In the final round, IB IT&B students competed with students from Nanyang Technology University (NTU) – Singapore, National University Singapore (NUS) – Singapore, Vietnam National University, University of Surabaya and Bogor Agricultural University.

“IB IT&B students have practiced and done their best to achieve this achievement. This of course can be achieved because of the moral support and guidance from IB IT&B lecturers,” said Managing Director of IB IT&B, Dr Agus Susanto Tan to the media crew when confirmed, Wednesday , July 21, 2021.


Dr Agus said that the international scale achievements achieved by IB IT&B students are a source of pride for the IB IT&B community.

“I thank the lecturers and the Head of the IT&B Business Institute for continuing to guide and motivate students to continue to reap work in the midst of a prolonged pandemic in the country,” said Dr Agus.

“Hopefully in the future, hopefully this achievement can motivate other IB IT&B students to continue to be enthusiastic and achieve,” added Dr Agus. ***





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