‘Gerombolan’ Pemodal Asing Masuk Bursa Indonesia

‘Gerombolan’ Pemodal Asing Masuk Bursa Indonesia | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Saham-saham berkapitalisasi pasar besar atau big caps disebut-sebut sudah terlalu murah, sehingga menarik minat investor asing untuk masuk ke pasar modal Tanah Air.

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Berdasarkan data Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), investor asing membukukan beli bersih atau net buy senilai Rp811,65 miliar. Sejak awal tahun, investor asing net buy Rp18,85 triliun. Sementara itu, IHSG ditutup naik 1,78 persen menjadi 6.137. Sejak awal tahun, IHSG tumbuh 2,65 persen.

Direktur Perdagangan dan Anggota Bursa BEI Laksono Widodo mengatakan masuknya aliran dana asing di pasar modal seiring dengan kenaikan indeks saham secara global.

“Dengan naiknya indeks di pasar luar negeri, banyak yang melihat bahwa big caps di Indonesia sudah dinilai undervalue atau relatif murah,” kata Laksono, Jumat, 23 Juli 2021.


Dia menunjukkan indeks saham terlikuid seperti indeks LQ45 dan indeks IDX30 juga ketinggalan cukup jauh dari IHSG, sehingga membuat perusahaan berkapitalisasi besar semakin menarik dari sisi valuasi.

Ada pun, sejak awal tahun indeks LQ45 turun 8,33 persen sedangkan indeks IDX30 anjlok 8,92 persen. Selain faktor tersebut, Laksono menambahkan, rencana pemerintah untuk melonggarkan pembatasan sosial juga menjadi sentimen positif di pasar.

“Terus juga ada unsur mau dilepasnya PPKM dalam waktu dekat,” kata Laksono. ***

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‘Groups’ of Foreign Investors Enter Indonesia Stock Exchange | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Stocks with large market capitalization or big caps are said to be too cheap, thus attracting foreign investors to enter the country’s capital market.

Based on data from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), foreign investors booked a net buy or net buy of IDR811.65 billion. Since the beginning of the year, foreign investors have netted Rp18.85 trillion. Meanwhile, the JCI closed up 1.78 percent to 6,137. Since the beginning of the year, the JCI grew 2.65 percent.

IDX Director of Trading and Exchange Members Laksono Widodo said the inflow of foreign funds in the capital market was in line with the increase in global stock indexes.

“With the increase in the index in foreign markets, many see that big caps in Indonesia are considered undervalued or relatively cheap,” said Laksono, Friday, July 23, 2021.

He pointed out that the most liquid stock indexes such as the LQ45 index and the IDX30 index also lag quite far from the JCI, making large-cap companies more attractive from a valuation perspective.

Meanwhile, since the beginning of the year the LQ45 index fell 8.33 percent while the IDX30 index fell 8.92 percent. Apart from these factors, Laksono added, the government’s plan to relax social restrictions has also become a positive sentiment in the market.

“There is also an element of wanting to release PPKM in the near future,” said Laksono. ***


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