PPKM Diperpanjang Pengusaha Rugi Rp 40 Triliun

PPKM Diperpanjang Pengusaha Rugi Rp 40 Triliun

PPKM Diperpanjang Pengusaha Rugi Rp 40 Triliun | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Pelaksanaan PPKM Level 4 telah memukul pengusaha mal dan ritel. Jika kembali diperpanjang setelah 2 Agustus, dipastikan potensi kehilangan omzet pendapatan akan semakin lebih besar.

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Ketua Umum Asosiasi Pengelola Pusat Belanja Indonesia (APPBI) Alphonzus Widjaja mengatakan dampaknya berat karena penyewa toko dan mal tutup tidak bisa berjualan. Sementara penyewa toko meminta kebijakan keringanan dari sewa dan service charge. Hal ini membuat pendapatan pusat belanja merosot.

“Pendapatan merosot tajam, pusat belanja masih ada biaya operasi yang cenderung tidak berubah nilainya. Khususnya dari listrik harus bayar walaupun tidak ada pemakaian tapi ada tarif pemakaian minimum, begitu juga gas harus bayar, pajak reklame,” jelasnya kepada CNBC Indonesia, Rabu, 28 Juli 2021.

Berdasarkan hitungan yang dibuat anggota asosiasi yang berjumlah 350 pusat belanja, paling tidak dalam satu bulan potensi kehilangan dari pendapatan sewa mencapai Rp 5 triliun selama masa PPKM Darurat dan PPKM Level 4 ini.

“Itu potensi angka kehilangan pendapatan jikaPPKM darurat berlangsung, kalau dua bulan ya jadi Rp 10 triliun,” jelasnya.

Ketua Umum Himpunan Peritel dan Penyewa Pusat Perbelanjaan (Hippindo) Budihardjo Iduansjah mengatakan potensi kehilangan omzet pada penyewa tenant mencapai Rp 40 triliun.


“Ini yang kita ungkapkan pada pemerintah bahwa ritel adalah ujung tombak. supplier ekosistem harus kita bantu, Dengan produksinya kami jual. Toko nggak ada gimana mau jual. Padahal sektor konsumsi ini menopang ekonomi,” jelasnya.

“Saat ini orang menyimpan uang di bank mencapai Rp 800 triliun. Itu tidak dipakai. Kita harapkan segera ada event atau tindakan orang nyaman berbelanja dengan prokes ketat supaya orang mau membelanjakan uangnya juga,” katanya.

Budihardjo menjelaskan jika PPKM Darurat berlarut-larut, efisiensi yang akan dilakukan bisa mengurangi jumlah gerai. Ini adalah langkah terakhir untuk bertahan di masa pandemi.

“Mungkin penyewa akan melihat lokasi itu apakah kita pertahankan atau tidak. ini berkaitan dengan pengembangan ekspansi toko atau yang eksisting dipertahankan atau tidak,” jelasnya. ***

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PPKM Extended Entrepreneurs Lose Rp 40 Trillion | OBROLANBISNIS.com — The implementation of PPKM Level 4 has hit mall and retail entrepreneurs. If it is extended again after August 2, it is certain that the potential for loss of revenue turnover will be even greater.

General Chairperson of the Indonesian Shopping Center Management Association (APPBI) Alphonzus Widjaja said the impact was severe because shop and mall tenants were closed and unable to sell. Meanwhile, shop tenants ask for a policy of waivers from rent and service charges. This causes the shopping center’s revenue to decline.

“Revenues have fallen sharply, shopping centers still have operating costs that tend not to change in value. Especially from electricity, you have to pay even though there is no usage but there is a minimum usage rate, as well as gas you have to pay, advertising tax,” he explained to CNBC Indonesia, Wednesday, 28 July 2021.

Based on the calculations made by the association’s 350 shopping centers, in at least one month the potential loss from rental income reaches IDR 5 trillion during the Emergency PPKM and Level 4 PPKM.

“That’s the potential loss of income if the emergency PPKM takes place, if it takes two months, it becomes Rp 10 trillion,” he explained.

Chairman of the Association of Retailers and Shopping Center Tenants (Hippindo) Budihardjo Iduansjah said the potential loss of turnover for tenants reached Rp 40 trillion.

“This is what we say to the government that retail is the spearhead. We must help ecosystem suppliers. We sell them with their production. There is no way to sell shops. Even though the consumption sector supports the economy,” he explained.

“Currently, people save money in banks reaching Rp 800 trillion. It is not used. We hope that soon there will be an event or action for people to be comfortable shopping with strict procedures so that people want to spend their money too,” he explained.

Budihardjo explained that if the Emergency PPKM drags on, the efficiency that will be carried out can reduce the number of outlets. This is the last step to survive the pandemic.

“Maybe the tenant will see whether we keep the location or not. This is related to the development of store expansion or the existing one is maintained or not,” he explained. ***


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