Orang Nomor 1 di Sumut Minta Tirtanadi Percepat Suplay Kebutuhan Air Minum Masyarakat

Orang Nomor 1 di Sumut Minta Tirtanadi Percepat Suplay Kebutuhan Air Minum Masyarakat

Orang Nomor 1 di Sumut Minta Tirtanadi Percepat Suplay Kebutuhan Air Minum Masyarakat | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Gubernur Sumatera Utara (Sumut) Edy Rahmayadi meminta Perusahaan Air Minum Daerah (PDAM) Tirtanadi untuk mempercepat memenuhi kebutuhan air masyarakat Kota Medan dan sekitarnya, sebanyak 11.000 liter/detik.

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Hal tersebut disampaikan Gubernur Edy Rahmayadi usai menyaksikan Penandatanganan Nota Kesepahaman antara Perusahaan Air Minum Daerah (PDAM) Tirtanadi dan PT Tirta Nusantara Sukses di Rumah Dinas Gubernur, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Nomor 41, Medan, Kamis, 29 Juli 2021.

Saat ini, kebutuhan air masyarakat Kota Medan sudah terpenuhi sekitar 7.200 liter/detik dan masih dibutuhkan tambahan sekitar 3.800 liter/detik lagi. “Untuk itu perlu percepatan-percepatan. Rakyat butuh air, segera percepat itu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air masyarakat, segera kejar 11.000 liter/detik,” kata Gubernur.

Menurut Gubernur, sebenarnya Sumut memiliki potensi air yang sangat besar. Karena itu, tidak ada alasan masyarakat kekurangan air. “Tidak ada alasan rakyat kita sengsara karena air, saya mau masyarakat saya sejahtera dalam hal air ini,” kata Edy Rahmayadi.

Mengenai nota kesepahaman, Edy mengapresiasi PDAM Tirtanadi yang berkolaborasi dengan pihak swasta. Hal tersebut diperlukan sepanjang masih dalam koridor yang benar. “Kerja yang benar dan lakukan yang terbaik,” pesannya.

Direktur Utama PDAM Tirtanadi Kabir Bedi menyampaikan, pihaknya menargetkan paling lambat, tahun 2023 kebutuhan air masyarakat Kota Medan akan terpenuhi. Upaya yang dilakukannya adalah mempercepat pembangunan Instalasi Pengolahan Air (IPA) baru.


Dijelaskan Kabir, IPA berkapasitas 1.100 liter/detik dibangun di Binjai, yang bekerja sama dengan Kementerian PUPR, ditargetkan selesai November 2022. PT PDAM Tirtanadi juga telah melakukan nota kesepahaman dengan pihak swasta untuk membangun IPA berkapasitas 500 liter/detik di Brayan, Kota Medan, akan selesai awal 2023.

Di Johor, Kota Medan, pihaknya juga sudah menandatangani nota kesepahaman dengan PT Tirta Sukses akan membangun IPA berkapasitas 400 liter/detik, ditargetkan selesai tahun 2023. “Kehadiran kita, bagaimana permasalahan bisa kita selesaikan dengan cara mempercepat seluruh pembangunan instalasi air, karena solusinya bagaimana harus ada instalasi-instalasi baru di Kota Medan ini,” kata Kabir.

Mengenai MoU dengan PT Tirta Sukses yang disaksikan Gubernur Edy Rahmayadi, Kabir mengatakan kerja sama yang dilakukan dengan pola Build Operate and Transfer (BOT). Ia menjelaskan, pembangunan dilakukan pihak swasta. Kemudian dalam beberapa tahun instalasi tersebut akan diserahkan kepada PDAM Tirtanadi.

Sementara itu Direktur PT Tirta Nusantara Sukses Sukarman berkomitmen pihaknya akan menyelesaikan pembangunan instalasi tersebut sesuai target. Sehingga kebutuhan air minum masyarakat dapat terpenuhi. “Sesuai dengan harapan Pak Gubernur, kami berkomitmen akan menyelesaikan pekerjaan dengan tepat waktu,” kata Sukarman. ***

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Number 1 in North Sumatra Asks Tirtanadi to Accelerate the Supply of Community Drinking Water | OBROLANBISNIS.com — The Governor of North Sumatra (Sumut) Edy Rahmayadi asked the Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) Tirtanadi to speed up meeting the water needs of the people of Medan City and its surroundings, as much as 11,000 liters/second.

This was conveyed by Governor Edy Rahmayadi after witnessing the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) Tirtanadi and PT Tirta Nusantara Sukses at the Governor’s Office House, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Number 41, Medan, Thursday, July 29 2021.

Currently, the water needs of the people of Medan City have been met at around 7,200 liters/second and an additional 3,800 liters/second is still needed. “For that we need acceleration. The people need water, hurry up to meet the community’s water needs, immediately chase 11,000 liters/second,” said the Governor.

According to the Governor, North Sumatra actually has enormous water potential. Therefore, there is no reason for the community to lack water. “There is no reason for our people to suffer because of water, I want my community to be prosperous in terms of water,” said Edy Rahmayadi.

Regarding the memorandum of understanding, Edy appreciated PDAM Tirtanadi for collaborating with the private sector. This is necessary as long as it is still in the right corridor. “Do the right thing and do your best,” he ordered.

President Director of PDAM Tirtanadi Kabir Bedi said that his party targets that by 2023 the water needs of the people of Medan City will be fulfilled. His efforts are to accelerate the construction of new Water Treatment Plants (IPA).

Kabir explained that the WTP with a capacity of 1,100 liters/second was built in Binjai, in collaboration with the Ministry of PUPR, targeted for completion in November 2022. PT PDAM Tirtanadi has also signed a memorandum of understanding with the private sector to build a WTP with a capacity of 500 liters/second in Brayan, Medan City, will be completed early 2023.

In Johor, Medan City, his party has also signed a memorandum of understanding with PT Tirta Sukses to build a WTP with a capacity of 400 liters/second, targeted for completion in 2023. there must be new installations in the city of Medan,” said Kabir.

Regarding the MoU with PT Tirta Sukses witnessed by Governor Edy Rahmayadi, Kabir said the cooperation was carried out with the Build Operate and Transfer (BOT) pattern. He explained that the development was carried out by the private sector. Then in a few years the installation will be handed over to PDAM Tirtanadi.

Meanwhile, the Director of PT Tirta Nusantara Sukses Sukarman is committed to completing the construction of the installation according to the target. So that the drinking water needs of the community can be met. “In accordance with the expectations of the Governor, we are committed to completing the work on time,” said Sukarman. ***


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