Ekspor Karet Sumut Terkerek 9,9 Persen

Ekspor Karet Sumut Terkerek 9,9 Persen | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Ekspor karet alam dari Sumatra Utara pada semester I/2021 tercatat sebesar 187.277 ton naik 9,9 persen dibanding posisi sama periode sebelumnya sebenar 170.425 ton.

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Sekretaris Gabungan Pengusaha Karet Idonesia (Gapkindo) Sumut Edy Irwansyah mengatakan peningkatan pada dasarnya dilihat dari kinerja ekspor karet selama masa pandemic covid-19.

Meski mengalami peningkatan secara tahunan, volume ekspor semester/I 2021 dibandingkan dengan semester I/2019 atau sebelum pandemi Covid-19, volume ekspor masih menurun.

“Dibandingkan semester I/2019, dimana belum ada pandemi Covid-19, masih penurunan sebesar 16.118 ton atau 7,9 persen,” kata Edy.

Ada pun, peningkatan ekspor karet Sumut pada bulan Januari-April 2021 sejalan dengan membaiknya permintaan dari negara konsumen, di antaranya Jepang, Amerika, China, India.


Namun, terjadi penurunan pada Mei dan Juni karena pihak buyer melakukan resechedule shipment atau penjadwalan ulang pengapalan. Hal ini ditengarai karena adanya kendala operasional dari perusahaan pelayaran.

“Kapasitas kapal yang tidak optimal dan kelangkaan container,” imbuh Edy. Peningkatan volume ekspor juga diikuti dengan peningkatan harga karet.

Harga rata-rata karet jenis TSR20 pada SemeseterI/ 2021 adalah sebesar 166,1 sen AS per kg atau meningkat tajam sebesar 36 persen dibandingkan Semester I/2020 pada awal pandemi Covid-19 yang berada pada rata-rata 122,2 sen AS. ***

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North Sumatra’s Rubber Exports Increase by 9.9 Percent | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Exports of natural rubber from North Sumatra in the first semester of 2021 were recorded at 187,277 tons, an increase of 9.9 percent compared to the same position in the previous period, which was actually 170,425 tons.

Secretary of the Association of Indonesian Rubber Entrepreneurs (Gapkindo) of North Sumatra Edy Irwansyah said the increase was basically seen from the performance of rubber exports during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Despite an annual increase, export volume in the first semester of 2021 compared to the first semester of 2019 or before the Covid-19 pandemic, export volume is still declining.

“Compared to the first semester of 2019, where there was no Covid-19 pandemic, there was still a decrease of 16,118 tons or 7.9 percent,” said Edy.

Meanwhile, the increase in North Sumatra’s rubber exports in January-April 2021 is in line with improving demand from consumer countries, including Japan, America, China, India.

However, there was a decline in May and June because the buyer rescheduled shipments or rescheduled shipments. This is suspected to be due to operational constraints from shipping companies.

“The ship’s capacity is not optimal and the scarcity of containers,” added Edy. The increase in export volume was also followed by an increase in rubber prices.

The average price of TSR20 type rubber in SemeseterI/2021 was 166.1 US cents per kg or a sharp increase of 36 percent compared to Semester I/2020 at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic which was at an average of 122.2 US cents. ***


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