Super Air Jet Ajak Milenial Terbang ‘SUPER Sehat’

Super Air Jet Resmi Mengudara

Super Air Jet Ajak Milenial Terbang ‘SUPER Sehat’ | — SUPER AIR JET saat ini tengah mempersiapkan rencana untuk penerbangan perdana (inaugural flight) melayani penumpang berjadwal (regular flight), salah satu hal penting ialah kampanye terbang “SUPER Sehat”.

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Dalam mewujudkan terbang “SUPER Sehat” SUPER AIR JET bekerjasama dengan PT Daya Dinamika Sarana Medika (DDSM) sebagai mitra pelaksanaan uji kesehatan Covid-19 (tahap awal: 15 lokasi). Sinergitas ini mencakup penyediaan fasilitas dan layanan, antara lain: RDT-ANTIGEN Rp 95.000 dan RT-PCR Rp 475.000.

Harga jual tersebut dapat dinikmati para calon tamu super milenial (calon penumpang) SUPER AIR JET untuk satu kali uji kesehatan di jejaring DDSM, menggunakan sistem voucher.

Sebagaimana rilis diterima, Rabu, 4 Agustus 2021, uji kesehatan RDT-ANTIGEN atau RT-PCR harus mengikuti syarat ketentuan perjalanan udara termasuk masa berlaku hasil uji kesehatan yang diwajibkan bagi setiap calon penumpang selama menjadi ketentuan atau aturan berlaku.

Direktur Utama (Chief Executive Officer) SUPER AIR JET, Ari Azhari, mengatakan Kampanye SUPER Sehat menjadi salah satu bagian komitmen SUPER AIR JET dalam mempersiapkan rencana penerbangan itu dijalankan sebagaimana pedoman protokol kesehatan.

“Termasuk pemeriksaan atau uji kesehatan Covid-19 setiap calon penumpang serta operasional SUPER AIR JET memenuhi faktor-faktor keselamatan, keamanan dan kenyamanan (safety first),” terangnya.

Disebutkan, SUPER AIR JET sangat bangga dan berterima kasih telah menjalin kemitraan bersama DDSM khususnya melayani kesehatan pengambilan dan pengujian sampel Covid-19 bagi calon penumpang melalui lokasi strategis di jejaring (mitra) DDSM.

“Karena SUPER AIR JET sangat memahami dalam rangka mengakomodir kebutuhan pasar, maka calon penumang memperoleh nilai lebih antara lain akes mudah, terjangkau, praktis, hemat waktu” papar Ari.


SUPER AIR JET Resmi Mengudara

Lebih lanjut menurut Ari, SUPER AIR JET menunjuk DDSM dengan pertimbangan sangat berpengalaman dalam menjalankan uji kesehatan Covid-19 didukung tenaga medis profesional, kinerja dengan tingkat kecepatan penanganan akurat, tepat waktu (real time), dikerjakan sesuai protokol kesehatan ketat, terdaftar dalam Kementerian Kesehatan.

Pada kesempatan yang sama, Direktur Utama PT Dinamika Daya Sarana Medika (DDSM), drg. Wahyu Prabowo mengungkapkan, DDSM mengucapkan terima kasih atas terjalinnya kerjasama dengan maskapai beru berkonsep milenial – SUPER AIR JET.

“Dukungan kami, memberikan optimis bagi pelaku perjalanan udara di tengah masa waspada pandemi Covid-19 ini, yakni proses uji kesehatan dilakukan sesuai standar operasional prosedur (SOP) kesehatan, tim medis profesional, aman, efektif dan efisien,” tukasnya.

Menurut drg. Wahyu, jaringan mitra (outlet service) DDSM dengan 15 lokasi di tahap awal ini akan menjangkau calon penumpang SUPER AIR JET dalam merencanakan penerbangan mendatang. Hal ini, semakin menunjukkan bahwa setiap orang yang masuk ke pesawat udara dinyatakan sehat dan layak bepergian menggunakan pesawat udara.

“DDSM akan terus mengembangkan jaringan lokasi kesehatan yang berstandar kedepannya menruut tingkat kebutuhan penumpang dan akan disesuaikan persyaratan perjalanan udara,” tandasnya. ***


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Super Air Jet Invites Millennials to Fly ‘SUPER Healthy’ | — SUPER AIR JET is currently preparing plans for its inaugural flight to serve regular passengers. One of the important things is the “SUPER Sehat” flying campaign.

In realizing the “SUPER Healthy” flight, SUPER AIR JET collaborated with PT Daya Dinamika Sarana Medika (DDSM) as a partner for the implementation of the Covid-19 health test (early stage: 15 locations). This synergy includes the provision of facilities and services, including: RDT-ANTIGEN Rp 95,000 and RT-PCR Rp 475,000.

The selling price can be enjoyed by prospective super millennial guests (potential passengers) of SUPER AIR JET for a one-time health test on the DDSM network, using a voucher system.

As the release was received, Wednesday, August 4, 2021, the RDT-ANTIGEN or RT-PCR health test must comply with the terms and conditions of air travel including the validity period of the medical test results required for every prospective passenger as long as the provisions or rules apply.

The President Director (Chief Executive Officer) of SUPER AIR JET, Ari Azhari, said that the SUPER Healthy Campaign is part of SUPER AIR JET’s commitment in preparing the flight plan according to the health protocol guidelines.

“Including the Covid-19 health check or test for each prospective passenger as well as the SUPER AIR JET operation meeting the safety, security and comfort factors (safety first),” he explained.

“SUPER AIR JET is very proud and grateful for establishing a partnership with DDSM, especially in serving the health of COVID-19 sample collection and testing for prospective passengers through strategic locations on the DDSM network (partners).

“Because SUPER AIR JET understands very well in order to accommodate market needs, prospective passengers get more value, including easy access, affordable, practical, time-saving,” said Ari.

Furthermore, according to Ari, SUPER AIR JET appointed DDSM with consideration that it is very experienced in carrying out Covid-19 health tests supported by professional medical personnel, performance with a speed level of accurate, timely (real time) handling, carried out according to strict health protocols, registered with the Ministry of Health. .

On the same occasion, the President Director of PT Dinamika Daya Sarana Medika (DDSM), drg. Wahyu Prabowo revealed, DDSM expressed his gratitude for the collaboration with a new airline with the millennial concept – SUPER AIR JET.

“Our support provides optimism for air travellers in the midst of this Covid-19 pandemic alert period, namely the health test process is carried out according to health standard operating procedures (SOP), professional medical teams, safe, effective and efficient,” he said.

According to drg. Wahyu, the DDSM network of partners (outlet service) with 15 locations in this early stage will reach out to prospective SUPER AIR JET passengers in planning future flights. This further shows that everyone who enters the aircraft is declared healthy and fit to travel by airplane.

“DDSM will continue to develop a network of standardized health locations in the future according to the level of passenger needs and will be adjusted to air travel requirements,” he said. ***


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