Edy Rahmayadi Tantang Pejabat Sumut Kembangkan Potensi Desa

Edy Rahmayadi Tantang Pejabat Sumut Kembangkan Potensi Desa

Edy Rahmayadi Tantang Pejabat Sumut Kembangkan Potensi Desa | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Gubernur Sumatera Utara Edy Rahmayadi memberi tantangan kepada para Kepala Dinas (Kadis) di Pemerintah Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Selatan (Labusel) dan Kepala Desa (Kades) untuk mengembangkan potensi desa. Diyakini pergerakan perekonomian dari desa akan mampu meningkatkan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) Kabupaten Labusel.


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Di hadapan 52 Kades Labusel, Gubernur Edy Rahmayadi berjanji akan memberikan dukungan penuh bila ada desa yang berhasil mengembangkan potensinya. Menurutnya hal itu bisa terwujud bila ada kerja sama kuat antara dinas terkait dengan desa.

“Di Jawa desa yang kelihatannya tidak ada potensi pun bisa karena kreativitas mereka. Lihat Desa Bojonegoro, mereka mengubah parit jadi kolam ikan. Hal seperti ini yang perlu kita dorong. Kalau ada di sini datang saya ke situ, saya dukung sepenuhnya,” tegas Edy Rahmayadi, saat memberikan sambutan di depan para Kadis, Camat, Kades, Lurah dan Kepala Sekolah SMA/SMK se-Kabupaten Labusel di Aula Rumah Dinas Bupati Labusel, Kotapinang, Rabu, 4 Agustus 2021.

Di Deliserdang salah satu desa yang berhasil mengembangkan potensinya yaitu Desa Paluh Naga. Mereka mengembangkan wisata sawah yang berhasil menarik perhatian Menparekraf Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno.

“Karena di sana banyak sawah, mereka mengembangkan wisata sawah. Sawah dibuat cantik, tempat foto-foto, jajanan, jadi ramai orang ke sana. Kita di sini apa, coba saudara sekalian perhatikan, bekerja keraslah untuk masyarakat kita,” kata Edy Rahmayadi, yang hadir bersama Ketua TP PKK Provinsi Sumut Nawal Lubis.

Hal serupa juga diungkapkan Gubernur Edy Rahmayadi saat berkunjung ke Labuhanbatu, di hari yang sama. Di depan Pj Sekretaris Daerah Labuhanbatu Hendra Dermawan, para Camat, Lurah serta Kades se-Kabupaten Labuhanbatu, Edy Rahmayadi meminta Pemerintah Daerah terus berusaha kembangkan potensi desanya.

“Memang sekarang belum ada Bupati, tetapi itu tidak alasan, kalian harus terus bekerja, tingkatkan serapan anggaran karena saat hanya dari situ perputaran uang yang besar. Desa-desa terus berupaya cari potensinya,” terang Edy Rahmayadi, di Aula Asrama Haji Labuhanbatu, Jalan Sisingamangaraja, Ujung Bandar, Rantauprapat.


Pada kesempatan ini, Edy Rahmayadi juga menyerahkan bantuan kepada kelompok tani dan kepala sekolah SMA/SMK. Kepada kelompok tani Edy Rahmayadi menyerahkan peralatan seperti hand tractor, alat semprot dan alat bajak sawah. Selain itu juga menyerahkan bantuan dengan total Rp1 miliar untuk membantu biaya operasional 6 SMA/SMK.

“Saya harap bantuan ini bisa memacu semangat kerja saudara sekalian, manfaatkan ini semua agar pertanian kita semakin berkembang dan pelihara alatnya,” kata Edy Rahmayadi.

Bupati Labusel Edimin mengatakan akan terus memacu jajarannya untuk bekerja lebih keras. “Seperti kata Pak Gubernur tadi, kita harus menggenjot serapan anggaran. Kami akan bekerja sekuat tenaga untuk itu agar mempercepat pemulihan ekonomi,” kata Edimin.

Suparmin dari Kelompok Tani Gabungan Kampung Jawa (Gakja) yang mengatakan, dia dan teman-temannya semakin bersemangat dengan bantuan alat dari Gubernur Sumut. Dia yakin ini akan mempercepat dan meringankan pekerjaannya bersama rekan-rekannya.

“Biasanya kami itu manual pakai cangkul, semprotan juga masih pakai yang lama, berat kali. Ini ada hand tractor, alat semprot, semakin semangat pasti kami, makin cepat kerjanya. Kami sangat berterima kasih pada Pak Gubernur,” kata Suparmin.***

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Edy Rahmayadi Challenges North Sumatran Officials to Develop Village Potential | OBROLANBISNIS.com — North Sumatra Governor Edy Rahmayadi gave a challenge to the Heads of Service (Kadis) in the South Labuhanbatu Regency Government (Labusel) and Village Heads (Kades) to develop village potential. It is believed that the economic movement from the village will be able to increase the Regional Original Income (PAD) of Labusel Regency.

In front of 52 Labusel Village Heads, Governor Edy Rahmayadi promised to provide full support if any village succeeded in developing its potential. According to him, this can be realized if there is strong cooperation between the relevant agencies and the village.

“In Java, villages that seem to have no potential can even be because of their creativity. Look at Bojonegoro Village, they have turned ditches into fish ponds. Things like this we need to encourage. If someone is here, I come here, I fully support it,” said Edy. Rahmayadi, while giving a speech in front of the Head of District, Head of Sub-district, Head of Village, Head of Senior High School/Vocational School in Labusel Regency at the Labusel Regent’s Office Hall, Kotapinang, Wednesday, August 4, 2021.

In Deliserdang, one of the villages that has succeeded in developing its potential is Paluh Naga Village. They developed a rice field tourism which managed to attract the attention of the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno.

“Because there are a lot of rice fields there, they are developing rice field tourism. The fields are made beautiful, a place for photos, snacks, so many people go there. What are we here, please pay attention, brothers and sisters, work hard for our community,” said Edy Rahmayadi, who was present with the Chairman of the North Sumatra Province PKK TP, Nawal Lubis.

Governor Edy Rahmayadi said the same thing during a visit to Labuhanbatu, on the same day. In front of the Acting Regional Secretary of Labuhanbatu Hendra Dermawan, the Camat, Lurah and Kades throughout Labuhanbatu Regency, Edy Rahmayadi asked the Regional Government to continue trying to develop the potential of their village.

“Indeed, there is no Regent yet, but that’s no excuse, you have to keep working, increase your budget absorption because at that time there was a large circulation of money. Villages continued to seek their potential,” explained Edy Rahmayadi, at the Labuhanbatu Haji Dormitory Hall, Jalan Sisingamangaraja, Ujung Bandar, Rantauprapat.

On this occasion, Edy Rahmayadi also handed over assistance to farmer groups and high school/vocational school principals. To the farmer group, Edy Rahmayadi handed over equipment such as a hand tractor, a sprayer and a field plow. In addition, it also provided assistance with a total of Rp. 1 billion to help with the operational costs of 6 SMA/SMK.

“I hope this assistance can spur your work spirit, all of you, take advantage of all of this so that our agriculture can develop and maintain its tools,” said Edy Rahmayadi.

Labusel Regent Edimin said he would continue to encourage his staff to work harder. “As the Governor said earlier, we must boost the absorption of the budget. We will work as hard as we can to accelerate the economic recovery,” said Edimin.

Suparmin from the Kampung Jawa Joint Farmers Group (Gakja) said that he and his friends were getting excited with the help of tools from the Governor of North Sumatra. He was sure this would speed up and ease his work with his comrades.

“Usually we use a manual hoe, we still use the old, heavy spray. There is a hand tractor, a sprayer, the more enthusiastic we are, the faster we work. We are very grateful to the Governor,” said Suparmin.***


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