Kenali Lebih Dekat Gaya Casual ‘SUPER Crew’

Kenali Lebih Dekat Gaya Casual 'SUPER Crew'

Kenali Lebih Dekat Gaya Casual ‘SUPER Crew’ | — SUPER AIR JET sangat memahami bahwa pelancong dan pebisnis kekinian (millenials travelers) menginginkan segera terbang lagi, banyak hal yang ternyata membuat kangen bepergian menggunakan pesawat udara, salah satunya bertemu awak pesawat (air crew). Menjawab tantangan dari milenial, SUPER AIR JET memperkenalkan SUPER Crew.

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Mengusung tema “Kenali Lebih Dekat SUPER Crew”, SUPER AIR JET mengajak kawula muda bersiap-siap merencanakan penerbangan mendatang, agar dapat berjumpa dengan SUPER Crew. FYI (for your information) ulasan kali ini, diharapkan membantu para travelers yang sudah “pengen banget atau ngebet” naik pesawat.

Identitas paling unik ialah penggunaan warna “khaki” pada setiap motif besutan seragam. Tahukah kalian? Filosofi ini berasal dari warna tanah dan turunan warna kulit orang Asia yang mayoritas dijumpai di Indonesia dan beberapa negara lain.

Oleh karena itulah, SUPER AIR JET mempunyai visi: To empower the next generation to reach new heights “turut membangun dan memberdayakan generasi muda menembus ketinggian baru”. SUPER AIR JET benar-benar didirikan dari nol (o) atas dasar inisiasi dan penuh semangat milenial, harapannya terus melesat, terbang tinggi, menjangkau ke banyak kota tujuan.

SUPER AIR JET menilai, penggunaan warna bumi (gradasi antara warna cokelat dan putih) sebagai ciri khas ketika dikenakan bersamaan balutan seragam SUPER Crew tampilannya terkesan natural (kalem), hangat, menenangkan, bersahabat, enerjik dan penuh ceria.

Terpenting lagi, penentuan warna seragam juga melibatkan kategori turunan warna emas. Pesan yang disampaikan yakni kesuksesan atau pencapaian prestasi, kemuliaan, kemakmuran, sehingga setiap SUPER Crew senantiasa mendorong terus bergerak maju dan berwawasan luas seiring melayani sepenuh hati (totalitas).

Pemilihan corak menyerupai pakaian santai (casual) ialah adaptif para milenial yang digunakan rata-rata (pada umumnya) aktivitas sehari-hari, tentunya cukup nyaman bila dikenakan dalam kegiatan apa saja, desainnya sederhana namun tetap menarik perhatian.

Terlihat jelas pada seragam pramugari dan pramugara, warna tersebut melambangkan gaya identik tersendiri setelah diadopsi dari tren pakaian masa kini (fashionable). Bahan berkontur tebal yang dibuat mengenakan resleting (tanpa kancing), pengembangan semi model jaket lengan panjang berkerah pendek dan digulung hingga pergelangan tangan.

Celana panjang model lurus namun digulung hingga di atas mata kaki, dilengkapi karet elastis pada ban pinggangnya, dihiasi pelengkap sejumlah kantong di bagian samping. Pemakaiannya mirip dengan backpack hanya saja bagian pinggang menggunakan tali serut (tanpa ikat pinggang).

Dengan demikian ini mencerminkan potongan makin muda, santai, dinamis. Warna yang lembut (soft) dari warna cokelat ini juga akan membuat penampilan SUPER Crew terlihat keren, elegan, simple banget, serta salah satu cara SUPER AIR JET guna melestarikan kain.

SUPER Crew semakin percaya diri dengan perpaduan sepatu santai (sneakers) putih. Tahukah kalian? Keputusan mengenakan sneakers ini karena satu jenis sepatu paling populer di kalangan anak muda, perkembangannya sangat disukai khususnya di kalangan generasi SUPER Crew. Ketika berjalan terasa tenang tidak akan timbul suara.


Terpenting lagi, SUPER AIR JET turut mempopularkan kembali “sneakers”. Konon model sepatu tertua di dunia, sekitar era 1917-1924, saat itu mulai diproduksi dan digunakan untuk khalayak ramai.

Tas selempang (half moon bag) sesuai standar bahu wanita (khusus pramugari) juga berwarna putih, perpaduan senada (mix and match) dengan sneakers. Sehingga nampak terang, hal ini diyakini memberikan penampilan smart-casual, pesona kekinian makin terpancar. Tas itu berfungsi menunjang gaya fashion, didesain sesuai keperluan selama bekerja dan lainnya.

SUPER AIR JET mengharapkan, ketika para milenial bertemu SUPER Crew di bandar udara atau di pesawat, mendapatkan suasana terbaru, pemandangan terkini, asyik dan pastinya akan memikat (menggugah) minat terbang dan lebih dekat dunia penerbangan.

Mengapa Harus SUPER Crew?

Sejalan dengan istilah generasi millennial yang sedang akrab terdengar dan populer ini, telah menginspirasi SUPER AIR JET memberikan nama “SUPER Crew”.

Tujuannya pada segmen demografi (kategori usia tertentu), generasi Y terbentuk bagi mereka yang lahir pada 1980 – 1990, atau pada awal 2000, dan seterusnya; memprediksi beragam keinginan pelancong dan pebisnis muda, perhatian khusus terhadap perilaku milenial serta membentuk suasana keakbraban nan menyenangkan.


SUPER AIR JET yang berkode IATA: IU yang kemudian dipergunakan satu cara unik: kepanjangan “I Love U” berarti kami selalu akan ada untuk kamu – terutama kalangan milenial. Kalimat tersebut bakal familiar dan terbiasa terdengar di kalangan SUPER Crew ketika menyebarkan berbagai bentuk kampanye Terbang “Era Baru, Pengalaman Seru”

SUPER Crew sudah dipertimbangkan secara matang dengan berbagai filosofi agar terbentuk karakter dan energi baru dalam mengembangkan SUPER AIR JET hingga mendatang. ***

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Get to know the Casual Style ‘SUPER Crew’ | — SUPER AIR JET really understands that modern travelers and business people (millennials travelers) want to fly again soon, there are many things that actually make you miss traveling by plane, one of which is meeting air crews. Answering the challenges from millennials, SUPER AIR JET introduces SUPER Crew.

Carrying the theme “Get to know the SUPER Crew more closely”, SUPER AIR JET invites young people to get ready to plan their next flight, so they can meet the SUPER Crew. FYI (for your information) this review, is expected to help travelers who already “want or really want” to get on a plane.

The most unique identity is the use of the color “khaki” on each uniform made motif. Did you know? This philosophy comes from the color of the soil and the derivatives of the skin color of Asians, which are mostly found in Indonesia and several other countries.

Therefore, SUPER AIR JET has a vision: To empower the next generation to reach new heights “to help build and empower the young generation to penetrate new heights”. SUPER AIR JET was really founded from scratch (o) on the basis of initiation and full of millennial spirit, the hope is to continue to fly, fly high, reach many destination cities.

SUPER AIR JET assesses that the use of earth colors (gradations between brown and white) as a characteristic when worn together with the SUPER Crew uniform looks natural (calm), warm, calming, friendly, energetic and full of joy.

Importantly, the determination of uniform color also involves the category of derivatives of the gold color. The message conveyed is success or achievement, glory, prosperity, so that every SUPER Crew always encourages to move forward and has broad insight while serving wholeheartedly (totality).

The choice of patterns such as casual clothes is adaptive for millennials who are used on average (in general) for daily activities, of course it is quite comfortable when worn in any activity, the design is simple but still attracts attention.

Clearly visible on the uniforms of flight attendants and flight attendants, the color symbolizes its own identical style after being adopted from today’s clothing trends (fashionable). Thick contoured material made using a zipper (without buttons), the development of a semi-model of a long-sleeved jacket with a short collar and rolled up to the wrist.

The trousers are straight but rolled up to above the ankles, equipped with elastic bands on the waistband, decorated with a number of pockets on the side. Its use is similar to a backpack except that the waist uses a drawstring (without a belt).

Thus it reflects a more youthful, relaxed, dynamic cut. The soft color of this brown color will also make the appearance of the SUPER Crew look cool, elegant, very simple, and one of the SUPER AIR JET ways to preserve fabric.

SUPER Crew is getting more confident with a combination of white casual shoes (sneakers). Did you know? The decision to wear sneakers is because one type of shoe is the most popular among young people, its development is very popular, especially among the SUPER Crew generation. When walking feels calm there will be no sound.

Most importantly, SUPER AIR JET helped to re-popularize “sneakers”. It is said that the oldest shoe model in the world, around the era of 1917-1924, when it began to be produced and used for the general public.

A sling bag (half moon bag) according to women’s shoulder standards (especially for flight attendants) is also white, a mix and match with sneakers. So that it looks bright, this is believed to give a smart-casual appearance, the charm of the present increasingly radiates. The bag serves to support the fashion style, designed according to the needs during work and others.

SUPER AIR JET hopes that, when millennials meet SUPER Crew at the airport or on the plane, they will get the latest atmosphere, the latest scenery, fun and will certainly attract (stir) interest in flying and get closer to the world of aviation.

Why Should SUPER Crew?

In line with the term millennial generation which is now familiar and popular, it has inspired SUPER AIR JET to give the name “SUPER Crew”.

The goal is the demographic segment (certain age category), generation Y is formed for those born in 1980 – 1990, or in early 2000, and so on; predict the diverse desires of young travelers and businessmen, pay special attention to millennial behavior and create an atmosphere of intimacy and fun.

SUPER AIR JET coded IATA: IU which is then used in a unique way: the abbreviation for “I Love U” means we will always be there for you – especially millennials. This sentence will be familiar and used to be heard among the SUPER Crew when spreading various forms of the Flying campaign “New Era, Exciting Experience”

SUPER Crew has been carefully considered with various philosophies to form new characters and energy in developing SUPER AIR JET in the future. ***


#SuperJet #LionAirGroup #InfoBisnis 

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