Saham Bukalapak Makin Mentereng

Saham Bukalapak Diperdagangkan Rp 19,3 Miliar

Saham Bukalapak Makin Mentereng | — Saham emiten baru PT Tbk. (BUKA) mengalami auto reject atas (ARA) di hari kedua perdagangannya, Senin, 9 Agustus 2021.

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Saham emiten berkode BUKA itu membuka perdagangan di level Rp1.060 per saham dan langsung melesat 25 persen ke level Rp1.325 per saham. BUKA ditransaksikan sebanyak 555 kali dengan volume saham yang beredar 88,23 juta unit. Adapun nilai transaksi tercatat mencapai Rp117 miliar.

Bukalapak telah resmi mencatatkan efeknya pada Jumat, 6 Agustus 2021 dan menjadi emiten tercatat ke-28 yang melantai di Bursa Efek Indonesia.

BUKA menawarkan sebanyak 25,76 miliar lembar saham kepada publik atau 25 persen dari total modal ditempatkan dan disetor penuh, dengan harga penawaran Rp850 per saham.

Dengan demikian, perseroan meraih dana segar mencapai Rp21,9 triliun dari IPO. Ini merupakan dana hasil penghimpunan terbesar sepanjang sejarah Bursa Efek Indonesia.

BUKA berencana menggunakan 66 persen dana dari IPO sebagai modal kerja. Sisanya 34 persen akan digunakan untuk modal kerja di entitas anak.


Sebelumnya, Analis Panin Sekuritas William Hartanto menambahkan bahwa salah satu faktir yang mendorong investor untuk berebut 1 lot saham BUKA adalah fear of missing out (FOMO).

“Ini bid yang paling besar pernah saya lihat di pasar modal,” ungkapnya.

William menilai saham BUKA akan terus menguat seiring euforia saham teknologi masih berlanjut. Menurutnya sampai minggu depan masih memungkinkan untuk menguat.

Dia menyarankan bagi investor untuk cermat sebab dari sisi kinerja BUKA belum profit. Tetapi, tidak ada salahnya untuk mengikuti tren yang ada.

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Bukalapak Stocks Get Classier | — Shares of the new issuer PT Tbk. (BUKA) experienced an auto reject (ARA) on its second trading day, Monday, August 9, 2021.

The issuer’s stock coded BUKA opened trading at the level of Rp. 1,060 per share and immediately shot 25 percent to the level of Rp. 1,325 per share. BUKA was transacted 555 times with a volume of 88.23 million units of outstanding shares. The transaction value was recorded at Rp. 117 billion.

Bukalapak has officially listed its securities on Friday, August 6, 2021 and is the 28th listed issuer on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.

BUKA offered as many as 25.76 billion shares to the public or 25 percent of the total issued and fully paid capital, with an offering price of IDR 850 per share.

Thus, the company received fresh funds of Rp. 21.9 trillion from the IPO. This is the largest fund raised in the history of the Indonesia Stock Exchange.

BUKA plans to use 66 percent of the funds from the IPO as working capital. The remaining 34 percent will be used for working capital in subsidiaries.

Previously, Panin Sekuritas analyst William Hartanto added that one of the factors that encouraged investors to fight over 1 lot of BUKA shares was fear of missing out (FOMO).

“This is the biggest bid I have ever seen in the capital market,” he said.

William assesses that BUKA shares will continue to strengthen as the euphoria of technology shares continues. According to him, until next week it is still possible to strengthen.

He advised investors to be careful because in terms of performance, BUKA has not made a profit. However, it never hurts to follow the existing trends. ***


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