Warning!!! Saham Bukalapak Nyaris Nyemplung

Warning!!! Saham Bukalapak Nyaris Nyemplung | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Saham PT Bukalapak.com Tbk (BUKA) turun drastis hingga menyentuh level auto reject bawah (ARB) atau batas terendah penurunan nilai saham dalam sehari.

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Mengutip data RTI, Kamis, 12 Agustus 2021, saham BUKA saat pembukaan pagi tadi langsung berkurang 70 poin atau turun 9,76% ke level Rp 965. Saham BUKA pun tak bisa turun lebih jauh lagi.

Hingga setengah jam jalannya perdagangan, saham BUKA sudah berpindah tangan sebanyak 324,73 juta lembar dengan frekuensi transaksi 7.656 kali dengan nilai Rp 313,74 miliar.

Menurut data Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), saham BUKA ambles 6,76% ke Rp 965/saham . Nilai transaksi saham ini tercatat sebesar Rp 350,01 miliar tertinggi di bursa. Sementara, sementara volume perdagangan sebesar 362,31 juta saham.

Investor asing melakukan aksi jual bersih (net sell) senilai Rp 126,7 miliar di pasar reguler, juga terbesar di bursa. Dengan ini, sejak awal ‘manggung’, asing selalu melakukan net sell dengan total Rp 1,14 triliun di pasar reguler dan net sell Rp 121,37 miliar di pasar negosiasi dan tunai.

Pada Selasa, 10 Agustus 2021, saham BUKA juga ditutup anjlok hingga menyentuh batas ARB 6,76% di hari ketiga saham BUKA melantai di bursa. Praktis, sejak awal listing, saham BUKA baru menguat dua kali, yakni menyentuh batas auto rejection atas (ARA) 24,71% dan naik 4,72%.


Menurut prospektus Bukalapak.com, Muhammad Rachmat Kaimuddin memiliki 0,13% atau 104.291.245 (104,29 juta) saham.

Setelah pencatatan saham perdana atau initial public offering (IPO), persentase sahamnya jadi 0,10% kendati jumlahnya tetap.

Situs Bukalapak mencatat, Rachmat Kaimuddin meraih gelar Bachelor of Science dari Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, dan Master of Business Administration dari Stanford University, California, Amerika Serikat.

Sebelum bergabung dengan Bukalapak, dia menjabat sebagai Direktur Keuangan dan Perencanaan PT Bank Bukopin Tbk (BBKP) mulai 2018, dan sebagai anggota dewan komisaris pada bank yang sama, hingga diangkat sebagai direktur pada 2014. ***

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Warning!!! Bukalapak Stocks Almost Dropped | OBROLANBISNIS.com — The shares of PT Bukalapak.com Tbk (BUKA) dropped dramatically to the bottom auto reject level (ARB) or the lowest limit of a day’s decline in share value.

Quoting RTI data, Thursday, August 12, 2021, BUKA’s stock at the opening this morning immediately decreased by 70 points or fell 9.76% to the level of Rp. 965. BUKA’s stock could not fall any further.

Up to half an hour of trading, BUKA’s shares have changed hands as many as 324.73 million shares with a transaction frequency of 7,656 times with a value of Rp 313.74 billion.

According to data from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), BUKA’s shares fell 6.76% to Rp 965/share. The transaction value of this share was recorded at Rp 350.01 billion, the highest on the stock exchange. Meanwhile, the trading volume was 362.31 million shares.

Foreign investors made a net sell of Rp 126.7 billion in the regular market, also the largest in the stock exchange. With this, since the beginning of the ‘gig’, foreigners have always made a net sell with a total of Rp 1.14 trillion in the regular market and a net sell of Rp 121.37 billion in the negotiated and cash market.

On Tuesday, August 10, 2021, BUKA’s shares also closed, dropping to the ARB limit of 6.76% on the third day that BUKA’s shares were listed on the stock exchange. Practically, since the beginning of the listing, BUKA’s shares have only strengthened twice, namely touching the upper auto rejection (ARA) limit of 24.71% and up 4.72%.

According to the Bukalapak.com prospectus, Muhammad Rachmat Kaimuddin owns 0.13% or 104,291,245 (104.29 million) shares.

After the initial public offering (IPO) listing, the percentage of the shares will be 0.10%, although the number is fixed.

The Bukalapak website noted that Rachmat Kaimuddin earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, and a Master of Business Administration from Stanford University, California, United States.

Prior to joining Bukalapak, he served as Director of Finance and Planning at PT Bank Bukopin Tbk (BBKP) from 2018, and as a member of the board of commissioners at the same bank, until he was appointed as director in 2014. ***





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