Cek!!! 10 Saham Diborong Asing Dalam Sebulan

Cek!!! 10 Saham Laris Diborong Asing Dalam Sebulan | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Di tengah Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) berhasil menghijau dalam sebulan terakhir, investor asing beramai-ramai masuk ke bursa Tanah Air dengan nilai beli bersih (net buy) mencapai Rp 2,04 triliun di pasar reguler.

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Menurut data Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), IHSG naik 2,12% ke posisi 6.139,652 dalam sebulan belakangan, setelah sempat menembus level psikologis 6.200 pada 5 Agustus lalu.

Berikut ini 10 besar saham-saham yang paling diborong oleh asing dalam 30 hari terakhir:

1. Telkom Indonesia (Persero) (TLKM), saham +9,12%, ke Rp 3.350, net buy asing Rp 714,9 M.

2. Astra International (ASII), +0,82%, ke Rp 4.940, net buy asing Rp 574,9 M.

3. Vale Indonesia (INCO), -1,45%, ke Rp 5.100, net buy asing Rp 535,9 M.


4. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) (BBRI), +0,79%, ke Rp 3.810, net buy asing Rp 535,5 M.

5. Merdeka Copper Gold (MDKA), -5,10%, ke Rp 2.790, net buy asing Rp 204,7 M.

6. Kalbe Farma (KLBF), -3,01%, ke Rp 1.290, net buy asing Rp 179,6 M.

7. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) (BBNI), +8,67%, ke Rp 5.075, net buy asing Rp 171,1 M.

8. Chandra Asri Petrochemical (TPIA), -7,34%, ke Rp 9.150, net buy asing Rp 162,7 M.

9. AKR Corporindo (AKRA), +15,69%, ke Rp 3.540, net buy asing Rp 156,1 M.

10. Mitra Keluarga Karyasehat (MIKA), -17,86%, ke Rp 2.300, net buy asing Rp 136,1 M.

Menurut data di atas, dari 10 besar saham yang dikoleksi asing, 5 di antaranya menguat, sementara 5 saham lainnya melemah. Saham emiten telekomunikasi pelat merah TLKM menjadi yang paling banyak dikoleksi asing dengan nilai beli bersih Rp 714,9 miliar. Seiring dengan aksi borong asing tersebut, harga saham TLKM melesat 9,12% dalam sebulan. Saat ini nilai kapitalisasi pasar (market cap) TLKM tercatat mencapai Rp 331,86 triliun.

Kabar terbaru, Telkom bersama emiten teknologi penyedia solusi digital Grup Ciputra, PT Metrodata Electronics Tbk (MTDL) mengumumkan untuk melakukan investasi di perusahaan rintisan (start-up), khususnya yang berada di Indonesia.

Keputusan ini datang dengan ditandatanganinya kesepakatan dalam bentuk subscription agreement dengan jumlah sebesar US$ 500.000 atau setara dengan Rp 7,25 miliar (kurs Rp 14.500/US$). Telkom sendiri masuk melalui dua anak usahanya, yakni Arise Fund sebagai fund entity dan Metra Digital Innovation Pte Ltd (MDI Ventures) sebagai fund manager.

Di posisi kedua, saham induk Grup Astra, ASII, juga banyak dibeli asing dengan nilai net buy Rp 574,9 miliar. Meski ramai diburu asing, saham ASII hanya berhasil naik tipis 0,82% dalam sebulan. Astra mencatatkan laba bersih Rp 8,83 triliun di semester I-2021, turun 22% dari periode yang sama tahun lalu yakni sebesar Rp 11,38 triliun.

Penurunan laba bersih itu terjadi di tengah pendapatan Astra yang justru naik 20% menjadi Rp 107,39 triliun, dari periode yang sama tahun lalu Rp 89,79 triliun. Tidak hanya TLKM dan ASII, saham INCO juga ramai dibeli asing dengan nilai beli bersih Rp 539,9 miliar dalam sebulan belakangan. Namun, di tengah aksi borong asing tersebut, saham INCO malah melemah 1,45%.

Kabar teranyar, produksi nikel matte INCO pada semester I 2021 ini tercatat sebesar 30.246 ton, turun 16,7% dari periode yang sama pada 2020 yang mencapai 36.515 ton. Berdasarkan keterangan resmi Vale hari ini, Senin (19/07/2021), penurunan produksi pada semester I 2021 ini dikarenakan aktivitas pemeliharaan yang tidak terencana dan kadar nikel yang lebih rendah pada kuartal pertama 2021.


Sementara saham emiten distribusi minyak dan bahan kimia AKRA dan emiten pengelola jaringan rumah sakit (RS) Mitra Keluarga MIKA menjadi saham yang paling melesat dan anjlok di antara yang lainnya. Saham AKRA melejit 15,69% dalam sebulan terakhir ke Rp 3.540/saham, sementara saham MIKA ambles 17,86% ke posisi Rp 2.300/saham. ***

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Check!!! 10 stocks bought by foreigners in a month | OBROLANBISNIS.com — In the midst of the Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) successfully greening in the past month, foreign investors flocked to the Indonesian stock exchange with a net buy value of Rp 2.04 trillion in the regular market.

According to data from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), the JCI rose 2.12% to 6,139,652 in the past month, after having broken through the psychological level of 6,200 on August 5.

Here are the top 10 stocks that were bought the most by foreigners in the last 30 days:

1. Telkom Indonesia (Persero) (TLKM), +9.12% shares, to IDR 3,350, foreign net buy IDR 714.9 billion.

2. Astra International (ASII), +0.82%, to Rp 4,940, net foreign buy Rp 574.9 billion.

3. Vale Indonesia (INCO), -1.45%, to IDR 5,100, foreign net buy IDR 535.9 billion.

4. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) (BBRI), +0.79%, to Rp 3,810, net foreign buy Rp 535.5 billion.

5. Merdeka Copper Gold (MDKA), -5.10%, to IDR 2,790, net foreign buy IDR 204.7 billion.

6. Kalbe Farma (KLBF), -3.01%, to IDR 1,290, foreign net buy IDR 179.6 billion.

7. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) (BBNI), +8.67%, to Rp 5,075, net foreign buy Rp 171.1 billion.

8. Chandra Asri Petrochemical (TPIA), -7.34%, to Rp 9,150, foreign net buy Rp 162.7 billion.

9. AKR Corporindo (AKRA), +15.69%, to IDR 3,540, net foreign buy IDR 156.1 billion.

10. Mitra Keluarga Karya Sehat (MIKA), -17.86%, to Rp. 2,300, foreign net buy Rp. 136.1 M.

According to the data above, out of the top 10 stocks held by foreigners, 5 of them rose, while 5 others weakened. The shares of state-owned telecommunications company TLKM are the most collected by foreigners with a net purchase value of Rp 714.9 billion. Along with the foreign wholesale action, TLKM’s share price shot up 9.12% in a month. Currently, the market capitalization value (market cap) of TLKM is recorded at Rp. 331.86 trillion.

The latest news, Telkom together with the issuer of technology provider Ciputra Group digital solutions, PT Metrodata Electronics Tbk (MTDL) announced to invest in start-up companies, especially those in Indonesia.

This decision came with the signing of an agreement in the form of a subscription agreement with an amount of US$ 500,000 or equivalent to Rp. 7.25 billion (exchange rate of Rp. 14,500/US$). Telkom itself entered through its two subsidiaries, namely Arise Fund as a fund entity and Metra Digital Innovation Pte Ltd (MDI Ventures) as a fund manager.

In the second position, shares of Astra Group’s parent, ASII, were also bought by many foreigners with a net buy value of Rp 574.9 billion. Despite being hunted by foreigners, ASII’s shares only managed to edge up 0.82% in a month. Astra recorded a net profit of Rp 8.83 trillion in the first semester of 2021, down 22 percent from the same period last year of Rp 11.38 trillion.

The decline in net profit occurred amid Astra’s revenue which actually rose 20 percent to Rp 107.39 trillion, from the same period last year of Rp 89.79 trillion. Not only TLKM and ASII, INCO shares are also crowded with foreign purchases with a net purchase value of Rp 539.9 billion in the past month. However, in the midst of the foreign wholesale action, INCO’s shares even weakened 1.45%.

The latest news is that INCO’s nickel matte production in the first semester of 2021 was recorded at 30,246 tons, down 16.7% from the same period in 2020 which reached 36,515 tons. Based on Vale’s official statement today, Monday (19/07/2021), the decline in production in the first semester of 2021 was due to unplanned maintenance activities and lower nickel levels in the first quarter of 2021.

Meanwhile, the shares of the oil and chemical distribution company AKRA and the Mitra Keluarga MIKA hospital network management company were the stocks that rose and fell the most. AKRA’s shares soared 15.69% in the past month to Rp 3,540/share, while MIKA’s shares fell 17.86% to Rp 2,300/share. ***






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