Promo ShopeePay Sebelum dan Sesudah Gajian

Promo ShopeePay Sebelum dan Sesudah Gajian

Promo ShopeePay Sebelum dan Sesudah Gajian | — Jelang akhir bulan, ShopeePay kembali menghadirkan kampanye ShopeePay Day untuk membantu masyarakat memenuhi kebutuhan secara lebih hemat di momen tanggal tua. Berlangsung pada 22-24 Agustus, ShopeePay Day membawa ragam promo menarik seperti ShopeePay Serba Rp10, Minimarket Diskon s/d 60%, serta ShopeeFood Cashback 100%.

Bacaan Lainnya

Kampanye ini juga menggandeng merchant dari berbagai kategori yang mendukung penghematan pengeluaran bulanan, seperti makanan, kesehatan, kebutuhan sehari-hari, hingga logistik. Cindy Candiawan, Head of Campaigns & Growth Marketing ShopeePay mengatakan, istilah tanggal tua kerap menjadi dilema bagi masyarakat dalam memenuhi kebutuhan bulanan, terutama bagi kaum pekerja.

“Karena itu, ShopeePay menghadirkan kembali kampanye ShopeePay Day di tanggal 22 hingga 24 setiap bulannya dengan berbagai penawaran menarik untuk membantu masyarakat memenuhi kebutuhan secara lebih hemat. Terutama di tengah Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat, pembayaran digital yang aman, nyaman, dan menguntungkan menjadi lebih diandalkan,” katanya, Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2021.

Promo ShopeePay Day

Secara lebih rinci, promo-promo yang ada pada kampanye ShopeePay Day adalah:
1. ShopeePay Serba Rp10: Dengan promo ini, pengguna bisa mendapatkan cashback atau diskon 100% di merchant favorit hanya dengan membeli voucher seharga Rp10. Voucher bisa didapatkan melalui fitur Deals Sekitarmu pada halaman utama aplikasi Shopee. Setelahnya, voucher dapat digunakan di outlet dari merchant pilihanmu.

2. Minimarket Diskon s/d 60%: Diskon sampai dengan 60% untuk berbagai produk di Indomaret dan Alfamart khusus untuk pengguna yang melakukan pembayaran melalui ShopeePay.

3. ShopeeFood Cashback 100%: Cashback 100% tanpa minimal belanja di berbagai merchant pilihan ShopeeFood khusus bagi pengguna yang melakukan pembayaran dengan ShopeePay.

4. Promo spesial Anteraja dan Auntie Anne’s: Voucher cashback sampai dengan Rp22.000 yang dapat digunakan di aplikasi Anteraja atau outlet Auntie Anne’s terdekat. Promo ini juga berlaku untuk menu Lemonade dari Auntie Anne’s yang memiliki kandungan vitamin C tinggi untuk meningkatkan imun di tengah pandemi.


Tak hanya memberikan promo ShopeePay Day, ShopeePay juga memberikan berbagai promo menarik di kampanye Shopee Mantul Sale yang berlangsung 25-27 Agustus. Pada kampanye tersebut, pengguna bisa menikmati promo ShopeePay Deals Rp1, Serba Seribu dan Gratis Ongkir Rp0.

“Kami berkomitmen untuk membantu masyarakat Indonesia mendapatkan penawaran terbaik kapan pun dan di mana pun. Apalagi di masa pandemi, kita dituntut untuk siap dengan segala kemungkinan, termasuk pengeluaran tak terduga. Oleh karena itu, ShopeePay juga menghadirkan promo menarik di kampanye Shopee Mantul Sale agar pengguna dapat bertransaksi digital dengan lebih memuaskan di tanggal muda,” lanjut Cindy.

Shopee Mantul Sale

Shopee Mantul Sale hadir dengan penawaran menarik di antaranya:
1. Gratis Ongkir Rp0: Dapatkan voucher gratis ongkir tanpa minimum belanja di berbagai toko yang ada di e-commerce Shopee hanya dengan menggunakan ShopeePay sebagai metode pembayaran setiap tanggal 25.

2. ShopeePay Deals Rp1: Dengan promo ini, pengguna bisa mendapatkan cashback atau diskon 100% di ratusan merchant favorit hanya dengan membeli voucher Shopeepay seharga Rp1! Untuk mendapatkannya hanya diperlukan langkah mudah, yaitu buka halaman utama aplikasi Shopee, pilih fitur Deals Sekitarmu, dan pilih ragam promo dan voucher yang tersedia dari ShopeePay.

3. Serba Seribu: Program flash sale memungkinkan pengguna mendapatkan berbagai produk dengan kuota terbatas hanya seharga seribu rupiah.


Baik ShopeePay Day dan Shopee Mantul Sale dapat digunakan di ratusan merchant online dan offline yang berpartisipasi. Ada pun beberapa di antaranya adalah:

a. Makan: HokBen, Pizza Hut, Yoshinoya, Genki Sushi, Nanny’s Pavillon, Imperial Kitchen and Dimsum, Gildak, ATL Hayam Wuruk, Mangkokku, Padang Merdeka, Ayam Keprabon Express, Washoku SATO dan lain-lain.

b. Jajan: Auntie Anne’s, Street Boba, KKULDAK, HopHop, Fore Coffee, Gulu Gulu, Sour Sally, Dudung Roxy, Maxx Coffee, Janji Jiwa, Kopi Kenangan dan masih banyak lagi.

c. Fashion & beauty: Belamy Store, Max Fashions, Oje Eyewear, Dilano Fashion, Goban Cosmetics.

d. Kebutuhan sehari-hari dan logistik: Alfamart, Indomaret, Pasarnow, Meyer Food, Anteraja, Titipku,

e. Kesehatan: Alodokter, Surya Sehat, Kalcare, Riliv.

f. Hiburan: Garuda Voucher, Lakupon, UniPin dan masih banyak merchant lainnya. ***

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ShopeePay Promo Before and After Payday | — Towards the end of the month, ShopeePay again presents the ShopeePay Day campaign to help people meet their needs more efficiently during the old age. Taking place on August 22-24, ShopeePay Day brings a variety of attractive promos such as ShopeePay All-Rp10, Minimarket Discounts up to 60%, and ShopeeFood Cashback 100%.

This campaign also collaborates with merchants from various categories that support savings in monthly expenses, such as food, health, daily necessities, to logistics. Cindy Candiawan, Head of Campaigns & Growth Marketing ShopeePay said, the term old date is often a dilemma for people in meeting monthly needs, especially for workers.

“Therefore, ShopeePay brings back the ShopeePay Day campaign on the 22nd to 24th of every month with various attractive offers to help people meet their needs more efficiently. Especially in the midst of the Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions, safe, convenient, and profitable digital payments are becoming more reliable ,” he said, Saturday, August 21, 2021.

ShopeePay Day Promo

In more detail, the promos in the ShopeePay Day campaign are:
1. ShopeePay All-Rp10: With this promo, users can get cashback or 100% discount at favorite merchants just by buying a voucher for Rp.10. Vouchers can be obtained through the Deals Around you feature on the main page of the Shopee application. After that, the voucher can be used at the outlet of the merchant of your choice.

2. Minimarket Discounts up to 60%: Discounts up to 60% for various products at Indomaret and Alfamart specifically for users who make payments through ShopeePay.

3. ShopeeFood 100% cashback: 100% cashback with no minimum shopping at various merchants selected by ShopeeFood especially for users who make payments with ShopeePay.

4. Anteraja and Auntie Anne’s special promo: Cashback voucher up to Rp. 22,000 which can be used at the Anteraja application or the nearest Auntie Anne’s outlet. This promo also applies to the Lemonade menu from Auntie Anne’s which has a high vitamin C content to increase immunity in the midst of a pandemic.

Not only providing ShopeePay Day promos, ShopeePay also provides various interesting promos in the Shopee Mantul Sale campaign which takes place August 25-27. In this campaign, users can enjoy ShopeePay Deals promos of Rp.1, Thousands and Free Shipping of Rp.0.

“We are committed to helping Indonesians get the best deals anytime and anywhere. Especially during the pandemic, we are required to be prepared for all possibilities, including unexpected expenses. Therefore, ShopeePay also presents interesting promos in the Shopee Mantul Sale campaign so that users can make digital transactions more satisfyingly on a young date,” continued Cindy.

Shopee Mantul Sale

Shopee Mantul Sale comes with attractive offers including:
1. Free Shipping Rp0: Get a free shipping voucher with no minimum shopping at various shops in Shopee e-commerce only by using ShopeePay as a payment method every 25th.

2. ShopeePay Deals Rp1: With this promo, users can get cashback or 100% discount at hundreds of favorite merchants just by buying a Shopeepay voucher for Rp1! To get it, you only need easy steps, namely opening the main page of the Shopee application, selecting the Deals Around you feature, and selecting the various promos and vouchers available from ShopeePay.

3. All-Thousand: The flash sale program allows users to get various products with a limited quota for only one thousand rupiah.

Both ShopeePay Day and Shopee Mantul Sale can be used at hundreds of participating online and offline merchants. Some of them are:

a. Eat: HokBen, Pizza Hut, Yoshinoya, Genki Sushi, Nanny’s Pavillon, Imperial Kitchen and Dimsum, Gildak, ATL Hayam Wuruk, Mangkokku, Padang Merdeka, Chicken Keprabon Express, Washoku SATO and others.

b. Snacks: Auntie Anne’s, Street Boba, KKULDAK, HopHop, Fore Coffee, Gulu Gulu, Sour Sally, Dudung Roxy, Maxx Coffee, Promise Soul, Kopi Kenangan and many more.

c. Fashion & beauty: Belamy Store, Max Fashions, Oje Eyewear, Dilano Fashion, Goban Cosmetics.

d. Daily necessities and logistics: Alfamart, Indomaret, Pasarnow, Meyer Food, Anteraja, Titipku,

e. Health: Alodokter, Surya Sehat, Kalcare, Riliv.

f. Entertainment: Garuda Voucher, Lakupon, UniPin and many other merchants. ***





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