Semangat Super ShopeePay 9.9 Deals Ikonik

Semangat Super ShopeePay 9.9 Deals Ikonik

Semangat Super ShopeePay 9.9 Deals Ikonik | — ShopeePay, layanan pembayaran digital yang berkomitmen mendorong akses digitalisasi finansial bagi pelaku bisnis dan konsumen di seluruh Indonesia. Seiring itu pula ShopeePay mengumumkan terselenggaranya kampanye tahunan ikonik, 9.9 Super ShopeePay Deals.

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Berlangsung pada 28 Agustus hingga 12 September 2021, kampanye 9.9 Super ShopeePay Deals menghadirkan sederet promo menarik yang menguntungkan, sekaligus menjadi momen penegasan Semangat Super ShopeePay untuk terus meningkatkan pelayanan demi memberikan pengalaman transaksi digital terbaik bagi seluruh pengguna.

Kampanye 9.9 Super ShopeePay Deals tahun ini hadir sebagai tanggapan dari semakin tingginya penggunaan layanan pembayaran digital dalam memenuhi kebutuhan harian. Di mana para pengguna 2x lebih sering menggunakan ShopeePay untuk bertransaksi.

Diketahui pula bahwa mayoritas pengguna ShopeePay merupakan anak muda berusia 21-25 tahun dan barang yang paling banyak dibeli adalah dari kategori kuliner serta produk kebutuhan harian.

Dr. Rolas Sitinjak, S.H., M.H., IPC., CLA., selaku Ketua Komisi Advokasi Badan Perlindungan Konsumen Nasional Republik Indonesia mengatakan, perubahan perilaku masyarakat Indonesia yang saat ini semakin mengandalkan layanan pembayaran digital.

Dan ini harus diiringi dengan ekosistem industri yang baik demi meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat sebagai pengguna.



Dibutuhkan langkah strategis dari penyedia layanan yang berfokus pada hak-hak pengguna, seperti hak atas keamanan dan kenyamanan yang tertuang dalam Undang-Undang No. 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen.

“Harapannya, kampanye 9.9 Super ShopeePay Deals dan Semangat Super yang diusung oleh ShopeePay dapat menjadi landasan fundamental yang kuat dalam menyediakan layanan yang menjawab kebutuhan masyarakat,” katanya, Rabu, 26 Agustus 2021.

Cindy Candiawan, Head of Campaigns and Growth Marketing ShopeePay menuturkan, tingginya tingkat pemanfaatan layanan pembayaran digital saat ini tentunya menjadi semangat kami untuk terus berinovasi menghadirkan layanan dan penawaran yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan preferensi pengguna.

Dengan mengusung semangat Hari Pelanggan Nasional yang juga diperingati pada bulan September, kampanye 9.9 Super ShopeePay Deals merupakan bentuk apresiasi kepada seluruh pengguna sekaligus langkah nyata dalam menyediakan pengalaman transaksi digital terbaik yang juga dikukuhkan melalui Semangat Super ShopeePay. ***

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The Iconic Deals Super ShopeePay 9.9 Spirit | — ShopeePay, a digital payment service committed to encouraging access to financial digitization for businesses and consumers throughout Indonesia. Along with that, ShopeePay also announced the implementation of the iconic annual campaign, 9.9 Super ShopeePay Deals.

Taking place from August 28 to September 12, 2021, the 9.9 Super ShopeePay Deals campaign presents a series of attractive, profitable promos, as well as a moment of affirmation of the Super ShopeePay Spirit to continue to improve services in order to provide the best digital transaction experience for all users.

This year’s 9.9 Super ShopeePay Deals campaign comes as a response to the increasing use of digital payment services in meeting daily needs. Where users are 2x more likely to use ShopeePay for transactions.

It is also known that the majority of ShopeePay users are young people aged 21-25 years and the most purchased items are from the culinary category and daily necessities products.

Dr. Rolas Sitinjak, S.H., M.H., IPC., CLA., as the Chair of the Advocacy Commission of the National Consumer Protection Agency of the Republic of Indonesia, said that the behavior of Indonesian people is now increasingly relying on digital payment services.

And this must be accompanied by a good industrial ecosystem in order to improve the welfare of the community as users.

It takes strategic steps from service providers that focus on user rights, such as the right to security and comfort as stated in Law no. 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection.

“Hopefully, the 9.9 Super ShopeePay Deals and Super Spirit campaign promoted by ShopeePay can become a strong fundamental foundation in providing services that answer the needs of the community,” he said, Wednesday, August 26, 2021.

Cindy Candiawan, Head of Campaigns and Growth Marketing at ShopeePay said, “The current high level of utilization of digital payment services is certainly our passion to continue to innovate to provide services and offers that are tailored to the needs and preferences of users.

Carrying the spirit of National Customer Day which is also commemorated in September, the 9.9 Super ShopeePay Deals campaign is a form of appreciation to all users as well as a real step in providing the best digital transaction experience which is also confirmed through the Super ShopeePay Spirit. ***





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