Tips Cuan Ala Patricia Gouw Top Promo Puncak 9.9 Super ShopeePay Deals

Tips Cuan Ala Patricia Gouw Promo Puncak 9.9 Super ShopeePay Deals

Tips Cuan Ala Patricia Gouw Top Promo Puncak 9.9 Super ShopeePay Deals | — Kampanye 9.9 Super ShopeePay Deals akan hadir dengan promo yang lebih besar dan sederet program seru pada puncak kampanye di tanggal 9 September mendatang, mulai dari Promo Kilat 9x, ShopeePay Deals Rp1, serta bonus emas total Rp2 Miliar dengan Gosok ShopeePay.

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Menyambut kemeriahan hari puncak kampanye ini, Patricia Gouw, presenter dan pengguna setia ShopeePay, turut berbagi tips untuk mendapatkan keuntungan maksimal kepada semua pengguna ShopeePay.

“Aku sudah gak sabar banget menyambut hari puncak kampanye 9.9 Super ShopeePay Deals tanggal 9 September nanti dengan sederet promo yang lebih besar. Mulai dari jajanan dan makanan lezat, hingga belanja kebutuhan harian pastinya jadi lebih menguntungkan,” tutur Patricia Gouw, Senin, 6 September 2021.

Sebagai pengguna setia ShopeePay, Patricia Gouw sudah mempersiapkan strategi, seperti mengisi saldo ShopeePay, mencatat daftar merchant favorit incaran, dan taktik cuan lainnya.

“Gak hanya itu aja, aku juga akan ikut memeriahkan hari puncak 9.9 Super ShopeePay Deals dengan menjadi admin Instagram ShopeePay supaya bisa ngobrol langsung dengan seluruh pengguna ShopeePay di Indonesia,” tandasnya.

Berikut tips khusus dari Patricia Gouw untuk bisa meraih cuan atau keuntungan maksimal di puncak kampanye 9.9 Super ShopeePay Deals yakni, mencatat daftar merchant incaranmu agar tidak ada yang terlewat. Sama seperti kebiasaan membuat daftar belanja, hal pertama yang perlu kamu lakukan sebelum hari puncak kampanye 9.9 Super ShopeePay Deals adalah tentunya mencatat daftar merchant favorit yang menjadi incaranmu.

“Kamu bisa mulai dari merchant yang menyediakan kebutuhan pokok harian, jajanan dan makanan hits yang sudah lama ingin kamu cicipi, fashion items kekinian, hingga produk hobi supaya makin produktif di rumah. Semua daftar merchant bisa kamu lihat di bagian ‘ShopeePay Deals Rp1’ pada fitur Deals Sekitarmu,” pesannya.

Pastikan semua merchant favoritmu tercatat ya, karena pada tanggal 9 September nanti kamu bisa mendapatkan Voucher Cashback 100% seharga Rp1 saja!

Lalu, sering ketinggalan promo? Klik fitur ‘Ingatkan Saya’! “Apakah kamu salah satu tipe orang yang mudah lupa? Jangan khawatir, karena di halaman 9.9 Super ShopeePay Deals kamu bisa mengaktifkan fitur ‘Ingatkan Saya’ sesuai dengan promo pilihanmu,” imbuhnya lagi.


Fitur ini akan membantu kamu memberikan notifikasi jika voucher incaranmu telah aktif sesuai jam yang ditentukan. “Kamu bisa menemukan fitur ini di dalam ‘Jadwal Promo Puncak’ kampanye dan klik pilihan ‘Ingatkan Saya’. Tentunya, fitur ‘Ingatkan Saya’ bisa menjadi salah satu life-hack yang membantu kamu agar tidak melewatkan Promo Kilat yang akan hadir sebanyak sembilan kali sepanjang hari di 9 September 2021,” ujarnya.

Kemudian, siapkan amunisi saldo ShopeePay supaya tidak kalah memperebutkan voucher incaran. Jangan sampai kehabisan voucher incaranmu karena saldo ShopeePay kurang.

“Kamu bisa mulai menghitung berapa banyak voucher dan barang yang ingin kamu beli, lalu isi saldo ShopeePay dengan mudah melalui transfer bank/virtual account atau di gerai Alfamart, Indomaret, dan Circle-K terdekat. Jadi, kamu bisa check-out voucher incaranmu dengan cepat dan tanpa halangan,” kata Patricia.

Lebih seru lagi, dengan isi saldo dan transfer ShopeePay minimal Rp20.000 di tanggal 9 September nanti, kamu bisa mendapatkan bonus emas total Rp2 Miliar dengan bermain Gosok ShopeePay. Saldo ShopeePay bisa untuk belanja, kamu juga bisa dapat emas! Makin cuan berlipat ganda, kan?” bebernya.

Tak hanya itu, lanjut Patricia Gouw, hendaknya menyaksikan TV Show berhadiah 1 unit mobil dan voucher belanja ratusan juta rupiah. Menambah kemeriahan kampanye 9.9 Super ShopeePay Deals, ShopeePay menghadirkan segmen spesial di TV Show Shopee yang akan disiarkan langsung pada 9 September 2021 di lima saluran televisi nasional, yaitu RCTI, SCTV, Indosiar, ANTV, dan MNC TV.

Pada segmen ShopeePay yang berlangsung dari pukul 20.10 hingga 20.25, kamu bisa membeli Paket Hemat Voucher Spesial TV Show berupa Voucher Cashback 100% sampai Rp100.000 yang bisa dibeli dengan harga Rp1 saja. Cukup Scan QR Code yang tertera di layar TV atau pilih voucher di halaman 9.9 Spesial TV Show pada jam tersebut.

Tidak hanya sampai di situ, ShopeePay juga memberikan kejutan spesial dengan grand prize berupa 1 unit mobil Xpander Cross dan voucher belanja senilai total ratusan juta rupiah.

Menepati janjinya untuk menjadi admin media sosial ShopeePay, Patricia Gouw akan mengambil alih akun Instagram ShopeePay di tanggal 9 September nanti dengan sederet aktivitas seru dan tentunya mengabulkan permintaan netizen untuk bagi-bagi hadiah spesial. Pada kesempatan ini, seluruh pengguna ShopeePay bisa berinteraksi langsung dengan Patricia Gouw secara virtual. ***

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Cuan Tips Ala Patricia Gouw Top Promo 9.9 Super ShopeePay Deals | — The 9.9 Super ShopeePay Deals campaign will come with bigger promos and a series of exciting programs at the peak of the campaign on September 9, starting from 9x Quick Promos, Rp1 ShopeePay Deals, and a total gold bonus of Rp2 Billion with ShopeePay Rub.
Welcoming the festivities of the peak day of this campaign, Patricia Gouw, a presenter and a loyal ShopeePay user, also shared tips to get the maximum profit to all ShopeePay users.

“I can’t wait to welcome the peak day of the 9.9 Super ShopeePay Deals campaign on September 9 with a series of bigger promos. Starting from snacks and delicious food, to shopping for daily necessities, it will definitely be more profitable,” said Patricia Gouw, Monday, September 6, 2021.

As a loyal ShopeePay user, Patricia Gouw has prepared strategies, such as filling up ShopeePay balances, recording a list of targeted favorite merchants, and other cash tactics.

“Not only that, I will also enliven the peak day of 9.9 Super ShopeePay Deals by becoming a ShopeePay Instagram admin so that I can chat directly with all ShopeePay users in Indonesia,” he said.

Here are special tips from Patricia Gouw to be able to get maximum cash or profit at the top of the 9.9 Super ShopeePay Deals campaign, namely, record your target merchant list so you don’t miss anything. Just like the habit of making a shopping list, the first thing you need to do before the peak day of the 9.9 Super ShopeePay Deals campaign is, of course, record a list of your favorite merchants that are your target.

“You can start from merchants that provide daily staples, snacks and food hits that you have been wanting to taste for a long time, current fashion items, to hobby products to make you more productive at home. You can see all the merchant lists in the ‘ShopeePay Deals Rp1’ section on the Nearby Deals feature,” he ordered.

Make sure all your favorite merchants are listed, because on September 9th you can get a 100% Cashback Voucher for only Rp. 1!

Then, often miss promos? Click the ‘Remind Me’ feature! “Are you the type of person who forgets easily? Don’t worry, because on page 9.9 of Super ShopeePay Deals you can activate the ‘Remind Me’ feature according to the promo of your choice,” he added.

This feature will help you provide notifications if your target voucher has been activated according to the specified hour. “You can find this feature in the campaign’s ‘Peak Promo Schedule’ and click the ‘Remind Me’ option. Of course, the ‘Remind Me’ feature can be a life-hack that helps you not to miss the Express Promo which will be available nine times. all day on September 9, 2021,” he said.

Then, prepare ShopeePay balance ammunition so you don’t lose the fight for the coveted voucher. Don’t run out of your coveted voucher because your ShopeePay balance is low.

“You can start counting how many vouchers and items you want to buy, then top up your ShopeePay balance easily via bank transfer/virtual account or at the nearest Alfamart, Indomaret, and Circle-K outlets. So, you can check out your coveted voucher by quickly and without a hitch,” said Patricia.

Even more exciting, with a minimum balance and transfer of ShopeePay IDR 20,000 on September 9, you can get a total gold bonus of IDR 2 billion by playing ShopeePay Rub. ShopeePay balance can be used for shopping, you can also get gold! More cuan doubled, right?” he explained.

Not only that, continued Patricia Gouw, you should watch a TV Show with prizes of 1 car and shopping vouchers of hundreds of millions of rupiah. Adding to the excitement of the 9.9 Super ShopeePay Deals campaign, ShopeePay presents a special segment on the Shopee TV Show which will be broadcast live on September 9, 2021 on five national television channels, namely RCTI, SCTV, Indosiar, ANTV, and MNC TV.

In the ShopeePay segment which runs from 20.10 to 20.25, you can buy a TV Show Special Voucher Savings Package in the form of a 100% Cashback Voucher up to Rp. 100,000 which can be purchased for only Rp. Simply Scan the QR Code listed on the TV screen or choose a voucher on page 9.9 Special TV Show at that time.

Not only that, ShopeePay also gave a special surprise with a grand prize in the form of 1 Xpander Cross car and shopping vouchers worth a total of hundreds of millions of rupiah.

Keeping her promise to become ShopeePay’s social media admin, Patricia Gouw will take over the ShopeePay Instagram account on September 9 with a series of exciting activities and of course granting netizens’ requests for special gifts. On this occasion, all ShopeePay users can interact directly with Patricia Gouw virtually. ***





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