Informasi Peremajaan Sawit Rakyat Harus Sampai pada Petani

Informasi Peremajaan Sawit Rakyat Harus Sampai pada Petani

Informasi Peremajaan Sawit Rakyat Harus Sampai pada Petani | — Wakil Gubernur (Wagub) Sumatera Utara (Sumut) Musa Rajekshah berharap informasi mengenai program Peremajaan Sawit Rakyat (PSR) harus benar-benar bisa sampai kepada para petani. Sehingga para petani dapat segera menjadi peserta dan memanfaatkannya.

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Hal ini dikatakannya, saat menerima audiensi dari Balai Besar Perbenihan dan Proteksi Tanaman Perkebunan (BBPPTP) Medan di Rumah Dinas Wagub Sumut, Jalan Teuku Daud, Senin, 6 September 2021, sore.

“Memang program PSR ini bagus sekali, karena orang dikasi gratis, kenapa tidak mau? Tapi memang kendalanya, informasi seperti ini sering tidak sampai ke masyarakat,” ujar Musa Rajekshah, yang akrab disapa Ijeck.

Ijeck menceritakan, saat dirinya menggeluti usaha perkebunan sawit dulu, juga telah menyadari jika sawit sangat baik bila dijalankan sampai ke tingkat bawah. Untuk itu, dia meminta dalam program PSR ini agar dapat mengedepankan aspek komunikasi, sehingga bisa dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat. “Karena rakyat memang kewalahan untuk melakukan replanting (peremajaan sawit),” jelasnya.

Namun dari sisi pemerintahan, jelas dia, sebagai penghasil CPO dan perkebunan terbesar kedua setelah Kalimantan, Provinsi Sumut tidak mendapatkan feedback (masukan) dari hasil perkebunan sawit. Padahal, katanya, angkutan sawit juga memakai badan jalan, dan badan jalan banyak yang rusak karena dilintasi oleh truk pengangkut sawit.

“Kita sudah bolak balik berjuang untuk itu, tapi belum juga terealisasi. Namun kita lihat Jawa Timur yang penghasil sembako, tapi mereka bisa mendapatkan hasil (feedback),” jelas Ijeck.

Karenanya, Ijeck berharap, program PSR ini betul-betul dapat dirasakan manfaatnya oleh masyarakat. Jangan sampai, PSR ini hanya menjadi program publikasi semata saja. “Karena kita mau program benar-benar berjalan, bukan hanya penyerapan anggaran saja,” harapnya.


Sementara itu, Kepala BBPPTP Medan sekaligus Korwil untuk PSR Wilayah I Agus Hartono memaparkan, PSR tersebut terdiri tiga program, yakni replanting sawit yang berusia sudah di atas 25 tahun, kedua sawit yang produksinya kurang dari 10 ton pertahun dan yang memakai benih palsu.

Khusus untuk replanting itu sendiri, terang Agus, perhektarenya akan dibiayai sebesar Rp30 juta dengan maksimum per KK adalah sebanyak empat hektare. Selain itu, juga termasuk program pembersihan lahan, tumbang chiping sampai tertanam kembali.

“Program replanting ini sudah dimulai pada 2017 sampai sekarang. Target kami pertahun 180.000 hektare (Ha) dan di Sumut 20.500 ha pertahun di 15 kabupaten,” terangnya. Namun dari 20.500 ha itu yang sudah keluar rekomendasi teknisnya baru sebesar 1.700 hektare. Karenanya dia mengaku memohon dukungan dari Wagub Sumut karena jumlah itu masih sangat jauh, sedangkan capaian minimalnya 75 persen.

Agus melanjutkan, selain program PSR pihaknya juga memiliki program sarana dan prasarana (sarpras) berupa program kepada petani yang tidak mendapatkan PSR karena produksinya masih bagus. “Program itu berupa bantuan pupuk dan pestisida bahkan ada program peningkatan jalan, jalan rusak, agar akses bisa keluar masuk lebih mudah,” sebutnya.


Di samping itu, lanjutnya, program bantuan ekskavator traktor, bantuan pertanian kecil, sertifikasi ISPO, sampai peningkatan ekspor dan Pabrik Kelapa Sawit (PKS) mini juga akan dilaksanakan. Dia menambahkan, ada juga bantuan peningkatan SDM terkait pelatihan tentang budidaya yang baik dan beasiswa kepada anak-anak pekebun mengenai masalah sawit.

“Makanya kita membutuhkan dukungan dari Pak Wagub Sumut,” pungkasnya. Turut hadir dalam audensi ini, Plt Kepala Dinas Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura Bahruddin Siregar, Kepala Dinas Kehutanan Herianto, Kepala Dinas Perkebunan Lies Handayani Siregar, Kepala Dinas Ketahanan Pangan dan Peternakan M Azhar Harahap serta Kepala UPT BIAPL Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan M Riza Kurma Lubis. ***

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Information on People’s Palm Oil Rejuvenation Must Get to Farmers | — Deputy Governor (Vice Governor) of North Sumatra (Sumut) Musa Rajekshah hopes that information regarding the People’s Palm Oil Rejuvenation (PSR) program should actually reach the farmers. So that farmers can immediately become participants and take advantage of it.

He said this when receiving an audience from the Medan Plantation Plant Seed and Protection Center (BBPPTP) at the North Sumatra Deputy Governor’s Office House, Jalan Teuku Daud, Monday, September 6, 2021, afternoon. “Indeed, the PSR program is very good, because people are given it for free, why not?

Ijeck said that when he was in the oil palm plantation business, he also realized that palm oil was very good if it was carried out at the lower level. For this reason, he asked the PSR program to prioritize the communication aspect, so that it could be utilized by the community. “Because people are really overwhelmed to do replanting (palm replanting),” he explained.

However, from the government side, he explained, as the second largest producer of CPO and plantations after Kalimantan, the Province of North Sumatra did not receive any feedback from the results of oil palm plantations. In fact, he said, transportation of palm oil also uses roads, and many roads are damaged because they are crossed by trucks transporting palm oil.

“We have been fighting back and forth for it, but it has not been realized. However, we see East Java which produces basic necessities, but they can get results (feedback),” explained Ijeck.

Therefore, Ijeck hopes that this PSR program can really benefit the community. Don’t let this PSR become a mere publication program. “Because we want the program to actually run, not just absorb the budget,” he hoped.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Medan BBPPTP as well as the Regional Coordinator for PSR Region I Agus Hartono explained, the PSR consists of three programs, namely replanting palms that are over 25 years old, both palms whose production is less than 10 tons per year and those using fake seeds.

Especially for the replanting itself, explained Agus, the per hectare will be financed at Rp. 30 million with a maximum per family of four hectares. In addition, it also includes land clearing programs, chipping and replanting.

“This replanting program has started in 2017 until now. Our target is 180,000 hectares per year (Ha) and in North Sumatra 20,500 hectares per year in 15 districts,” he explained. However, of the 20,500 hectares, only 1,700 hectares have been issued. Therefore, he claimed to be asking for support from the Deputy Governor of North Sumatra because the number is still very far away, while the minimum achievement is 75 percent.

Agus continued, in addition to the PSR program, his party also has a facility and infrastructure program (sarpras) in the form of a program for farmers who do not receive PSR because their production is still good. “The program is in the form of fertilizer and pesticide assistance, there is even a program to improve roads, damaged roads, so that access can be in and out more easily,” he said.

In addition, he continued, assistance programs for tractor excavators, small farm assistance, ISPO certification, to increase exports and mini Palm Oil Mills (PKS) will also be implemented. He added that there was also assistance in increasing human resources related to training on good cultivation and scholarships for the children of planters on oil palm issues.

“That’s why we need the support of the Deputy Governor of North Sumatra,” he concluded. Also present at this hearing, Acting Head of the Food Crops and Horticulture Agency Bahruddin Siregar, Head of the Forestry Service Herianto, Head of the Plantation Service Lies Handayani Siregar, Head of the Food and Livestock Security Agency M Azhar Harahap and Head of UPT BIAPL Marine and Fisheries Service M Riza Kurma Lubis. ***





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