Serial Film Mangi-Mangi Main di MAXstream | — Telkomsel dan Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman dan Investasi Republik Indonesia (Kemenkomarves RI) menjalin kolaborasi dalam menyajikan serial “Mangi-Mangi” di platform video on demand terdepan dari Telkomsel, MAXstream.
Serial film Mangi-Mangi dihadirkan oleh Biro Komunikasi Kemenkomarves RI untuk menginspirasi sekaligus mendorong semangat anak muda daerah agar dapat lebih berdaya dalam mengembangkan desa melalui budidaya kepiting soka sebagai salah satu biota laut yang memiliki nilai potensial di Indonesia.
Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman dan Investasi Republik Indonesia, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan menjelaskan, sebagai bangsa yang mengaku memiliki nenek moyang pelaut, wajib bagi kita untuk meneruskan cita-cita mulia para pendahulu.
Menjadikan laut sebagai kehidupan, namun juga menjaganya untuk masa depan. “Bagi para generasi muda, khususnya generasi milenial dan generasi Z, dengan adanya film ini, sudah saatnya peduli dan sadar apa arti laut sesungguhnya, ditambah para generasi muda ramah dengan gadget dan dunia internet, maka wajib menonton film seri ‘Mangi-Mangi’ persembahan kami, tentang suka duka persahabatan anak-anak pesisir yang sedang mencari jati diri,” kata Luhut.
Sekretaris Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman dan Investasi Republik Indonesia Agung Kuswandono mengatakan, film ini menjadi salah satu upaya memperkenalkan budaya bahari, serta memberikan pemahaman tentang literasi maritim dan pentingnya ekonomi sirkular kepada masyarakat.
“Kami berharap dari penayangan film seri ‘Mangi-Mangi’ ini dapat memberikan pengetahuan kepada masyarakat terkait pentingnya hutan mangrove, utamanya anak-anak muda seperti para tokoh utama dalam film ini. Ayo kita saksikan film ‘Mangi-Mangi’ karya anak bangsa untuk bangsa Indonesia,” ujarnya.
Vice President Brand and Marketing Communications Telkomsel, Abdullah Fahmi menambahkan, Telkomsel antusias dan bangga menyambut kolaborasi bersama Kemenkomarves RI dalam menghadirkan serial Mangi-Mangi kepada masyarakat melalui MAXstream.
• Telkomsel Usung Semangat Tangguh
Kolaborasi ini menegaskan komitmen Telkomsel sebagai digital lifestyle enabler yang terus aktif dalam menghadirkan beragam konten hiburan berkualitas dan menjadi ‘The Home of Entertainment’ bagi seluruh lapisan masyarakat.
“Kami berharap konten inspratif yang semakin banyak dihadirkan melalui MAXstream dapat terus membuka peluang bagi masyarakat mengoptimalkan beragam potensi diri maupun kearifan lokalnya agar dapat bermanfaat untuk kepentingan bersama,” ucapnya.
Serial Mangi-Mangi berkisah tentang Aris (Fachri Muhammad), Raha (Rinaldy Zulkarnain), dan Laras (Laras Sardi) yang cemas pada kondisi desa mereka yang tak dapat menghasilkan apa pun karena banyak pemuda-pemudi yang memilih merantau.
Ketiga remaja itu pun tergerak untuk memberdayakan pemuda-pemudi desa yang tersisa agar dapat produktif sekaligus menggerakkan roda perekonomian desa melalui budidaya kepiting soka.
Namun usaha ketiganya dalam membudidaya kepiting soka banyak menemui tantangan bahkan mengalami kegagalan, sehingga menguji komitmen ketiganya yang ingin memajukan desa tempat tinggalnya.
Mangi-Mangi merupakan serial film yang terdiri dari dua episode dengan total durasi 31 menit. Film tersebut dapat dinikmati oleh pelanggan MAXstream mulai 8 September 2021.
Hadirnya serial Mangi-Mangi kian memperkaya varian konten inspiratif yang dihadirkan oleh MAXstream sekaligus mempertegas komitmen memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan akan hiburan berkualitas dan mendidik.
MAXstream yang juga sebagai platform marketplace video streaming terkemuka di Indonesia telah menghadirkan lebih dari 8.000 judul koleksi konten film dan serial. Selain itu, aplikasi MAXstream telah diunduh lebih dari 25 juta kali.
“Langkah kolaborasi ini sekaligus menegaskan komitmen Telkomsel yang akan terus membuka diri dengan para pemangku kepentingan untuk bekerja sama sebagai langkah #YangKitaBisa lakukan untuk membuka kesempatan lebih luas bagi para pelaku industri kreatif lokal untuk lebih banyak menghasilkan karya yang inspiratif, serta memperluas akses bagi masyarakat dalam menikmati ragam konten yang mendidik dan berkualitas melalui pemanfaatan keunggulan seluruh aset platform dan layanan digital, serta kapabilitas Telkomsel sebagai penyedia konektifitas digital terdepan di Indonesia,” sebut Abdulllah. ***
Mangi-Mangi Film Series Plays on MAXstream | — Telkomsel and the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkomarves RI) collaborated in presenting the “Mangi-Mangi” series on Telkomsel’s leading video on demand platform, MAXstream.
The Mangi-Mangi film series was presented by the Communication Bureau of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia to inspire and encourage the enthusiasm of local youth to be more empowered in developing villages through the cultivation of soka crabs as one of the marine biota that has potential value in Indonesia.
The Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment of the Republic of Indonesia, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, explained that as a nation that claims to have seafaring ancestors, it is obligatory for us to continue the noble ideals of our predecessors.
Make the sea a life, but also protect it for the future. “For the younger generation, especially the millennial generation and generation Z, with this film, it’s time to care and realize what the real sea means, plus the younger generation is friendly with gadgets and the internet world, it is mandatory to watch the ‘Mangi-Mangi’ series, presented us, about the ups and downs of the friendship of coastal children who are looking for their identity,” said Luhut.
Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment of the Republic of Indonesia Agung Kuswandono said this film was an effort to introduce maritime culture, as well as provide an understanding of maritime literacy and the importance of the circular economy to the public.
“We hope that the screening of the ‘Mangi-Mangi’ film series can provide knowledge to the community regarding the importance of mangrove forests, especially young people like the main characters in this film. Indonesia,” he said.
Telkomsel’s Vice President of Brand and Marketing Communications, Abdullah Fahmi, added, “Telkomsel is enthusiastic and proud to welcome the collaboration with the Indonesian Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries in presenting the Mangi-Mangi series to the public through MAXstream.
This collaboration confirms Telkomsel’s commitment as a digital lifestyle enabler that continues to be active in presenting a variety of quality entertainment content and becoming ‘The Home of Entertainment’ for all levels of society.
“We hope that the inspirational content that is increasingly presented through MAXstream can continue to open opportunities for the community to optimize their various potentials and local wisdom so that they can be useful for the common interest,” he said.
The Mangi-Mangi series tells the story of Aris (Fachri Muhammad), Raha (Rinaldy Zulkarnain), and Laras (Laras Sardi) who are worried about the condition of their village that cannot produce anything because many young people choose to migrate.
The three teenagers were also moved to empower the remaining village youths to be productive and at the same time move the wheels of the village economy through the cultivation of soka crabs.
However, the three efforts in cultivating soka crabs met many challenges and even failed, thus testing the commitment of the three to develop the village where they live.
Mangi-Mangi is a film series consisting of two episodes with a total duration of 31 minutes. The film can be enjoyed by MAXstream subscribers starting September 8, 2021.
The presence of the Mangi-Mangi series further enriches the variety of inspirational content presented by MAXstream as well as reinforces the commitment to meet customer needs for quality and educational entertainment.
MAXstream, which is also the leading video streaming marketplace platform in Indonesia, has presented more than 8,000 titles of film and series content collections. In addition, the MAXstream application has been downloaded more than 25 million times.
“This collaboration step also confirms Telkomsel’s commitment to continue to open up with stakeholders to work together as a #YangKitabisa step to open wider opportunities for local creative industry players to produce more inspiring works, as well as expand access for the community in enjoy a variety of educational and quality content through utilizing the advantages of all digital platform assets and services, as well as Telkomsel’s capabilities as the leading digital connectivity provider in Indonesia,” said Abdulllah. ***