Gubernur Edy Rahmayadi ‘Top’ Pembina BUMD 2021 | — Gubernur Sumatera Utara (Sumut) Edy Rahmayadi kembali meraih penghargaan Top Pembina BUMD 2021 pada Ajang TOP BUMD Awards 2021, yang digelar majalah Top Business bersama Institut Otonomi Daerah (i-OTDA) dan Lembaga Kajian Nawacita (LKN) di Dian Ballroom, Hotel Raffles, Jakarta.
Top Pembina BUMD 2021 diberikan kepada Gubernur Edy Rahmayadi karena dinilai berhasil membina sejumlah Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) milik Pemerintah Provinsi (Pemprov) Sumut, sehingga menjadi perusahaan yang sehat, berdaya saing dan berkontribusi terhadap perekonomian daerah.
Selain itu, Bank Sumut dan Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Tirtanadi yang merupakan BUMD milik Pemprov Sumut juga memperoleh penghargaan pada ajang tersebut. Bank Sumut meraih Penghargaan Bintang Lima TOP BUMD Awards 2021, dan TOP CEO BUMD 2021 yang diraih (alm) Muchammad Budi Utomo, Direktur Utama PT Bank Sumut untuk penilaian pada Tahun 2020.
Begitu juga PDAM Tirtanadi yang berhasil meraih predikat TOP BUMD Awards 2021 kategori Bintang Lima dan Direktur Utama PDAM Tirtanadi Kabir Bedi menyabet TOP CEO BUMD 2021.
Penghargaan kepada Gubernur Edy Rahmayadi diterima Asisten Perekonomian dan Pembangunan Setdaprov Sumut Arief S Trinugroho. Dikatakannya, Pemprov Sumut sangat mengapresiasi pemberian penghargaan tersebut yang secara rutin digelar setiap tahun.
“Semoga ajang pemberian penghargaan TOP BUMD Awards yang secara rutin digelar tersebut dapat terus mendorong BUMD-BUMD di daerah untuk terus berupaya meningkatkan kinerja dan mengembangkan diri menjadi perusahaan yang sehat, berdaya saing dan berkontribusi terhadap perekonomian daerah,” katanya, Rabu, 15 September 2021.
Terpisah, Direktur Utama PT Bank Sumut Rahmat Fadillah Pohan menyampaikan, penghargaan TOP BUMD Award merupakan spirit dan motivasi bagi Bank Sumut untuk lebih meningkatkan kinerja dan memberikan pelayanan terbaik khususnya kepada Pemerintah Daerah dan masyarakat Sumut.
Rahmat juga menjelaskan Bank Sumut berkomitmen untuk meningkatkan digitalisasi pada produk dan layanan agar menyejajarkan diri dengan Bank-Bank BUMN atau Swasta besar lainnya. Selain itu untuk memperkuat struktur modal dalam rangka ekspansi bisnis dan lebih meningkatkan profesionalisme dan tata kelola perusahaan, Bank Sumut telah memperoleh restu pemegang saham untuk melakukan penawaran saham perdana (Initial Public Offering (IPO) pada Tahun 2022 mendatang.
Sementara itu, Dirut PDAM Tirtanadi Kabir Bedi menyampaikan rasa syukur dan bangga atas penghargaan TOP BUMD Awards 2021 yang diperoleh. “Kami bersyukur dan bangga atas penghargaan ini, serta berterima kasih kepada Gubernur Edy Rahmayadi dan Wagub Musa Rajekshah atas pembinaan yang dilakukan kepada manajemen Tirtanadi selama ini,” kata Kabir Bedi.
Kabir Bedi mengatakan, akan bertekad berbuat lebih baik memberikan pelayanan prima kepada masyarakat pelanggan, dengan percepatan program kerja 11.000 liter/detik untuk kebutuhan air di Kota Medan sekitarnya. Di mana saat ini, saat ini PDAM Tirtanadi masih mengelola air bersih sekitar 7000 liter/detik. “Oleh karena itu pada awal tahun 2023 nanti diharapkan tidak ada lagi kekurangan air terhadap masyarakat pelanggan karena kita sudah melakukan sejumlah kerjasama untuk memenuhi 11.000 liter/detik,” kata Kabir Bedi.***
Governor Edy Rahmayadi ‘Top’ BUMD 2021 Trustees | — North Sumatra (North Sumatra) Governor Edy Rahmayadi again won the 2021 BUMD Top Trustees award at the 2021 TOP BUMD Awards, which was held by Top Business magazine with the Regional Autonomy Institute (i-OTDA) and the Nawacita Study Institute (LKN) in Dian Ballroom, Raffles Hotel, Jakarta.
The Top 2021 BUMD Trustees were given to Governor Edy Rahmayadi because he was considered successful in fostering a number of Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD) belonging to the North Sumatra Provincial Government (Pemprov) so that they become healthy, competitive companies and contribute to the regional economy.
In addition, the Bank of North Sumatra and the Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) Tirtanadi which is a BUMD owned by the North Sumatra Provincial Government also received awards at the event. Bank Sumut won the Five Star Award for TOP BUMD Awards 2021, and TOP CEO for BUMD 2021 won by (late) Muchammad Budi Utomo, President Director of PT Bank Sumut for assessment in 2020.
Likewise, PDAM Tirtanadi which won the title of TOP BUMD Awards 2021 for the Five Star category and the President Director of PDAM Tirtanadi Kabir Bedi won the TOP CEO of BUMD 2021.
The award to Governor Edy Rahmayadi was received by the Assistant for the Economy and Development of the North Sumatra Provincial Secretariat, Arief S Trinugroho. He said, the North Sumatra Provincial Government really appreciates the awarding which is routinely held every year.
“Hopefully the TOP BUMD Awards, which are regularly held, can continue to encourage regional BUMDs to continue to improve their performance and develop themselves into healthy, competitive companies that contribute to the regional economy,” he said, Wednesday, September 15, 2021. .
Separately, the President Director of PT Bank Sumut Rahmat Fadillah Pohan said, the TOP BUMD Award was a spirit and motivation for Bank Sumut to further improve performance and provide the best service, especially to the Regional Government and the people of North Sumatra.
Rahmat also explained that Bank Sumut is committed to increasing digitization of products and services in order to align themselves with other large state-owned or private banks. In addition to strengthening the capital structure in the context of business expansion and further enhancing professionalism and corporate governance, Bank Sumut has obtained the approval of shareholders to conduct an Initial Public Offering (IPO) in 2022.
Meanwhile, the President Director of PDAM Tirtanadi Kabir Bedi expressed his gratitude and pride for the TOP BUMD Awards 2021 that was obtained. “We are grateful and proud for this award, and thank Governor Edy Rahmayadi and Deputy Governor Musa Rajekshah for the guidance that has been given to Tirtanadi’s management so far,” said Kabir Bedi.
Kabir Bedi said that he would be determined to do better in providing excellent service to the customer community, by accelerating the work program of 11,000 liters/second for water needs in the surrounding city of Medan. Currently, PDAM Tirtanadi is still managing clean water of around 7000 liters/second. “Therefore, at the beginning of 2023, it is hoped that there will be no more water shortages for the customer community because we have made a number of collaborations to meet 11,000 liters/second,” said Kabir Bedi.***