Ajak Milenial Terbang “SUPER Sehat” | PCR SUPER Hemat 285K | OBROLANBISNIS.com — SUPER AIR JET menawarkan tarif terjangkau bagi tamu super (sebutan khusus kepada penumpang) Rp 285.000 (285K) khusus penerbangan di rute Bandar Udara Internasional Kualanamu Deli Serdang, Sumatera Utara (KNO) tujuan Bandar Udara Internasional Soekarno-Hatta di Tangerang (CGK).
Sebelumnya, tarif SUPER Hemat 285K berlaku mulai Rabu, 22 September 2021 sampai pemberitahuan lebih lanjut pada keberangkatan dari Jakarta ke Medan Kualanamu. SUPER AIR JET sangat memahami kebutuhan setiap calon tamu super. Untuk itu komitmen SUPER AIR JET ialah membantu mempersiapkan rencana untuk setiap melayani penumpang berjadwal (regular flight) bagi tamu super.
Selain itu, penawaran SUPER Hemat uji kesehatan khusus RT-PCR ini menjadi salah satu hal penting dalam kampanye terbang itu “SUPER Sehat”.
Kampanye SUPER Sehat menjadi salah satu bagian komitmen SUPER AIR JET dalam mempersiapkan rencana penerbangan itu dijalankan sebagaimana pedoman protokol kesehatan, termasuk pemeriksaan atau uji kesehatan Covid-19 setiap calon penumpang serta operasional SUPER AIR JET memenuhi faktor-faktor keselamatan, keamanan dan kenyamanan (safety first).
Dalam mewujudkan terbang “SUPER Sehat” SUPER AIR JET bekerjasama dengan mitra pelaksanaan uji kesehatan Covid-19 yang sudah terdaftar (terafiliasi) dengan kementerian Kesehatan. Uji kesehatan RT-PCR harus mengikuti syarat ketentuan perjalanan udara termasuk masa berlaku hasil uji kesehatan yang diwajibkan bagi tamu super selama menjadi ketentuan atau aturan berlaku.
Kehadiran SUPER Hemat RT-PCR 285K juga menjadi bagian apresiasi dan terima kasih atas kepercayaan tamu super yang selama ini telah terbang bersama SUPER AIR JET. SUPER AIR JET menunjuk rekanan – fasilitas kesehatan dengan pertimbangan sudah berpengalaman dalam menjalankan uji kesehatan Covid-19 didukung tenaga medis profesional, kinerja dengan tingkat kecepatan penanganan akurat, tepat waktu (real time), dikerjakan sesuai protokol kesehatan ketat.
Terbang Perdana SUPER AIR JET Singgah ke Kualanamu dan Batam
SUPER AIR JET dalam kaitan kemitraan bersama fasilitas kesehatan, akan semakin menunjukkan bahwa setiap orang yang masuk ke pesawat udara dinyatakan sehat dan layak bepergian menggunakan pesawat udara. SUPER AIR JET senantiasa evaluasi pasar guna mengembangkan jaringan lokasi kesehatan yang berstandar kedepannya menurut tingkat kebutuhan calon tamu super dan akan disesuaikan persyaratan perjalanan udara.
Persyaratan Uji Kesehatan di antarnya, khusus calon tamu super milenial (calon penumpang) dengan tiket SUPER AIR JET. Bisa membayar secara langsung (datang ke lokasi fasilitas kesehatan yang sudah kerjasama) atau membeli voucher melalui sales channel seperti call center, kantor penjualan, www.superairjet.com , agen perjalanan (tour and travel) dan lainnya.
Kemudian, proses pengambilan sampel khusus RT-PCR harap dilakukan 1×24 jam sebelum keberangkatan. Bila pengambilan sampel mendekati jadwal keberangkatan (kurang dari 24 jam sebelum keberangkatan), maka voucher tidak berlaku.
Jika hasil uji kesehatan dinyatakan positif (+) Covid-19, maka calon tamu super dapat melakukan proses perubahan jadwal keberangkatan (reschedule) atau pengembalian dana tiket (refund) tanpa dikenakan biaya. ***
Invite Millennials to Fly “SUPER Healthy” | PCR SUPER Save 285K | OBROLANBISNIS.com — SUPER AIR JET offers affordable fares for super guests (a special name for passengers) of IDR 285,000 (285K) specifically for flights on the Kualanamu International Airport Deli Serdang, North Sumatra (KNO) route to Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Tangerang (CGK).
Previously, the SUPER Savings 285K rate was valid from Wednesday, September 22, 2021 until further notice on departure from Jakarta to Medan Kualanamu. SUPER AIR JET really understands the needs of every super guest. For this reason, SUPER AIR JET’s commitment is to help prepare plans for each scheduled passenger service (regular flight) for super guests.
In addition, the SUPER Efficient offer for this special RT-PCR medical test is one of the important things in the “SUPER Sehat” flying campaign.
The SUPER Sehat campaign is part of SUPER AIR JET’s commitment in preparing the flight plan, which is carried out according to health protocol guidelines, including a Covid-19 health check or test for each prospective passenger and SUPER AIR JET operations meet safety, security and comfort factors (safety first). ).
In realizing the “SUPER Healthy” flight, SUPER AIR JET collaborates with partners implementing the Covid-19 health test who have been registered (affiliated) with the Ministry of Health. The RT-PCR health test must comply with the terms and conditions of air travel including the validity period the results of the health test required for super guests as long as the provisions or rules apply.
The presence of the SUPER Saving RT-PCR 285K is also a part of appreciation and gratitude for the trust of the super guests who have been flying with SUPER AIR JET. SUPER AIR JET appoints partners – health facilities with consideration that they have experience in carrying out Covid-19 health tests supported by professional medical personnel, performance with a speed level of accurate, timely (real time) handling, carried out according to strict health protocols.
SUPER AIR JET in partnership with health facilities will further demonstrate that everyone who enters the aircraft is declared healthy and fit to travel by airplane. SUPER AIR JET constantly evaluates the market in order to develop a network of standard health locations in the future according to the level of needs of potential super guests and will be adjusted to air travel requirements.
Health Test requirements include, specifically for super millennial guests (potential passengers) with SUPER AIR JET tickets. Can pay directly (come to the location of health facilities that have collaborated) or buy vouchers through sales channels such as call centers, sales offices, www.superairjet.com , travel agents (tour and travel) and others.
Then, the RT-PCR special sampling process should be carried out 1×24 hours before departure. If sampling is close to the scheduled departure (less than 24 hours before departure), the voucher is not valid.
If the results of the health test are positive (+) Covid-19, the prospective super guest can make a process of rescheduling or refunding tickets without being charged. ***