Keuntungan Double di 10.10 ShopeePay Deals

Keuntungan Double di 10.10 ShopeePay Deals

Keuntungan Double di 10.10 ShopeePay Deals | ShopeePay, layanan pembayaran digital yang berkomitmen mendorong akses digitalisasi finansial bagi pelaku bisnis dan konsumen di seluruh Indonesia, menghadirkan keuntungan berlipat bagi masyarakat melalui kampanye 10.10 ShopeePay Double Deals. Kampanye yang dihadirkan tanggal 28 September hingga 10 Oktober 2021 ini bertujuan untuk menekankan manfaat dan keuntungan dari penggunaan layanan pembayaran digital dibandingkan dengan uang tunai.

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Bank Indonesia mencatatkan bahwa nilai transaksi uang elektronik pada Agustus 2021 baru mencapai Rp24,8 triliun, sedangkan uang tunai yang diedarkan mencapai Rp843,9 triliun. Hal ini mencerminkan bahwa mayoritas masyarakat Indonesia masih menggunakan uang tunai dalam bertransaksi dan menyisakan ruang besar untuk pertumbuhan transaksi nontunai.

Cindy Candiawan, Head of Campaigns and Growth Marketing ShopeePay mengungkapkan, bahwa melihat adanya pertumbuhan transaksi nontunai yang signifikan dan relatif cepat di era digitalisasi ini, terutama selama pandemi. Hal ini terbukti dari pengguna ShopeePay yang 2x lebih sering bertransaksi dibandingkan tahun lalu.

“Oleh karena itu, kami menghadirkan kampanye dengan promo terbaik agar masyarakat semakin terdorong untuk beralih ke pembayaran digital yang lebih menguntungkan dibandingkan bertransaksi menggunakan uang tunai. Bertransaksi secara nirkontak menggunakan layanan pembayaran digital pun lebih aman dan nyaman dilakukan selama situasi pandemi saat ini,” ujarnya, Jumat, 1 Oktober 2021.

Selama periode kampanye 10.10 ShopeePay Double Deals, masyarakat dapat memanfaatkan serangkaian promo menarik di berbagai merchant online dan offline. Dari kategori food & beverage (F&B), pengguna dapat menggunakan promo yang dihadirkan di merchant-merchant favorit, seperti Auntie Anne’s, Gong Cha, Sour Sally, Urban Latte, dan masih banyak lagi.

Selain F&B, pengguna juga bisa menikmati promo dari berbagai merchant menarik seperti Anteraja dan Planet Ban selama periode kampanye ini.


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Keuntungan berlipat yang bisa dinikmati dari kampanye 10.10 ShopeePay Double Deals, di antaranya, Buy 1 Get 1 Deals. Dapatkan tambahan 1 voucher gratis ketika membeli 1 voucher selama dua minggu ke depan melalui fitur Deals Sekitarmu yang tersedia di halaman utama Shopee.

Voucher Cashback 100% seharga Rp100 dapat dinikmati di ratusan merchant offline dan online. Pada promo puncak yang berlangsung di 10 Oktober, voucher cashback dapat dibeli dengan harga Rp1.

Flash Sale Rp1 yang tersedia setiap hari pada pukul 12.00 dan 18.00, kecuali di 10 Oktober. Di saat bersamaan, turut hadir Shopee 10.10 Brands Festival yang telah bekerjasama dengan berbagai brand ternama yang tersedia di fitur Shopee Mall dalam aplikasi Shopee, untuk menyediakan ragam produk pilihan yang berkualitas dari berbagai kategori.

Melalui kampanye ini, seluruh pengguna dapat menikmati rangkaian promo menarik seperti Garansi 100% Original untuk semua produk, Super Brand Day Setiap Hari, dan kesempatan untuk berbelanja dan membawa pulang mobil mewah, Tesla 3. ***

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Double Profit at 10.10 ShopeePay Deals | ShopeePay, a digital payment service committed to encouraging access to financial digitization for businesses and consumers throughout Indonesia, brings multiple benefits to the public through the 10.10 ShopeePay Double Deals campaign. The campaign, which was presented from September 28 to October 10, 2021, aims to emphasize the benefits and advantages of using digital payment services compared to cash.

Bank Indonesia recorded that the value of electronic money transactions in August 2021 had only reached IDR 24.8 trillion, while cash in circulation reached IDR 843.9 trillion. This reflects that the majority of Indonesians still use cash in their transactions and leaves a large room for the growth of non-cash transactions.

Cindy Candiawan, ShopeePay’s Head of Campaigns and Growth Marketing revealed that she saw the significant and relatively fast growth of non-cash transactions in this digitalization era, especially during the pandemic. This is evident from ShopeePay users who transact more often than last year.

“Therefore, we present a campaign with the best promos so that people are increasingly encouraged to switch to digital payments which are more profitable than transacting using cash. Contactless transactions using digital payment services are even safer and more convenient to do during the current pandemic situation,” he said. , Friday, October 1, 2021.

During the 10.10 ShopeePay Double Deals campaign period, the public can take advantage of a series of attractive promos at various online and offline merchants. From the food & beverage (F&B) category, users can use promos presented at favorite merchants, such as Auntie Anne’s, Gong Cha, Sour Sally, Urban Latte, and many more.

In addition to F&B, users can also enjoy promos from various attractive merchants such as Anteraja and Planet Ban during this campaign period.

Multiple benefits that can be enjoyed from the 10.10 ShopeePay Double Deals campaign, including Buy 1 Get 1 Deals. Get an additional 1 free voucher when you buy 1 voucher for the next two weeks through the Nearby Deals feature available on the Shopee main page.

100% Cashback Voucher for Rp.100 can be enjoyed at hundreds of offline and online merchants. At the peak promo which takes place on October 10, cashback vouchers can be purchased for Rp1.

Flash Sale Rp1 available every day at 12.00 and 18.00, except on 10 October. At the same time, the Shopee 10.10 Brands Festival was also present, which has collaborated with various well-known brands available on the Shopee Mall feature in the Shopee application, to provide a wide selection of quality products from various categories.

Through this campaign, all users can enjoy a series of attractive promos such as 100% Original Guarantee for all products, Super Brand Day Every Day, and the opportunity to shop and bring home a luxury car, Tesla 3. ***





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