Pelaku UMKM Kerajinan Diimbau Terjun ke Dunia Digital | — Ketua Dewan Kerajinan Nasional Daerah (Dekranasda) Sumatera Utara (Sumut) Nawal Lubis mendorong pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) agar terjun ke dunia digital untuk mempromosikan produknya. Terutama pelaku UMKM di bidang kerajinan tradisional, sehingga dapat membuka pasar yang lebih luas lagi bahkan mendunia.
Bukan hanya pasar, masyarakat di luar Sumut juga akan dapat mengenal hasil kerajinan tradisional daerah ini, apabila para pengrajin memasarkan produknya. Sumut memiliki beragam hasil kerajinan tradisional mulai dari wastra atau kain tradisional hingga ukiran kayu.
Hal tersebut disampaikan Nawal Lubis saat pembukaan kegiatan Sinergi Kegiatan Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM dengan Bidang Manajemen Usaha Dekranas di Desa Meat, Kabupaten Toba, Selasa, 5 Oktober 2021. “Pelaku UMKM khususnya bidang kerajinan, perlu mempromosikan produknya di digital, mengingat perkembangan teknologi sudah kian pesat,” kata Nawal.
Untuk itu, Nawal menyambut baik kegiatan yang didakan oleh Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM bersama dengan Dekranas pusat dan daerah tersebut.
Ada pun kegiatan yang dilaksanakan antara lain pelatihan e-commerce bagi usaha mikro di sektor pariwisata dan rumahan, pelatihan marketing mix, pelatihan peningkatan kapasitas pengelolaan organsisasi dan usaha koperasi, bimbingan teknis peningkatan kewirausahaan, webinar membangkitkan inovasi wastra tenun, serta temu mitra.
“Kegiatan ini punya arti yang sangat besar, dalam rangka pemulihan ekonomi nasional di Sumut, juga meningkatkan kualitas pelaku UMKM dan produktivitas usaha masyarakat di kawasan Toba dan sekitarnya,” ujar Nawal.
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Disampaikan juga, UMKM selama ini memerlukan dukungan pemerintah mulai dari pendampingan permodalan, fasilitas usaha hingga peningkatan akses pasar. Untuk itu, diharapkan kementerian terkait agar selalu memberi perhatian dan fasilitas bagi pelaku UMKM, sehingga dapat memacu semangat pengrajin untuk terus berkarya dan berusaha, agar kesejahteraan masyarakat dapat tercapai.
Ketua Bidang Manajemen Dekranas Suzana Teten Masduki menyampaikan, pandemi Covid-19 telah membuka mata semua orang bahwa digitalisasi sangat penting. Untuk itu, Ia juga meminta agar para pelaku UMKM memanfatkan dunia digital seluas-luasnya.
Suzana juga mengapresiasi Dekranasda Sumut yang berpartisipasi dalam kampanye cerita wastra 2020 dan 2021 sehingga menjadi tren setter bagi masyarakat dalam menjaga wastra nusantara dengan ceritanya. “Semoga Dekranasda provinsi dan daerah terus menjaga cerita wastra itu sehingga anak-anak muda dapat mencintai wastra,” kata Suzana.
Sementara itu, Bupati Toba Poltak Sitorus mengharapkan berbagai kegiatan pelatihan yang diadakan di Desa Meat, Toba, tersebut dapat membantu meningkatkan kapasitas pelaku UMKM. Apalagi lokasi tersebut merupakan pusat kerajinan ulos yang merupakan produk unggulan di kawasan Toba. “Kami merasa produk ini perlu dibenahi dari segi kemasan hingga promosi,” kata Poltak.***
Handicraft MSME actors are urged to enter the digital world | — Chairman of the Regional National Crafts Council (Dekranasda) of North Sumatra (Sumut) Nawal Lubis encourages Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to enter the digital world to promote their products. Especially SMEs in the field of traditional crafts, so that they can open a wider and even global market.
Not only markets, people outside North Sumatra will also be able to recognize the traditional handicrafts of this area, if the craftsmen market their products. North Sumatra has a variety of traditional handicrafts ranging from wastra or traditional cloth to wood carvings.
This was conveyed by Nawal Lubis at the opening of the Synergy of Activities of the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs with the Dekranas Business Management Sector in Meat Village, Toba Regency, Tuesday, October 5, 2021. “MSME actors, especially in the handicraft sector, need to promote their products digitally, considering technological developments are increasingly rapidly,” said Nawal.
For this reason, Nawal welcomed the activities held by the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs together with the central and regional Dekranas.
The activities carried out include e-commerce training for micro-enterprises in the tourism and home sectors, marketing mix training, capacity building training for organization and cooperative business management, technical guidance to increase entrepreneurship, webinars to raise wastra weaving innovation, and partner meetings.
“This activity has a very big meaning, in the context of national economic recovery in North Sumatra, as well as improving the quality of MSME players and the productivity of community businesses in the Toba and surrounding areas,” said Nawal.
He also said that MSMEs have been in need of government support, starting from capital assistance, business facilities to increasing market access. For this reason, it is hoped that the relevant ministries will always provide attention and facilities for MSME actors, so that they can spur the spirit of craftsmen to continue to work and strive, so that community welfare can be achieved.
Head of the Dekranas Management Division, Suzana Teten Masduki, said that the Covid-19 pandemic had opened everyone’s eyes that digitalization was very important. For this reason, he also asked SMEs to take full advantage of the digital world.
Suzana also appreciated the North Sumatra Dekranasda who participated in the 2020 and 2021 wastra story campaigns so that they became a trend setter for the community in maintaining the archipelago’s wastra with its stories. “Hopefully the provincial and regional Dekranasda will continue to maintain the wastra story so that young people can love wastra,” said Suzana.
Meanwhile, Toba Regent Poltak Sitorus hopes that the various training activities held in Meat Village, Toba, can help increase the capacity of MSME actors. Moreover, this location is a center for Ulos handicrafts which is a superior product in the Toba area. “We feel this product needs to be improved in terms of packaging to promotion,” said Poltak.***