Masuk Nominasi FFI 2021 | Film parHEREK Digarap di Areal Fauna Milik TPL | — PT. Toba Pulp Lestari, Tbk (TPL) sangat bersyukur karena Film Dokumenter parHerek yang disutradarai Onny Kresnawan dan diproduseri Ria Novida Telaumbanua asal Sumatera Utara, berhasil masuk nominasi kategori Film Dokumenter Panjang Terbaik di Festival Film Indonesia (FFI) 2021.
Direktur TPL, Anwar Lawden pun sangat bangga film dokumenter karya anak bangsa (parHerek), yang mewakili Sumatera Utara berhasil masuk nominasi film tingkat nasional, dan bahkan harapannya dapat melaju ke tingkat Internasional.
Menurut Anwar Lawden film parHerek memiliki karekteristik Fauna di kawasan Sibaganding, yang berdekatan dengan wilayah Hutan Tanaman Industri (HTI) TPL di sektor Aek Nauli Kabupaten Simalungun, serta berdekatan dengan daerah tujuan wisata kawasan Danau Toba.
“parHerek salah satu film yang sangat cocok dengan visi misi perusahaan dalam konservasi satwa liar, yakni program Plasma Nutfah. Dimana setiap wilayah sektor konsesi HTI perusahaan, disiapkan wilayah konservasi satwa liar, seperti yang diatur dalam undang-undang,” kata Anwar Lawden pada acara Launching Film Dokumenter parHerek, Jumat, 15 Oktober 2021, di Aula Bank Sumut, Medan.
Mewakili manajemen perusahaan, Anwar Lawden juga berharap dukungan dari perusahaan terhadap produksi film parHerek, dapat mamacu semangat insan perfilman dokumenter di Indonesia, khususnya di Sumateta Utara.
Menurutnya, Sumatera Utara memiliki keberagaman etnis dan budaya lokal, yang dapat diangkat menjadi cerita menarik dalam film dokumenter.
“Apresiasi tertinggi terhadap film dokumenter parHerek bagi insan perfilman di Sumatera Utara, adalah ungkapan yang layak bagi mereka yang memiliki dedikasi tinggi terhadap seni perfilman dokumenter,” ungkap Anwar Lawden.
• Kawasan HTI TobaPulp Sustainability
Sementara itu, Manager Corporate Communication (Corpcom) TPL, Norma Hutajulu mengungkapkan, masuknya film dokumenter parHerek dalam nominasi FFI 2021, seakan membawa angin segar terhadap kerinduan karya seni film dokumenter di Sumatera Utara, yang sempat berkiprah dimasa kejayaannya.
Sehingga menurut Norma Hutajulu, sudah sepantasnya berbagai pihak memberikan dukungan maksimal terhadap insan perfileman dokumenter, dalam mengangkat nilai positif yang terkandung dalam budaya, sejarah dan aktivitas kehidupan masyarakat lokal.
“Saya mengucapkan selamat kepada Bang Ony, Bu Ria dan crew produksi film parHerek atas pencapaian terbaik. Dan harapannya film parHerek menjadi momentum besar kembalinya kiprah dan kejayaan film dokumenter di Sumatera Utara,” harap Norma dalam acara yang dibuka oleh Wagub Musa Rajekh Shah (Ijek).
Film dokumenter parHEREK yang didukung oleh Pemprov Sumatera Utara, PT Bank Sumut serta PT Toba Pulp Lestari, Tbk ini merupakan kisah hidup keseharian Datim Manik (29), yang meneruskan cara hidup unik sepeninggalan ayahnya, Umar Manik, sebagai pawang monyet di Hutan Sibaganding, Simalungun, Sumatera Utara, sejak 1980-an. ***
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Entered the 2021 FFI Nominations | ParHEREK Film Is Made in TPL’s Fauna Area | — PT. Toba Pulp Lestari, Tbk (TPL) is very grateful that the ParHerek Documentary Film, directed by Onny Kresnawan and produced by Ria Novida Telaumbanua from North Sumatra, has been nominated for the Best Long Documentary Film category at the 2021 Indonesian Film Festival (FFI).
The director of TPL, Anwar Lawden, is also very proud that the documentary film by the nation’s children (parHerek), which represents North Sumatra, has succeeded in being nominated for a national film, and even hopes to advance to the international level.
According to Anwar Lawden, the film parHerek has Fauna characteristics in the Sibaganding area, which is adjacent to the TPL Industrial Plantation Forest (HTI) in the Aek Nauli sector, Simalungun Regency, and adjacent to tourist destinations in the Lake Toba area.
“parHerek is one of the films that fits perfectly with the company’s vision and mission in wildlife conservation, namely the Germplasm program. Where every area of the company’s HTI concession sector, a wildlife conservation area is prepared, as regulated by law,” said Anwar Lawden at the ParHerek Documentary Film Launching, Friday, October 15, 2021, at the Bank Sumut Hall, Medan.
Representing the company’s management, Anwar Lawden also hopes that the company’s support for the production of the parHerek film can stimulate the spirit of documentary filmmakers in Indonesia, especially in North Sumatra.
According to him, North Sumatra has ethnic and local cultural diversity, which can be made into interesting stories in documentary films.
“The highest appreciation for the parHerek documentary film for filmmakers in North Sumatra is a proper expression for those who have high dedication to the art of documentary film,” said Anwar Lawden.
Meanwhile, TPL’s Corporate Communications (Corpcom) Manager, Norma Hutajulu, revealed that the inclusion of the parHerek documentary film in the 2021 FFI nomination seemed to bring fresh air to the longing for documentary film art in North Sumatra, which had been active in its heyday.
So according to Norma Hutajulu, it is appropriate for various parties to provide maximum support to documentary filmmakers, in raising the positive values contained in the culture, history and activities of local community life.
“I congratulate Bang Ony, Bu Ria and the parHerek film production crew for their best achievements. And we hope that the film parHerek will become a great momentum for the return of the gait and glory of documentary films in North Sumatra,” hoped Norma at the event which was opened by Deputy Governor Musa Rajekh Shah (Ijek).
The parHEREK documentary film supported by the North Sumatra Provincial Government, PT Bank Sumut and PT Toba Pulp Lestari, Tbk is the story of the daily life of Datim Manik (29), who continues the unique way of life after the death of his father, Umar Manik, as a monkey handler in the Sibaganding Forest, Simalungun. , North Sumatra, since the 1980s. ***