Gubsu Tegaskan Jangan Ada Lagi Kelangkaan BBM di Sumut

Gubsu Tegaskan Jangan Ada Lagi Kelangkaan BBM di Sumut

Gubsu Tegaskan Jangan Ada Lagi Kelangkaan BBM di Sumut | Gubernur Sumatera Utara (Sumut) Edy Rahmayadi memanggil PT Pertamina, terkait kelangkaan Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) di sejumlah kabupaten/kota beberapa waktu lalu.

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Gubernur meminta hal tersebut tidak terjadi lagi di daerah ini dan segera dilakukan langkah-langkah antisipasi.

“Saya tanyakan kenapa langka, dan Pertamina sudah berjanji tidak akan terjadi lagi,” kata Gubernur Edy Rahmayadi usai pertemuan dengan Eksekutif General Manager PT Pertamina Petra Niaga Sumatera Bagian Utara Asep Wicaksono dan jajarannya, di Rumah Dinas Gubernur, Jalan Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Nomor 41, Medan, Kamis, 21 Oktober 2021.

Menurut Gubernur, BBM adalah salah satu unsur yang sangat vital bagi kehidupan masyarakat. Apalagi saat ini masih dalam masa pemulihan ekonomi.

Masyarakat perlu beraktivitas, khususnya di sektor ekonomi. Hampir setiap kegiatan ekonomi memerlukan BBM. “BBM ini kan penting, jangan langka lagi dia, hampir setiap kegiatan orang memerlukan BBM karena itu dia vital,” ujar Gubernur.

Eksekutif General Manager PT Pertamina Petra Niaga Sumatera Bagian Utara Asep Wicaksono mengatakan, pihaknya telah mengamankan stok BBM di Sumut.


Gubsu Harap Petani Sumut Jangan Tergiur Rentenir

Asep berjanji, pihaknya akan menyediakan stok BBM sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat Sumut. “Penambahan stok sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat Sumut, berapapun kebutuhan masyarakat akan kami penuhi, ” kata Asep.

Dijelaskannya, antrean yang terjadi di berbagai SPBU di Sumut terjadi lantaran beberapa hal. Misalnya untuk solar, ada kuota terbatas di Sumut. Kini Pertamina telah menambah kuota untuk stok tersebut sejak minggu lalu. “Kami lihat di lapangan sudah terlihat cair (antrian),” kata Asep.

Selain itu, ada permasalahan lain seperti kurangnya stok yang diproduksi hingga akhirnya Pertamina mengimpor produk tersebut. Lantaran mengimpor, mekanisme memerlukan waktu lama.

“Impor itu tidak seperti beli barang biasa, ada mekanisme, kebetulan di tempat belinya ada antrean luar biasa, kami juga sudah mempelajari hal itu agar tidak terjadi lagi,” kata Asep. ***

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Governor of North Sumatra Affirms No More Fuel Scarcity in North Sumatra | The Governor of North Sumatra (North Sumatra) Edy Rahmayadi summoned PT Pertamina, regarding the scarcity of fuel oil (BBM) in a number of regencies/cities some time ago.
The governor asked that this would not happen again in this area and that anticipatory steps should be taken immediately.

“I asked why it was rare, and Pertamina has promised that it will not happen again,” said Governor Edy Rahmayadi after a meeting with the Executive General Manager of PT Pertamina Petra Niaga North Sumatra Asep Wicaksono and his staff, at the Governor’s Office House, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Number 41, Medan, Thursday, October 21, 2021.

According to the Governor, fuel is one of the most vital elements for people’s lives. Especially now that the economy is still recovering.

People need to be active, especially in the economic sector. Almost every economic activity requires fuel. “This fuel is important, don’t be rare anymore, almost every person’s activity requires fuel because it is vital,” said the Governor.

Executive General Manager of PT Pertamina Petra Niaga North Sumatra Asep Wicaksono said his party had secured the fuel stock in North Sumatra.

Asep promised that his party would provide fuel stock according to the needs of the people of North Sumatra. “The addition of stock is in accordance with the needs of the people of North Sumatra, whatever the needs of the community we will fulfill,” said Asep.

He explained that the queues that occurred at various gas stations in North Sumatra occurred due to several things. For example, for diesel, there is a limited quota in North Sumatra. Now Pertamina has increased the quota for the stock since last week. “We see that in the field it looks liquid (queues),” said Asep.

In addition, there are other problems such as the lack of stock produced until Pertamina finally imports the product. Because importing, the mechanism takes a long time.

“Imports are not like buying ordinary goods, there is a mechanism, coincidentally there is an extraordinary queue at the place where they are bought, we have also studied this so that it doesn’t happen again,” said Asep. ***





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