APINDO Deliserdang: Vaksin Kedua Bagi Pekerja Berjalan Tertib Sesuai Prokes

APINDO Deliserdang: Vaksin Kedua Bagi Pekerja Berjalan Tertib Sesuai Prokes

APINDO Deliserdang: Vaksin Kedua Bagi Pekerja Berjalan Tertib Sesuai Prokes | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Vaksin kedua bagi ribuan pekerja yang difasilitasi Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia (APINDO) Cabang Deliserdang yang berlangsung di areal pergudangan milik PT Eramas Coconut Industries, berjalan tertib dan lancar, sesuai protokoler kesehatan (prokes), Rabu, 27 Oktober 2021.

Sebelumnya, pemberian vaksin berjenis Sinovac untuk pertama kali pada 29 September 2021, di lokasi yang sama. Pemberian vaksin ini bekerjasama dengan APINDO – OJK dan ABUJAPI.

Menurut Indra Siregar sebagai Wakil Ketua DPC APINDO Deliserdang, ada sekitar 26 perusahaan yang terdaftar mengikuti vaksinisasi ini. “Para pekerja didaftarkan oleh perusahaan untuk menjadi peserta vaksin. Lokasi vaksin masih sama di Kecamatan Patumbak tepatnya gudang PT Eramas Coconut Industries,” ungkap Indra.


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Ia menambahkan, program vaksinasi yang difasilitasi APINDO Deliserdang adalah upaya membantu pemerintah dalam mempercepat pemberian vaksin Covid-19 kepada masyarakat.

“Sasarannya adalah para pekerja beserta keluarga pekerja perusahaan yang merupakan bagian dari anggota APINDO,” sebutnya.

Indra mengucapkan terimakasih atas support DPD APINDO Sumatera Utara yang mempercayakan APINDO Deliserdang sebagai tuan rumah pelaksanaan vaksin Covid-19.

“Dan juga berterimakasih atas dukungan seluruh stakeholder dan Pemerintah Kabupaten Deliserdang yang ikut memantau pelaksanaan pemberian vaksin sesuai dengan protokoler kesehatan (prokes),” beber Indra.

Turut hadir memantau pelaksanaan vaksin APINDO Peduli, Kabid PHI Dinas Ketenagakerjaan mewakili Bupati Deliserdang, pengurus DPD APINDO Sumut, pengurus DPC APINDO Deliserdang dan managemen PT Eramas Coconut Industries. ***


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apindo deliserdang

APINDO Deliserdang: The Second Vaccine For Workers Runs Orderly According to Prokes | OBROLANBISNIS.com — The second vaccine for thousands of workers facilitated by the Indonesian Employers’ Association (APINDO) Deliserdang Branch which took place in the warehousing area of ​​PT Eramas Coconut Industries, went orderly and smoothly, according to health protocols (prokes), Wednesday, October 27, 2021.

Previously, the Sinovac vaccine was administered for the first time on September 29, 2021, at the same location. This vaccine is given in collaboration with APINDO – OJK and ABUJAPI.

According to Indra Siregar as Deputy Chairman of the DPC APINDO Deliserdang, there are around 26 companies registered to participate in this vaccination. “The workers are registered by the company to be vaccine participants. The location of the vaccine is still the same in Patumbak District, precisely the warehouse of PT Eramas Coconut Industries,” said Indra.

He added that the vaccination program facilitated by APINDO Deliserdang was an effort to assist the government in accelerating the delivery of the Covid-19 vaccine to the public.


“The targets are workers and their families of company workers who are part of APINDO members,” he said.

Indra expressed his gratitude for the support from the North Sumatra APINDO DPD who entrusted APINDO Deliserdang as the host for the implementation of the Covid-19 vaccine.

“And also thank you for the support of all stakeholders and the Deliserdang Regency Government who participated in monitoring the implementation of vaccine administration in accordance with health protocols (prokes),” explained Indra.

Also present to monitor the implementation of the APINDO Peduli vaccine, the Head of the PHI Department of Manpower representing the Regent of Deliserdang, the management of the North Sumatran APINDO DPD, the management of the APINDO Deliserdang DPC and the management of PT Eramas Coconut Industries. ***





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