PCP Express Bidik Pasar Logistik Ritel | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Pertumbuhan ekonomi digital mendorong pelaku usaha gencar berinovasi dan berekspansi. Geliat industri digital termasuk pasar e-commerce menjadi sasaran bagi PCP Express.
Perusahaan kurir PCP Express pun meluncurkan inovasi berupa aplikasi Mitra Virtual (virtual agent). Secara sederhana, PCP Express membuka peluang bagi seluruh masyarakat, khususnya pelaku usaha UMKM untuk meraih pendapatan tambahan sebagai agen virtual bisnis logistik.
PCP Express resmi meluncurkan aplikasi Mitra Virtual pada 28 Oktober 2021, bertepatan dengan hari jadi PCP Express ke 22 tahun.
Berbekal pengalaman panjang di industri logistik, PCP Express menilai, potensi pasar logistik ritel sangat besar. Faktor lain, selama ini masyarakat terkendala modal untuk bisa memiliki bisnis logistik.
Lewat aplikasi Virtual Agent PCP Express, individu dan pebisnis UMKM bisa memanfaatkan usahanya untuk sekaligus berbisnis logistik dengan modal minim.
Beberapa syarat mudah untuk menjadi Virtual Agent PCP Express yakni memiliki kendaraan roda dua, smartphone, koneksi internet, timbangan portable, dan meteran.
Dengan modal minim, Virtual Agent PCP Express mendapatkan berbagai keuntungan. Diantaranya, penjemputan paket di lokasi Virtual Agent tanpa minimum nilai transaksi, biaya kirim lebih murah dengan skema harga kemitraan dan tersedia berbagai opsi pembayaran digital.
“Virtual Agent PCP Express juga bisa mendapatkan komisi sebesar 20% dari setiap nilai transaksi pengiriman yang bisa dicairkan oleh Virtual Agent setiap minggu,” ujar Dennis Soemarno, CEO PCP Express.
Saat ini, PCP Express telah melakukan pilot project Virtual Agent di wilayah DKI Jakarta. Sudah ada puluhan Virtual Agent yang tergabung dalam pilot project.
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Perusahaan optimistis jumlah Virtual Agent PCP Express bertambah jadi 250 hingga akhir tahun atau dalam periode dua bulan. Tahap awal, fokus ekspansi Virtual Agent PCP Express di wilayah DKI Jakarta, Bandung, Jogja, Semarang dan Surabaya. Selanjutnya akan berkembang ke kota besar lain seperti Medan, Makassar, Bali, Balikpapan dan Banjarmasin.
Yang jelas, permintaan tinggi jasa kurir membuat PCP Express yakin skema bisnis Virtual Agent mampu meningkatkan pendapatan perusahaan dalam jangka panjang.
Hingga akhir tahun 2021, PCP Express membidik kenaikan pendapatan sebesar 200% dari pasar logistik ritel. Selama ini, PCP Express menggarap pasar ritel lewat jaringan kantor cabang dan mitra gerai.
Lewat aplikasi Virtual Agent PCP Express, target pasar yang dibidik perusahaan adalah transaksi dari pedagang online (direct seller), reseller, dan dropship.
Sementara, komoditas yang dibidik dari layanan Virtual Agent PCP Express yakni pakaian, barang elektronik & gadget, perlengkapan ibu & bayi, produk perawatan (personal care), mainan dan lainnya.
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Selain Virtual Agent, PCP Express juga menyediakan aplikasi pengguna (user apps). Dengan platform ini, pengguna (user) mempunyai pilihan layanan dengan ragam opsi pembayaran digital.
Paket pengguna aplikasi ini akan di jemput ke lokasi tanpa adanya minimum transaksi biaya kirim. Hal ini tentunya merupakan pilihan yang bersahabat.
Pertumbuhan sektor e-commerce Indonesia sangat pesat, ini terbukti dengan terus bertambahnya nilai transaksi dan jumlah volume transaksi perdagangan digital tiap tahun.
Berdasarkan data dari Kementerian Perdagagan RI market share e-commerce di Indonesia sudah mencapai 45% dibandingkan negara ASEAN lainnya.
Prediksi pemerintah, sektor e-commerce Indonesia akan menjadi pasar terbesar di kawasan ASEAN pada 2025 dengan nilai transaksi Rp 1.908 triliun atau 33% dari total ekonomi digital.
Kemudian, sektor logistik akan berkontribusi sekitar Rp 763 triliun atau 13% terhadap ekonomi digital seiring kenaikan permintaan logistik karena maraknya transaksi belanja online. ***
PCP Express Aims for Retail Logistics Market | OBROLANBISNIS.com — The growth of the digital economy encourages business actors to aggressively innovate and expand. The digital industry, including the e-commerce market, has become a target for PCP Express.
The courier company PCP Express also launched an innovation in the form of a Virtual Partner application (virtual agent). Simply put, PCP Express opens up opportunities for all people, especially MSME business actors, to earn additional income as a virtual agent for the logistics business.
PCP Express officially launched the Virtual Partner application on October 28, 2021, coinciding with PCP Express’s 22nd anniversary.
Armed with long experience in the logistics industry, PCP Express assesses that the potential for the retail logistics market is very large. Another factor is that so far the community has been constrained by capital to be able to have a logistics business.
Through the PCP Express Virtual Agent application, individuals and MSME businesses can take advantage of their business to simultaneously do logistics business with minimal capital.
Some of the easy requirements to become a PCP Express Virtual Agent are having a two-wheeled vehicle, a smartphone, an internet connection, a portable scale, and a meter.
With minimal capital, PCP Express Virtual Agent gets various benefits. Among them, package pickup at the Virtual Agent location without a minimum transaction value, cheaper shipping costs with a partnership price scheme and various digital payment options available.
“PCP Express Virtual Agents can also get a commission of 20% from each shipping transaction value that can be disbursed by Virtual Agents every week,” said Dennis Soemarno, CEO of PCP Express.
Currently, PCP Express has conducted a Virtual Agent pilot project in the DKI Jakarta area. There are already dozens of Virtual Agents who are members of the pilot project.
The company is optimistic that the number of PCP Express Virtual Agents will increase to 250 by the end of the year or in a two-month period. The initial phase focuses on the expansion of the PCP Express Virtual Agent in the DKI Jakarta, Bandung, Jogja, Semarang and Surabaya areas. Furthermore, it will expand to other big cities such as Medan, Makassar, Bali, Balikpapan and Banjarmasin.
What is clear is that the high demand for courier services makes PCP Express believe that the Virtual Agent business scheme can increase the company’s revenue in the long term.
By the end of 2021, PCP Express is aiming for a 200% increase in revenue from the retail logistics market. So far, PCP Express has worked on the retail market through a network of branch offices and outlet partners.
Through the PCP Express Virtual Agent application, the company’s target market is transactions from online merchants (direct sellers), resellers, and dropshippers.
Meanwhile, the commodities targeted by the PCP Express Virtual Agent service are clothing, electronics & gadgets, mother & baby equipment, personal care products, toys and others.
Besides Virtual Agent, PCP Express also provides user applications. With this platform, users have a choice of services with a variety of digital payment options.
Packages of users of this application will be picked up to the location without a minimum transaction fee. This is certainly a friendly choice.
The growth of Indonesia’s e-commerce sector is very rapid, this is evidenced by the continued increase in transaction value and the number of digital trade transaction volumes each year.
Based on data from the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia, the market share of e-commerce in Indonesia has reached 45% compared to other ASEAN countries.
The government predicts that Indonesia’s e-commerce sector will become the largest market in the ASEAN region in 2025 with a transaction value of IDR 1,908 trillion or 33% of the total digital economy.
Then, the logistics sector will contribute around Rp 763 trillion or 13% to the digital economy in line with the increase in logistics demand due to the rise of online shopping transactions. ***