Mencari The NextDev 2021? Siapa Berikutnya… | — Sebagai leading digital telco company, Telkomsel berkomitmen untuk membuka peluang perubahan sosial bagi masyarakat Indonesia dengan pemanfaatan teknologi digital yang dapat mendukung pencapaian Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030.
Komitmen tersebut diwujudkan dengan menghadirkan program validasi dan inkubasi khusus startup digital pencipta perubahan, yaitu The NextDev 2021.
Melalui program yang merupakan bagian dari inisiatif Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Telkomsel berupaya untuk meningkatkan keberdayaan startup digital tahap awal (early stage) dengan meningkatkan kapabilitas dan kompetensi digital startup dalam menciptakan perubahan (#UnleashImpact).
Upaya tersebut dilakukan melalui serangkaian kegiatan The NextDev yang diawali dengan pencarian bakat di Talent Scouting, inkubasi dan mentoring di Academy, konferensi dan showcase di Summit, hingga tracking dan development di Hub.
Vice President Corporate Communications Telkomsel, Denny Abidin mengatakan, sejak 2015, Telkomsel secara konsisten menggelar program The NextDev yang berfokus pada peningkatan potensi startup digital tahap awal dalam menghadirkan dampak sosial bagi masyarakat.
Melalui The NextDev, Telkomsel terus berupaya mengoptimalkan sumber daya dan ekosistem yang ada di perusahaan bagi pengembangan startup dengan memberikan edukasi dengan dukungan mulai dari pendampingan mentor berkualitas dan memiliki keahlian, hingga membuka akses serta jejaring yang luas bagi pelaku startup.
Di tahun ini, The NextDev memiliki skema program yang lebih komprehensif bagi pelaku startup Tanah Air, terutama dalam menjawab berbagai isu dan tantangan sosial di taraf nasional maupun internasional yang menjadi fokus dalam Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030.
• Derrick Heng Jabat Direktur Marketing Telkomsel
The NextDev didesain agar dapat berperan sebagai enabler bagi pertumbuhan para startup digital pencipta perubahan berdampak di bidang kesehatan, pendidikan, ekonomi, dan lingkungan.
Untuk memperkuat peran tesebut, The NextDev juga berupaya membina hubungan dan berkolaborasi dengan startup, investor, pemerintah, swasta, dan berbagai stakeholder lainnya di industri, yang akan semakin mendukung pertumbuhan para pelaku startup.
Pada program The NextDev 2021, terdapat beberapa sub-program yang secara keseluruhan rangkaian menjadi tahapan perjalanan para startup digital peserta. Pertama, dalam The NextDev Talent Scouting, ratusan peserta dengan Minimum Viable Product (MVP) terbaik disaring melalui sebuah kompetisi pitching online berhadiah dana pengembangan.
Kemudian 12 startup digital terbaik pencipta perubahan berdampak akan dipilih untuk mengikuti program inkubasi, The NextDev Academy, dimana mereka akan dihubungkan dengan mentor yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan masing-masing.
Pertumbuhan mereka akan dipandu ke arah yang lebih tepat agar startup mencapai kemajuan sesuai dengan harapan. Pada akhir program, para alumni akan berpartisipasi dalam The NextDev Summit, sebuah konferensi untuk berinteraksi dan berkolaborasi bersama stakeholders dengan menghadirkan konten-konten inspiratif dan wawasan yang lebih dalam terhadap isu dan tantangan yang perlu kita selesaikan di taraf nasional maupun internasional.
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Guna semakin memperkuat dukungan, Telkomsel juga menghadirkan The NextDev Hub, yang merupakan platform penunjang bagi rangkaian program inti The NextDev. Database Hub mencakup ribuan startup The NextDev agar dapat mewadahi penjajakan kerjasama dan peluang bagi para startup dan stakeholder mereka.
Hub juga secara rutin melangsungkan seminar dan lokakarya bagi startup dan talenta digital secara daring, termasuk The NextDev On Tour untuk mempromosikan dan melibatkan komunitas-komunitas startup di Indonesia.
Pada 2021 ini, Hub memulai Digitalent Academy untuk turut mendukung pertumbuhan ekosistem digital dan pendidikan hingga 20 talenta digital di sejumlah wilayah tertinggal di Indonesia.
“Sebagai bagian dari kontribusi sosial Telkomsel dalam membuka peluang bagi para smart-digitalpreneur dan masyarakat agar melesat dengan pemanfaatan teknologi digital, The NextDev akan senantiasa mendorong peran perusahaan dengan melancarkan perubahan berdampak (#UnleashImpact) dari para startup digital melalui dukungan ekosistem yang ada di Telkomsel,” pungkas Denny.
Pendaftaran dan rangkaian program The NextDev 2021 #UnleashImpact dapat diakses melalui website Ikuti terus perjalanan The NextDev 2021 di platform sosial media @thenextdev. ***
Looking for The NextDev 2021? Who’s Next… | — As a leading digital telco company, Telkomsel is committed to opening up opportunities for social change for the people of Indonesia by utilizing digital technology that can support the achievement of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
This commitment is realized by presenting a special validation and incubation program for digital startups that create change, namely The NextDev 2021.
Through a program that is part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative, Telkomsel seeks to increase the empowerment of early stage digital startups by increasing digital startup capabilities and competencies in creating change (#UnleashImpact).
These efforts are carried out through a series of The NextDev activities starting with talent search at Talent Scouting, incubation and mentoring at the Academy, conferences and showcases at Summit, to tracking and development at the Hub.
Telkomsel’s Vice President of Corporate Communications, Denny Abidin said, since 2015, Telkomsel has consistently held The NextDev program which focuses on increasing the potential of early-stage digital startups in bringing social impact to the community.
Through The NextDev, Telkomsel continues to optimize the company’s resources and ecosystem for startup development by providing education with support ranging from mentoring qualified and skilled mentors, to opening access and wide networks for startup players.
This year, The NextDev has a more comprehensive program scheme for Indonesian startups, especially in responding to various social issues and challenges at the national and international level which are the focus of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The NextDev is designed to act as an enabler for the growth of digital startups creating impactful change in the fields of health, education, economy, and the environment.
To strengthen this role, The NextDev also seeks to build relationships and collaborate with startups, investors, government, private sector, and various other stakeholders in the industry, which will further support the growth of startup players.
In The NextDev 2021 program, there are several sub-programs that as a whole are the stages of the journey of the participating digital startups. First, in The NextDev Talent Scouting, hundreds of participants with the best Minimum Viable Product (MVP) were screened through an online pitching competition with prizes for development funds.
Then 12 of the best digital startups that create impactful change will be selected to participate in the incubation program, The NextDev Academy, where they will be linked with mentors according to their individual needs.
Their growth will be guided in a more appropriate direction so that startups achieve progress in line with expectations. At the end of the program, alumni will participate in The NextDev Summit, a conference to interact and collaborate with stakeholders by presenting inspiring content and deeper insights into issues and challenges that we need to solve at the national and international level.
To further strengthen support, Telkomsel also presents The NextDev Hub, which is a supporting platform for the core series of The NextDev programs. Database Hub includes thousands of The NextDev startups in order to facilitate exploration of collaborations and opportunities for startups and their stakeholders.
The Hub also regularly holds online seminars and workshops for startups and digital talents, including The NextDev On Tour to promote and involve startup communities in Indonesia.
In 2021, Hub will start the Digitalent Academy to support the growth of the digital ecosystem and education for up to 20 digital talents in a number of underdeveloped areas in Indonesia.
“As part of Telkomsel’s social contribution in opening up opportunities for smart-digitalpreneurs and the community to accelerate with the use of digital technology, The NextDev will continue to encourage the company’s role by launching impactful change (#UnleashImpact) from digital startups through the support of the existing ecosystem in Telkomsel. ,” concluded Denny.
Registration and program series for The NextDev 2021 #UnleashImpact can be accessed through the website Follow the journey of The NextDev 2021 on the social media platform @thenextdev. ***