Gerakan Ekonomi Desa | Asian Agri Latih Masyarakat Kembangkan Potensi Lebah Trigona

Gerakan Ekonomi Desa Asian Agri Latih Masyarakat Kembangkan Potensi Lebah Trigona

Gerakan Ekonomi Desa | Asian Agri Latih Masyarakat Kembangkan Potensi Lebah Trigona | — Asian Agri, perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit Group Royal Golden Eagle (RGE) terus menebarkan kepedulian kepada masyarakat di tengah pandemi. Langkah yang dilakukan Asian Agri ini bertujuan untuk menggerakan perekonomian masyarakat.

Melalui program DBA (Desa Bebas Api), selain bertujuan mencegah terjadinya karhutla, Asian Agri juga berupaya mengangkat perekonomian masyarakat Desa Muara Sekalo, Kecamatan Sumay, Kabupaten Tebo Provinsi Jambi.

Budidaya Lebah Madu Trigona menjadi pilihan Asian Agri untuk masyarakat lokal Desa Muara Sekalo. Masyarakat dilatih Asian Agri untuk bisa mengolah budidaya Lebah Madu Trigona.

Desa Muara Sekalo salah satu desa binaan program Desa Bebas Api di Provinsi Riau, yang terpilih oleh Asian Agri yang mendapatkan peluang pengembangan potensi ekonomi lokal.


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Humas PT RAU, Bastari mengatakan, PT RAU bagian dari Asian Agri, akan senantiasa mendukung kegiatan pengembangan ekonomi masyarakat lokal.

“Kami berharap masyarakat juga mendukung budidaya lebah madu Trigona. Kami yakin dengan tekad belajar yang kuat, maka budidaya lebah ini akan berhasil dan dapat meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat desa,” ucapnya, Rabu, 3 November 2021.

Suherman selaku Kades Muara Sekalo mengaku, program Desa Bebas Api yang selama ini berjalan sangat baik ditambah lagi adanya program penggalian potensi ekonomi lokal berupa pembudidayaan Lebah Madu Trigona ini.

“Saya sangat berterima kasih kepada Asian Agri akan program ini, sangat tepat dilakukan karena baru kali ini perusahaan mengajarkan teknik budidaya Lebah Trigona kepada masyarakat. Kami juga baru tahu ternyata potensi lebah jenis ini sangat banyak di desa kami,” sebutnya.



• Desa Bagan Limau Raih Reward Asian Agri

Menurutnya, selama ini masyarakat tidak memahami bagaimana cara membudidayakanya. “Kami sangat berterima kasih sudah diberi pengetahuan tentang Lebah Trigona dan kami sangat ingin mengembangkannya di desa kami,” ungkapnya.

Aswan mewakili tokoh masyarakat desa Muara Sekalo sangat mendukung kegiatan ini, dengan harapan ke depan lebah madu Trigona ini dapat mendukung perekonomian masyarakat, serta dapat membuka lapangan kerja bagi anak yang putus sekolah.

“Sebelumnya kami tidak tahu mengenai cara budidaya lebah setelah kegiatan ini jadi bertambah pengetahuan kami. Kami berharap perusahaan terus membimbing masyarakat dalam budidaya lebah ini dan dapat dikembangkan di Desa Muara Sekalo. Karena bahan dan ketersedian lebah ini sangat banyak. Masyarakat akan menjaga ketersedian lebah ini lingkungan tempat tinggal maupun di hutan terlebih lagi dari ancaman kebakaran hutan, sebab jika kita tidak menjaga pohon tempat rumah lebah bersarang, maka jenis lebah ini akan musnah terbakar,” bebernya.

Hafiz selaku Manager FFVP menyatakan, bahwa budidaya lebah madu trigona sangat potensial dikembangkan di desa binaan Program Desa Bebas Api di Kabupaten Tebo.

“Program ini secara bertahap akan dikembangkan di desa lainnya. Kita mengajak masyarakat untuk menjaga lingkungan dari kebakaran hutan dan lahan, serta melestarikan lingkungan dengan menanam tanaman yang menjadi sumber pakan lebah tersebut. Sehingga tercipta siklus hidup yang berkelanjutan dan berkesinambungan,” ucapnya. ***


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Village Economic Movement | Asian Agri Trains Communities to Develop Trigona Bee Potential | — Asian Agri, the palm oil plantation company of the Royal Golden Eagle (RGE) Group, continues to spread awareness to the community in the midst of a pandemic. The steps taken by Asian Agri are aimed at moving the community’s economy.

Through the DBA (Fire Free Village) program, apart from aiming to prevent forest and land fires, Asian Agri also seeks to raise the economy of the people of Muara Sekalo Village, Sumay District, Tebo Regency, Jambi Province.

Trigona honey bee cultivation is Asian Agri’s choice for the local community of Muara Sekalo Village. The community is trained by Asian Agri to be able to cultivate the Trigona Honey Bee.

Muara Sekalo Village is one of the villages assisted by the Fire Free Village program in Riau Province, which was selected by Asian Agri who had the opportunity to develop local economic potential.

Public Relations of PT RAU, Bastari said, PT RAU, part of Asian Agri, will always support local community economic development activities.



“We hope that the community will also support Trigona honey bee cultivation. We believe that with a strong determination to learn, this bee cultivation will be successful and can improve the economy of rural communities,” he said, Wednesday, November 3, 2021.

Suherman as the Head of Muara Sekalo village admitted that the Fire Free Village program which had been running very well so far was added to the program to explore local economic potential in the form of cultivating the Trigona Honey Bee.

“I am very grateful to Asian Agri for this program, it is very appropriate because this is the first time the company teaches Trigona bee cultivation techniques to the community. We also just found out that the potential of this type of bee is very much in our village,” he said.

According to him, so far people do not understand how to cultivate it. “We are very grateful to have been given knowledge about the Trigona Bee and we really want to develop it in our village,” he said.


Aswan, representing the community leaders of Muara Sekalo village, is very supportive of this activity, with the hope that in the future the Trigona honey bees can support the community’s economy, and can create employment opportunities for children who have dropped out of school.

“Before, we didn’t know about beekeeping, after this activity, our knowledge increased. We hope that the company will continue to guide the community in this bee cultivation and it can be developed in Muara Sekalo Village. Because the materials and availability of these bees are very large. The community will maintain the availability of these bees. the environment where we live and in the forest, especially from the threat of forest fires, because if we don’t take care of the trees where the bees nest, then this type of bee will be destroyed by fire,” he explained.

Hafiz as the FFVP Manager stated that trigona honey bee cultivation has the potential to be developed in the villages assisted by the Fire Free Village Program in Tebo Regency.

“This program will gradually be developed in other villages. We invite the community to protect the environment from forest and land fires, and preserve the environment by planting plants that are a source of bee feed. So that a sustainable and sustainable life cycle is created,” he said. ***





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