Komite Advokasi Daerah Anti Korupsi Soroti Permasalahan Ketenagalistrikan di Sumut | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Komite Advokasi Daerah Anti Korupsi Sumatera Utara kembali mengundang sejumlah pengusaha, rumah sakit, praktisi akademisi, masyarakat, PLN untuk duduk bersama dalam kegiatan wawancara terkait proses perizinan ketenagalistrikan dan kapasitas pembangkit listrik yang dialami Sumatera Utara.
Pembahasan itu cukup penting dilakukan mengingat ditemukannya regulasi yang tumpang tindih antara Peraturan Menteri ESDM dengan Peraturan Gubernur Sumatera Utara.
Diskusi yang bertujuan untuk mendokumentasikan cerita lapangan melalui wawancara langsung difasilitasi Komite Advokasi Daerah Anti Korupsi Sumatera Utara yang dihadiri secara offline oleh organisasi pengusaha, akademis dan sejumlah pelaku usaha, pihak PLN dan pihak yang mewakili masyaraka yang beroperasi di Sumatera Utara, Kamis, 11 November 2021, di Kampus NTU Academy Lantai 25 Jati Juntion.
Ketua Komite Advokasi Daerah Anti Korupsi Sumatera Utara, Santri Azhar Sinaga beserta Sekretaris Samuel Hasibuan serta beberapa pengurus KAD lainnya seperti T.M Pardede, Dayan Sutopo dan dipandu oleh Ketua Bidang Pertambangan, Energi dan Perminyakan Dr Martono Anggusti hadir dalam kegiatan tersebut.
Berdasarkan Peraturan Gubernur Sumatera Utara nomor 28 tahun 2019 tentang Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Peraturan Daerah Provinsi Sumatera Utara nomor 2 tahun 2018 tentang Ketenagalistrikan, dan merujuk kepada Peraturan Menteri ESDM nomor 12 tahun 2019 tentang Kapasitas Pembangkit Listrik untuk kepentingan sendiri dan dilaksanakan berdasarkan izin operasi, dan Peraturan Menteri ESDM nomor 38 tahun 2018 tentang Tata Cara Akreditasi dan Sertifikasi Ketenagalistrikan, didapat adanya tumpang tindih peraturan dan bertolak belakang tentang isi Peraturan Gubernur Sumatera Utara dengan Peraturan Menteri ESDM tersebut.
Komite Advokasi Daerah (KAD) Anti Korupsi Sumatera Utara sesuai arahan dari Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi Republik Indonesia (KPK-RI) menyelenggarakan kegiatan, wawancara studi naskah akademik Rancangan Peraturan Gubernur Provinsi Sumatera Utara tentang Penyelenggaraan Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik untuk Kepentingan Sendiri.
“Dalam hal ini, Dr Rosmalinda dan team dari Fakultas Hukum USU melakukan wawancara kepada sejumlah perwakilan pengusaha, organisasi pengusaha, para akademis, rumah sakit, perwakilan masyarakat hingga pemangku regulasi baik dari intansi pemerintah dan BUMN, untuk mendapatkan penjelasan terkait persoalan ketenagalistrikan. Kegiatan ini melibatkan juga GIZ dan Fakultas Hukum USU dalam menyusun naskah akademik,” ungkap Ketua Komite Advokasi Daerah Anti Korupsi Sumut, Santri Azhar Sinaga.
• 7 Jenis Perbuatan Tipikor Rugikan Negara
KAD berharap, kegiatan ini dapat mencegah, memperkecil dan mempersempit ruang gerak dari para pelaku korupsi di Sumatera Utara terkait permasalahan ketenagalistrikan.
Kegiatan ini juga dimonitor Komisi Pemberatasan Korupsi (KPK) dan GIZ melalui line zoom secara online. “Diharapkan kegiatan ini sebagai lanjutan dari Rencana Penyempurnaan Peraturan Gubernur tentang perizinan genset yang sudah dilakukan beberapa bulan terakhir ini,” beber Ketua KAD.
Sementara Kasatgas Anti Korupsi Badan Usaha KPK, Teguh Widodo mengimbau, kegiatan-kegitan sejenis bisa terus dilakukan di berbagai kesempatan, sebagai upaya ‘pencegahan korupsi’ yang merupakan tugas utama dari kehadiran Komite Advokasi Daerah Anti Korupsi di Provinsi Sumatera Utara. ***
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Regional Anti-Corruption Advocacy Committee Highlights Electricity Problems in North Sumatra | OBROLANBISNIS.com — The North Sumatra Anti-Corruption Regional Advocacy Committee again invited a number of businessmen, hospitals, academic practitioners, the public, PLN to sit together in an interview related to the electricity licensing process and power generation capacity experienced by North Sumatra.
The discussion is quite important given the finding of overlapping regulations between the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources and the Regulation of the Governor of North Sumatra.
The discussion which aims to document field stories through direct interviews was facilitated by the North Sumatra Anti-Corruption Regional Advocacy Committee which was attended offline by employers’ organizations, academics and a number of business actors, PLN and parties representing communities operating in North Sumatra, Thursday, November 11, 2021. , on the 25th Floor of the NTU Academy Campus, Jati Juntion.
The Chair of the North Sumatra Anti-Corruption Regional Advocacy Committee, Santri Azhar Sinaga along with Secretary Samuel Hasibuan and several other KAD administrators such as T.M Pardede, Dayan Sutopo and guided by the Head of Mining, Energy and Petroleum Sector Dr Martono Anggusti attended the activity.
Based on the Regulation of the Governor of North Sumatra number 28 of 2019 concerning Instructions for the Implementation of the Regional Regulation of the Province of North Sumatra number 2 of 2018 concerning Electricity, and referring to the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources number 12 of 2019 concerning the Capacity of Power Plants for self-interest and carried out based on an operating permit, and a Ministerial Regulation ESDM number 38 of 2018 concerning Procedures for Accreditation and Certification of Electricity, it was found that there were overlapping and contradictory regulations regarding the contents of the Regulation of the Governor of North Sumatra with the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources.
The Regional Advocacy Committee (KAD) for the Anti-Corruption of North Sumatra in accordance with the direction of the Corruption Eradication Commission of the Republic of Indonesia (KPK-RI) held activities, interviewing the study of academic manuscripts on the Draft Regulation of the Governor of North Sumatra Province on the Implementation of the Business of Providing Electricity for Own Interests.
“In this case, Dr Rosmalinda and a team from the USU Faculty of Law conducted interviews with a number of representatives of entrepreneurs, employers’ organizations, academics, hospitals, community representatives to regulatory makers from both government agencies and BUMN, to get an explanation regarding electricity issues. This activity It also involves GIZ and the USU Faculty of Law in compiling academic manuscripts,” said the Head of the North Sumatran Anti-Corruption Advocacy Committee, Santri Azhar Sinaga.
KAD hopes that this activity can prevent, minimize and narrow the space for corruption perpetrators in North Sumatra related to electricity problems.
This activity is also monitored by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and GIZ through an online zoom line. “It is hoped that this activity will be a continuation of the Plan for Completion of the Governor’s Regulation regarding generator licensing which has been carried out in the last few months,” explained the Head of KAD.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Anti-Corruption Task Force for the Corruption Eradication Commission, Teguh Widodo, appealed that similar activities could be carried out on various occasions, as an effort to ‘prevent corruption’ which is the main task of the presence of the Regional Anti-Corruption Advocacy Committee in North Sumatra Province. ***