All New Xenia | Lebih Irit dan Bertenaga di Kelas Low MPV

All New Xenia | Lebih Irit dan Bertenaga di Kelas Low MPV

All New Xenia | Lebih Irit dan Bertenaga di Kelas Low MPV | – Daihatsu resmi meluncurkan All New Xenia di Medan. Peluncuran ini dilakukan di Atrium Medan Fair Plaza, demi menjawab tingginya permintaan masyarakat Kota Medan akan kebutuhan mobil Low MPV.

Kepala Wilayah Astra Daihatsu Sumatera, Edy Susanto mengungkapkan, All New Xenia merupakan generasi ketiga yang menerapkan platform berbasis DNGA (Daihatsu New Global Architecture), yakni platform terbaru Daihatsu yang dikembangkan dengan konsep kualitas tinggi dengan harga terjangkau, teknologi terkini, serta memperhatikan hingga ke detail terkecil seperti ukuran, berat, harga, dan waktu, untuk menghasilkan kendaraan yang lebih efisien.

“Sebagai kendaraan Low MPV berkapasitas 7 penumpang, All New Xenia hadir dengan 2 pilihan mesin 1.3L dan 1.5L berteknologi NR-VE Dual VVT-i, serta transmisi CVT, membuat All New Xenia memiliki performa bertenaga, responsif, akselerasi yang halus, dan efisiensi bahan bakar lebih baik,” katanya, Senin, 15 November 2021.


Bacaan Lainnya

Dalam hal keselamatan, All New Xenia juga dilengkapi fitur keamanan spesial tertinggi dan pertama di kelasnya, yaitu Daihatsu A.S.A (Advances Safety Assist).

“Dengan lampu LED yang modern, serta polished alloy wheel yang sporty, membuat All New Xenia tampil futuristik. All New Xenia memiliki kabin dan bagasi yang luas, 3 baris kursi fleksibel yang bisa disesuaikan menjadi “sofa mode” untuk memaksimalkan posisi istirahat penumpang ketika dalam perjalanan jauh,” katanya.

All New Xenia juga handal dikendarai di berbagai kondisi jalan. Dengan ground clearance setinggi 205 mm, serta radius putar sejauh 4,9 meter, membuat Xenia semakin mudah dalam bermanuver saat berkendara. Kemudian All New Xenia tersedia dalam 12 varian, serta total 7 pilihan warna.

“Kami berharap, All New Xenia dapat diterima oleh para keluarga di Medan sesuai tagline-nya, Xenia Sahabat Keluarga. Semoga All New Xenia dapat meneruskan kesuksesannya menjadi kendaraan Low MPV pilihan utama, serta berkontribusi positif bagi pasar otomotif di Indonesia,” katanya.



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Sementara itu, Kepala Cabang Astra Daihatsu SM Raja, Tony Andreas menambahkan, saat ini market Daihatsu yang berada di Sumut volume penjualan 700 unit all type.

Sedangkan ekspektasi Sumut sebesar 30 persen dari total Sumatera, dan untuk tahap awal bulan Februari sekitar 480 unit dan ini diharapkan bisa terpenuhi.

“Kita berharap All New Xenia bisa memndorong pertumbuhan penjualan Daihatsu. Kemudian All New Xenia bisa sentuh 20 persen untuk di tahun depan,” sebutnya.

Owner IMS Organizer, Indra Yones menuturkan, gelaran launching Daihatsu All New Xenia di Medan menjadi prioritas dalam pengembangan dunia otomotif di Sumut, khususnya Medan.

“Kami selalu memberikan yang terbaik pada tiap-tiap pagelaran launching yang sudah bekerjasama dengan kami, dan kami optimis launching kali ini menambah penjualan Daihatsu,” ucapnya.

Adapun harga OTR All New Xenia di Medan:

• 1.5 R CVT ASA harga OTR Rp 243.700.000

• 1.5 R CVT ADS harga OTR Rp 244.000.000

• 1.5 R CVT harga OTR Rp 235.000.000

• 1.5 R MT ADS harga OTR Rp 231.600.000

• 1.5 R MT harga OTR Rp 222.600.000

• 1.3 R CVT ADS harga OTR Rp 230.000.000

• 1.3 R CVT harga OTR Rp 221.000.000

• 1.3 R MT ADS harga OTR Rp 214.900.000

• 1.3 R MT harga OTR Rp 209.500.000

• 1.3 X CVT harga OTR Rp 211.100.000

• 1.3 X MT harga OTR Rp 195.800.000

•  1.3 M MT harga OTR Rp 192.800



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All New Xenia | More Efficient and Powerful in the Low MPV Class | – Daihatsu officially launched the All New Xenia in Medan. This launch was carried out at the Atrium Medan Fair Plaza, in order to answer the high demand of the people of Medan City for the need for Low MPV cars.

The Head of the Astra Daihatsu Sumatera Region, Edy Susanto said, “All New Xenia is the third generation that implements a DNGA (Daihatsu New Global Architecture)-based platform, namely Daihatsu’s newest platform which was developed with the concept of high quality at affordable prices, the latest technology, and attention to detail. such as size, weight, price, and time, to produce more efficient vehicles.

“As a Low MPV vehicle with a capacity of 7 passengers, the All New Xenia comes with 2 choices of 1.3L and 1.5L engines with NR-VE Dual VVT-i technology, as well as CVT transmissions, making the All New Xenia have powerful performance, responsiveness, smooth acceleration, and excellent performance. better fuel efficiency,” he said, Monday, November 15, 2021.

In terms of safety, the All New Xenia is also equipped with the highest and first special safety feature in its class, namely Daihatsu A.S.A (Advances Safety Assist).



“With modern LED lights, as well as sporty polished alloy wheels, making the All New Xenia look futuristic. The All New Xenia has a spacious cabin and trunk, 3 rows of flexible seats that can be adjusted into a “mode sofa” to maximize the passenger’s resting position when in transit. long way,” he said.

The All New Xenia is also reliable to drive in various road conditions. With a ground clearance of 205 mm, and a turning radius of 4.9 meters, the Xenia makes it easier to maneuver while driving. Then the All New Xenia is available in 12 variants, and a total of 7 color choices.

“We hope that the All New Xenia can be accepted by families in Medan according to its tagline, Xenia Sahabat Keluarga. Hopefully the All New Xenia can continue its success as the first choice Low MPV vehicle, and contribute positively to the automotive market in Indonesia,” he said.

Meanwhile, Head of Astra Daihatsu SM Raja Branch, Tony Andreas added, currently the Daihatsu market in North Sumatra has a sales volume of 700 units of all types.



Meanwhile, North Sumatra’s expectations are 30 percent of Sumatra’s total, and for the initial phase in February it will be around 480 units and this is expected to be fulfilled.

“We hope that the All New Xenia can encourage Daihatsu’s sales growth. Then the All New Xenia can touch 20 percent for next year,” he said.

The owner of IMS Organizer, Indra Yones said, the launching of the Daihatsu All New Xenia in Medan is a priority in the development of the automotive world in North Sumatra, especially Medan.

“We always give our best at every launch event that we have collaborated with, and we are optimistic that this launch will increase Daihatsu sales,” he said. ***





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