Pilih-pilih Produk Elektronic Idaman di ECI.ID | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Electronic City (PT Electronic CIty Indonesia, Tbk), toko retail elektronik modern ternama di Indonesia, sejak pandemi Covid-19, melakukan pembaharuan laman website https://eci.id.
Tak hanya itu, aplikasi (apps) Electronic City (ECI.ID) yang dapat diunduh pengguna Android dan IOS pun dihadirkan, untuk memudahkan konsumen berselancar belanja kebutuhan elektronik yang diidamkan.
Electronic City berdiri pada 11 November 2001, dengan toko pertama berlokasi di kawasan SCBD, Jakarta. Saat ini, Electronic City mengoperasikan lebih dari 60 toko yang tersebar di 26 Kota, 13 Provinsi seluruh Indonesia.
Produk elektronik yang dihadirkan dalam web https://eci.id dan Apps ECI.ID tetap mengutamakan keaslian atau original seperti halnya yang ada di toko retail Electronic City.
Electronic City menawarkan lebih dari 250 merek produk elektronik terkemuka yang tersedia dalam beberapa kategori utama, yaitu Audio-Visual, Mobile Devices & Gadgets, Home Appliances, IT/Office Equipment dan kategori terbaru yaitu Mom & Baby.
Selain itu, ada juga produk Mom & Baby. Kategori ini dilaunching pada bulan September 2021. Kategori ini menyediakan aneka produk elektronik dan non-elektronik dari brand ternama untuk Ibu dan Anak (mulai dari bayi hingga Balita), mulai dari peralatan makan, food baby maker, tas, mainan hingga stroller.
Konsumen dapat membeli kategori produk di Kategori Mom & Baby di toko Electronic City SCBD atau https://eci.id.
Untuk bisa membeli produk elektronik di Electronic City pastinya terlebih dahulu harus mendaftarkan. Dibutuhkan email dan nomor handphone aktif konsumen. Pendaftaran bisa melalui laman https://eci.id atau dari Android maupun IOS.
Berikut ini ulasan bagaimana mendaftar di https://eci.id:
• Pastikan Anda membuka browser lalu tuliskan https://eci.id
• Kemudian akan tampil laman Electronic City dengan beragam fitur promo.
• Lihat pada bagian bawah. Ada empat pilihan ikon, yakni Home; Categories; Notifications; dan Account.
• Pilih dan tekan ikon orang bertuliskan Account. Selanjutnya, akan muncul berbagai fitur lagi.
• Didalam fitur Account, akan tampil tulisan Masuk Aplikasi dan lalu tekan.
• Akan tampil layar eci.id dengan dua pilihan diatasnya, yakni Masuk – Daftar. Jika Anda sudah terdaftar, silahkan masukan nomor handphone atau email dan kata sandi. Jika belum daftar, bisa memilih Daftar.
• Anda dapat mendaftarkan nomor handphone atau email yang aktif. Bisa juga daftar dengan mudah melalui akun Facebook Anda dengan memilih kolom Facebook.
• Jika mendaftar melalui nomor handphone, Electronic City akan mengirimkan angka OTP. Jika dengan email, maka Anda akan menerima balasan email untuk verifikasi keabsahan kepemilikan email tersebut.
• Setelah dilakukan konfirmasi verifikasi, maka Anda telah terdaftar sebagai konsumen Electronic City. Dan dapat langsung berbelanja kebutuhan elektronik yang diidamkan.
Cukup mudah kan mendaftar di web https://eci.id. Bisa langsung melalui browser handphone maupun PC/Laptop.
Promo Anniversary Electronic City
Jika kita mampir di laman https://eci.id, akan tampil berbagai promo menarik. Terkhusus promo Anniversary Electronic City ke 20 tahun.
Yang paling menarik pada Anniversary Electronic City ke 20 tahun adalah Greatest Lucky Draw, program undian yang berlangsung sejak 1 Oktober 2021 – 9 Januari 2022.
Konsumen Electronic City baik yang berbelanja di toko maupun melalui web dan apps berkesempatan memenangkan hadiah utama berupa 1 unit mobil Renault Triber dan 1 unit motor listrik Niu Gova, paket liburan ke Nihi Sumba, Labuan Bajo, dan Ubud Bali, beragam produk elektronik (PS5, iPhone13, Notebook, UHD TV 55inch), Emas Logam Mulia hingga voucher belanja puluhan juta rupiah dari Electronic City.
Untuk memperoleh kesempatan itu caranya adalah berbelanja minimal Rp 2 juta di seluruh toko Electronic City. Konsumen akan mendapatkan 1 kupon undian (berlaku kelipatan, dan dapat ditambahkan dengan pembayaran menggunakan kartu kredit bank partner), dimana kupon undian ini akan dikirimkan melalui email terdaftar.
“Konsumen dapat memilih hadiah yang diinginkan dengan meng-klik link yang terdapat di email dan kupon lucky draw akan masuk kedalam kategori pilihan hadiah tersebut. Selanjutnya, seluruh kupon undian terkumpul akan diundi di akhir periode,” sebut Josephine Karjadi selaku Direktur Business Development & Marketing Electronic City.
Bagi seluruh konsumen yang berbelanja di Electronic City, pastikan telah mendaftarkan alamat email dengan benar, karena kupon akan dikirimkan melalui email. ***
Choose Your Ideal Electronic Product at ECI.ID | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Electronic City (PT Electronic CIty Indonesia, Tbk), a well-known modern electronic retail store in Indonesia, since the Covid-19 pandemic, has updated its website page https://eci.id.
Not only that, Electronic City applications (apps) that can be downloaded by Android and IOS users are also presented, to make it easier for consumers to surf the shopping for their coveted electronic needs.
Electronic City was established on November 11, 2001, with the first store located in the SCBD area, Jakarta. Currently, Electronic City operates more than 60 stores spread across 26 cities, 13 provinces throughout Indonesia.
Electronic products that are presented on the https://eci.id web and ECI.ID Apps still prioritize authenticity or originality as in Electronic City retail stores.
Electronic City offers more than 250 leading electronic product brands available in several main categories, namely Audio-Visual, Mobile Devices & Gadgets, Home Appliances, IT/Office Equipment and the newest category, Mom & Baby.
In addition, there are also Mom & Baby products. This category was launched in September 2021. This category provides various electronic and non-electronic products from well-known brands for Mothers and Children (from babies to Toddlers), ranging from tableware, baby food makers, bags, toys to strollers.
Consumers can purchase product categories in the Mom & Baby Category at the Electronic City SCBD store or https://eci.id.
To be able to buy electronic products at Electronic City, you must first register. It takes an active consumer email and mobile number. Registration can be through the https://eci.id page or from Android or IOS.
The following is a review of how to register at https://eci.id:
• Make sure you open your browser and write https://eci.id
• Then the Electronic City page will appear with various promo features.
• See below. There are four choices of icons, namely Home; Categories; Notifications; and Accounts.
• Select and tap the person icon labeled Account. Furthermore, various features will appear again.
• In the Account feature, the words Login Application will appear and then press .
• The eci.id screen will appear with two options on it, namely Login – Register. If you are already registered, please enter your mobile number or email and password. If you haven’t registered yet, you can select Register.
• You can register an active mobile number or email. You can also register easily through your Facebook account by selecting the Facebook column.
• If you register through your mobile number, Electronic City will send you an OTP number. If by email, then you will receive an email reply to verify the validity of ownership of the email.
• After confirmation of verification, then you have been registered as an Electronic City consumer. And can directly shop for the desired electronic needs.
Simply register on the web https://eci.id. Can be directly through the mobile browser or PC / Laptop.
Electronic City Anniversary Promo
If we stop at the https://eci.id page, various interesting promos will appear. Especially the 20th Anniversary Electronic City promo.
The highlight of Electronic City’s 20th Anniversary is the Greatest Lucky Draw, a raffle program that runs from October 1, 2021 – January 9, 2022.
Electronic City consumers, both shopping in stores and through web and apps, have the opportunity to win the main prize in the form of 1 unit of Renault Triber car and 1 unit of Niu Gova electric motorcycle, holiday packages to Nihi Sumba, Labuan Bajo, and Ubud Bali, various electronic products (PS5, iPhone13, Notebook, UHD TV 55inch), Precious Metal Gold to tens of millions of rupiah shopping vouchers from Electronic City.
To get this opportunity, the trick is to shop at least Rp. 2 million at all Electronic City stores. Consumers will get 1 raffle coupon (multiples apply, and can be added by payment using a partner bank credit card), where this raffle coupon will be sent via registered email.
“Consumers can choose the prize they want by clicking the link in the email and the lucky draw coupon will be included in the prize choice category. Furthermore, all the lottery coupons collected will be drawn at the end of the period,” said Josephine Karjadi as Electronic City’s Business Development & Marketing Director.
For all consumers who shop at Electronic City, make sure to register the email address correctly, because the coupon will be sent via email. ***