Ahli Waris Warenhuis Dukung Walikota Medan Revitalisasi Heritage Kesawan

Ahli Waris Warenhuis Dukung Walikota Medan Revitalisasi Heritage Kesawan

Ahli Waris Warenhuis Dukung Walikota Medan Revitalisasi Heritage Kesawan | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Ahli waris pemilik Gedung Warenhuis mendukung Pemerintah Kota Medan dalam upaya merevitalisasi kawasan Heritage Kesawan menjadi daya tarik destinasi wisata dan ekonomi kreatif.

Warenhuis menjadi tak terpisahkan dari Heritage Kesawan, karena letak gedung bersejarah itu berada tepat dipersimpangan Jalan Ahmad Yani VII – Jalan Hindu Kelurahan Kesawan Kecamatan Medan Barat.

Kantor Hukum Apindosu Lajo Parmate yang menjadi kuasa hukum ahli waris Gedung Warenhuis menyampaikan apresiasi dan dukungan bagi Pemko Medan untuk merevitalisasi Heritage Kesawan dengan pagelaran Pekan Kuliner Kondang (PKK) UMKM, yang akan berlangsung selama tiga hari mulai 19 – 21 November 2021.


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“Ahli waris Warenhuis merespon positif kegiatan kuliner di seputaran kawasan Kesawan. Apalagi kegiatan tersebut berlangsung di pinggiran gedung Warenhuis. Langkah ini merupakan momentum bangkitnya destinasi wisata dan ekonomi kreatif Kota Medan,” ujar Ir Perry Iskandar mewakili penasehat hukum ahli waris Warenhuis, Kamis, 18 November 2021, kepada awak media saat dikonfirmasi.

Menurut Perry Iskandar, namun yang perlu dicatat bahwa gedung Warenhuis ada pemiliknya. “Perlu diketahui publik bahwa gedung lama Warenhuis beserta asetnya ada pemiliknya dan telah diakui oleh hukum,” beber Perry Iskandar yang juga Wakil Sekretaris APINDO Sumut didampingi Dr Martono Anggusti dan Julius SE dari Kantor Hukum Apindosu Lajo Parmate.

Disebutkan Perry Iskandar, ahli waris Warenhuis beberapa waktu lalu di media telah menyatakan siap berkolaborasi dan bersinergi dengan pemerintah untuk menjadikan gedung bersejarah Warenhuis sebagai heritage atau cagar budaya di Kota Medan. Dan kabarnya mendapat respon oleh Walikota Medan, Bobby Nasution.

Namun kolaborasi tersebut belum terealisasikan hingga saat ini. “Kita pahami kemungkinan Pak Walikota masih memiliki mobilitas tugas dan kerja yang begitu padat. Hingga belum sempat duduk bersama dengan niat ahli waris maupun kuasanya untuk merealisasikan kolaborasi revitalisasi Warenhuis menjadi cagar budaya,” ungkap Perry Iskandar.




• Ahli Waris Warenhuis Sambut Wacana Kolaborasi Walikota Medan

Kendati demikian, ahli waris tetap mendukung program Pemko Medan yang menggagas Pekan Kuliner Kondang (PKK) UMKM. “Ahli waris tetap membuka diri untuk kolaborasi dan sinergi antara ahli waris dan Pemko Medan, menjadikan Warenhuis sebagai destinasi wisata dan bagian cagar budaya Kota Medan,” ucapnya.

Sebelumnya, Ismael Pulungan yang merupakan ponakan Maya Seminole Pulungan putri almarhum G Dalip Singh Bath dengan tegas menyatakan, pihak ahli waris sangat mendukung dan terbuka bagi Pemko Medan untuk menjadikan gedung Warenhuis sebagai heritage Kota Medan melalui program kolaborasi yang disampaikan Walikota Medan saat ini.

“Dan tentunya diharapkan adanya komunikasi dan pembicaraan lebih lanjut bersama ahli waris dan tim konsultan kami,” ujarnya beberapa waktu lalu. ***



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Warenhuis Heirs Support Medan Mayor Revitalization of Kesawan Heritage | OBROLANBISNIS.com — The heirs of the owner of the Warenhuis Building support the Medan City Government in an effort to revitalize the Kesawan Heritage area into an attractive tourist destination and creative economy.

Warenhuis is inseparable from Heritage Kesawan, because the location of the historic building is right at the intersection of Jalan Ahmad Yani VII – Jalan Hindu, Kesawan Village, West Medan District.

The Apindosu Lajo Parmate Law Office, which is the legal counsel for the heirs of the Warenhuis Building, expressed appreciation and support for the Medan City Government to revitalize Heritage Kesawan with the MSME Famous Culinary Week (PKK) performance, which will last for three days from 19-21 November 2021.



“Warenhuis heirs responded positively to culinary activities around the Kesawan area. Moreover, these activities took place on the outskirts of the Warenhuis building. This step is a momentum for the rise of tourist destinations and the creative economy of Medan City,” said Ir Perry Iskandar representing the legal advisor to Warenhuis heirs, Thursday, 18 November 2021, to the media when confirmed.

According to Perry Iskandar, however, it should be noted that the Warenhuis building has an owner. “The public needs to know that the old Warenhuis building and its assets have owners and have been recognized by law,” explained Perry Iskandar who is also the Deputy Secretary of APINDO North Sumatra accompanied by Dr. Martono Anggusti and Julius SE from the Apindosu Lajo Parmate Law Office.

Perry Iskandar said, Warenhuis’ heirs some time ago in the media had stated that they were ready to collaborate and synergize with the government to make the Warenhuis historic building a heritage or cultural heritage in the city of Medan. And reportedly received a response by the Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution.

However, this collaboration has not been realized until now. “We understand the possibility that the Mayor still has the mobility of tasks and work that is so dense. Until he has had time to sit down with the intention of his heirs and proxies to realize the collaboration to revitalize Warenhuis into a cultural heritage,” said Perry Iskandar.


Nevertheless, the heirs continue to support the Medan City Government program which initiated the famous MSME Culinary Week (PKK). “The heirs are still open to collaboration and synergy between the heirs and the Medan City Government, making Warenhuis a tourist destination and part of the cultural heritage of Medan City,” he said.

Previously, Ismael Pulungan, who is Maya Seminole Pulungan’s nephew, daughter of the late G Dalip Singh Bath, firmly stated that the heirs are very supportive and open to the Medan City Government to make the Warenhuis building a Medan City heritage through a collaboration program delivered by the current Mayor of Medan.

“And of course it is hoped that there will be further communication and discussions with the heirs and our consultant team,” he said some time ago. ***






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