Festival Toba Kaldera Unesco Global Geopark Tampilkan Lomba Menari Hingga Kuliner Tradisional

Festival Toba Kaldera Unesco Global Geopark Tampilkan Lomba Menari Hingga Kuliner Tradisional

Festival Toba Kaldera Unesco Global Geopark Tampilkan Lomba Menari Hingga Kuliner Tradisional | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata (Disbudpar) Sumatera Utara Sumut) menggelar kegiatan Festival Toba Kaldera UNESCO Global Geopark di Open Stage, Parapat Kabupaten Simalungun, Sabtu, 20 November 2021.

Ratusan peserta dari sejumlah daerah di seputar Danau Toba tampil dalam pawai budaya, serta berbagai lomba.

Adapun lomba yang digelar diantaranya tortor somba, musik tradisional, kuliner khas Toba Naniura, Lomba Geo Produk, lomba Markatapel, dan lomba menulis legenda Toba, serta sebelumnya tgl 19 November 2021 didahului lomba menulis aksara batak di Kabupaten Toba.

Ketua Panitia Pelaksana Debbie Panjaitan, sekaligus sebagai sekretaris Badan Pengelola Toba Caldera UNESCO Global Geopark menyampaikan dalam laporannya, bahwa kegiatan tersebut menjadi festival perdana digelar sejak Kaldera Toba ditetapkan sebagai anggota UNESCO Global Geopark (UGG), tahun lalu. Karena itu berbagai upaya melestarikan kekayaan warisan dunia ini terus dilakukan.


Bacaan Lainnya


“Ini festival perdana sejak Danau Toba masuk anggota UGG. Jadi kita di sini menggelar perlombaan tarian tradisional, dimana ada empat puak di sekitar kawasan Danau Toba ini, yaitu Pakpak, Karo dan Toba. Makanya ada tiga salam kita, Mejuah-juah, Njuah-njuah dan Horas. Lomba ini juga, kita melibatkan anak-anak generasi muda, agar mereka mencintai budaya dan kearifan lokal di kawasan Danau Toba,” ujar Debbie di acara yang dihadiri Ketua Dewan Kesenian Sumatera Utara Baharuddin Syahputra.

Selain itu, festival tersebut juga memperlombakan kuliner khas Toba yakni Naniura. Juga telah digelar sebelumnya, lomba aksara Batak, lomba ketapel dan lainnya.

Sehingga diharapkan banyaknya kegiatan yang melibatkan masyarakat, terutama generasi muda, dapat menularkan orang lain untuk mencintai Danau Toba dengan segala kekayaannya.

“Bagaimana kita bisa membuat orang OTG, bukan tertular virus, tetapi menjadi Orang Tertular Geopark. Karena darimanapun, Danau Toba itu cantik panoramanya, flora fauna, dan juga peninggalan sejarah serta kekayaan budayanya,” jelas Debbie sekaligus mewakili Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Sumut Zumri Sulthony.

Perlombaan ini juga menjadi titik tolak agar berbagai acara bisa digelar di kawasa Geopark Kaldera Toba, khususnya mengajarkan anak-anak generasi muda untuk mencintai daerahnya. Karenanya, festival tersebut tidak menitikberatkan pada pemenang lomba, melainkan melestarikan kekayaan budaya di dalamnya.




• Jangan Ragu ke Danau Toba

Sementara Ketua Harian Badan Pengelola Toba Caldera UNESCO Global Geopark, Mangindar Simbolon sebelum membuka kegiatan festival tersebut, menyampaikan bahwa kekayaan alam di kawasan Danau Toba perlu dikelola dengan baik.

Ada unsur konservasi agar terjaga nilai dasarnya. Kemudian pendidikan, dimana edukasi kepada generasi muda sangat perlu ditanamkan sejak dini.

“Yang tak kalah penting juga bagaimana Geopark Kaldera Toba mendorong pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat. Karena itu mari kita saling mendukung agar ketiganya bisa dicapai,” sebut Mangindar.

Pada festival tersebut, ratusan orang dari sejumlah daerah menampilkan tarian kreasi tortor Somba-Somba khas Simalungun dan Hata Sopiksik dari Toba. Juga ada penandatanganan nota kesepahaman/MoU antara Toba Caldera UNESCO Global Geopark dengan Geopark Nasional Silokek Sumatera Barat. ***


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Toba Caldera Festival Unesco Global Geopark Shows Dance Competition to Traditional Culinary | OBROLANBISNIS.com — North Sumatra’s Culture and Tourism Office (Disbudpar) held the UNESCO Global Geopark Toba Caldera Festival at the Open Stage, Parapat, Simalungun Regency, Saturday, November 20, 2021.

Hundreds of participants from a number of areas around Lake Toba performed in cultural parades, as well as various competitions.

The competitions that were held included tortor somba, traditional music, typical Toba Naniura cuisine, Geo Products Competition, Markatapel competition, and Toba legend writing competition, and previously on 19 November 2021, it was preceded by a Batak script writing competition in Toba Regency.

Chairperson of the Organizing Committee Debbie Panjaitan, as well as secretary of the UNESCO Global Geopark Toba Caldera Management Agency, said in her report that this activity was the first festival to be held since Toba Caldera was designated a member of the UNESCO Global Geopark (UGG), last year. Therefore, various efforts to preserve the wealth of this world heritage continue to be carried out.



“This is the first festival since Lake Toba became a member of UGG. So we are here to hold a traditional dance competition, where there are four clans around the Lake Toba area, namely Pakpak, Karo and Toba. That’s why we have three greetings, Mejuah-juah, Njuah- njuah and Horas. We also involve young generation in this competition, so that they love the culture and local wisdom in the Lake Toba area,” said Debbie at the event which was attended by the Chairman of the North Sumatra Arts Council, Baharuddin Syahputra.

In addition, the festival also competes for the typical Toba culinary, namely Naniura. There have also been previously held competitions for Batak script, slingshot competitions and others.

So it is hoped that many activities that involve the community, especially the younger generation, can infect other people to love Lake Toba with all its wealth.

“How can we make OTG people, not infected with the virus, but become Infected People Geopark. Because from anywhere, Lake Toba has beautiful panoramas, flora and fauna, as well as historical heritage and cultural wealth,” explained Debbie as well as representing the Head of the North Sumatra Culture and Tourism Office, Zumri. Sulthony.


This competition is also a starting point so that various events can be held in the Toba Caldera Geopark area, especially teaching the younger generation to love their area. Therefore, the festival does not focus on the winners of the competition, but rather on preserving the cultural richness in it.

Meanwhile, the Daily Head of the UNESCO Global Geopark Toba Caldera Management Agency, Mangindar Simbolon before opening the festival activities, said that the natural wealth in the Lake Toba area needs to be managed properly.

There is an element of conservation in order to maintain its basic value. Then education, where education to the younger generation really needs to be instilled from an early age.

“No less important is how the Toba Caldera Geopark encourages community economic empowerment. Therefore, let’s support each other so that all three can be achieved,” said Mangindar.

At the festival, hundreds of people from a number of regions performed dances created by the Somba-Somba tortors typical of Simalungun and Hata Sopiksik from Toba. There was also the signing of a memorandum of understanding/MoU between the Toba Caldera UNESCO Global Geopark and the Silokek National Geopark of West Sumatra. ***





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