ShopeePay Terima Penghargaan Jasa Pembayaran QRIS Non-Bank Terbaik 2021 | — ShopeePay, layanan pembayaran digital, menerima penghargaan dari ajang Bank Indonesia Awards sebagai Penyedia Jasa Pembayaran QRIS Non-Bank Terbaik di tahun 2021.
Penganugerahan ini diberikan kepada mitra strategis Bank Indonesia yang telah berkontribusi secara signifikan terhadap keuangan, stabilitas keuangan dan sistem pembayaran.
Eka Nilam Dari, Head of Strategic Merchant Acquisition ShopeePay menyatakan, menutup tahun 2021, pihaknya merasa terhormat karena mendapatkan penghargaan dan diakui oleh Bank Indonesia atas komitmen kami dalam mendorong adopsi QRIS di berbagai skala usaha.
“Kami berterimakasih atas dukungan pengguna dan para merchant ShopeePay yang senantiasa memaksimalkan layanan pembayaran digital ShopeePay dalam berbagai use cases untuk transaksi sehari-hari. Hal ini juga menjadi semangat ShopeePay dalam mewujudkan kehidupan masyarakat yang lebih baik melalui teknologi digital,” ujar Nilam.
Sejalan dengan himbauan pemerintah untuk mengurangi transaksi dengan uang tunai selama pandemi, ShopeePay telah memfasilitasi transaksi QRIS (Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard) di ratusan ribu merchant dari berbagai lini industri yang tersebar di lebih dari 500 kota/kabupaten di Indonesia.
ShopeePay pun turut mendukung penggunaan QRIS dengan menghadirkan fitur “Upload QRIS dari Galeri Ponsel” yang memungkinkan pengguna mengunggah kode QRIS pada fitur ‘Pay’ dari ShopeePay.
Setiap merchant ShopeePay secara langsung terintegrasi dengan layanan QRIS yang memungkinkan mereka untuk menerima pembayaran dari penyedia layanan pembayaran digital manapun dan turut mendukung upaya pemerintah dalam meluaskan adopsi QRIS. ***
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ShopeePay Receives Best Non-Bank QRIS Payment Service Award 2021 | — ShopeePay, a digital payment service, received an award from the Bank Indonesia Awards as the Best Non-Bank QRIS Payment Service Provider in 2021.
This award is given to a strategic partner of Bank Indonesia who has contributed significantly to finance, financial stability and the payment system.
Eka Nilam Dari, Head of Strategic Merchant Acquisition ShopeePay stated, closing 2021, his party was honored to have received an award and was recognized by Bank Indonesia for our commitment to encourage the adoption of QRIS at various business scales.
“We are grateful for the support of ShopeePay users and merchants who continue to maximize ShopeePay’s digital payment services in various use cases for daily transactions. This is also the spirit of ShopeePay in realizing a better community life through digital technology, “said Nilam.
In line with the government’s call to reduce transactions with cash during the pandemic, ShopeePay has facilitated QRIS (Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard) transactions at hundreds of thousands of merchants from various industry lines spread across more than 500 cities/districts in Indonesia.
ShopeePay also supports the use of QRIS by presenting the “Upload QRIS from the Mobile Gallery” feature which allows users to upload a QRIS code on the ‘Pay’ feature of ShopeePay.
Every ShopeePay merchant is directly integrated with the QRIS service which allows them to accept payments from any digital payment service provider and also supports the government’s efforts to expand QRIS adoption. ***