UMP 2022 di Sumut Rp 2.5 Juta

UMP 2022 di Sumut Rp 2.5 Juta

UMP 2022 di Sumut Rp 2.5 Juta | — Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan mengapresiasi penetapan Upah Minumum Provinsi (UMP) tahun 2022 yang diteken Gubernur Sumatera Utara (Sumut) Edy Rahmayadi.

Antara lain, lantaran dengan adanya penetapan UMP tersebut, beberapa kabupaten di Sumut kini memiliki upah minimum.

Selama ini, beberapa kabupaten seperti Nias Barat, Nias Utara, Nias Selatan, dan Pakpak Bharat tidak memiliki upah minimum. Namun dengan adanya Surat Keputusan (SK) tentang UMP 2022, maka kini beberapa daerah tersebut sudah memiliki upah minimum, sesuai standar yang ditetapkan dalam SK UMP.

Hal tersebut disampaikan Staf Khusus Menteri Ketenagakerjaan Republik Indonesia Dita Indah Sari saat pembukaan rapat kerja Konfederasi Serikat Buruh Seluruh Indonesia di Hotel Grand Antares, Jalan Sisingamangaraja, Medan, Kamis, 25 November 2021.


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“Pak Edy (Gubernur Sumut) telah menetapkan Rp2,5 juta untuk Sumut. Ada yang menggembirakan, karena keputusan Pak Edy tersebut menjadi dasar teman-teman kita di Nias Barat, Utara, Selatan, dan Pakpak Bharat, yang sebelumnya tidak punya upah minimum. Jadi pekerja kita dan teman-temannya kita di sana memegang dasar standar berdasarkan apa yang ditetapkan Gubernur,” ungkap Dita.

Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan mengapresiasi atas keputusan tersebut. Menurut Dita, hal itu dapat mengurangi kesenjangan yang ada di Sumut. “Jadi keputusan Pak Edy kami apresiasi, Ini tidak mudah juga dari gubernur,” kata Dita.

Dita juga meminta para pengusaha agar tidak mengurangi gaji sesuai dengan yang ditetapkan Gubernur.

Menurutnya, banyak sector-sektor yang justru tumbuh positif selama masa pandemi. “Jadi kalau ada yang tumbuh positif, jangan sekali kali berpikir mengurangi gaji pekerja,” kata Dita.




• Oleh-oleh Baru Khas Medan Bolu Stim Menara

Sementara itu, Gubernur Sumut Edy Rahmayadi menyampaikan keputusan tersebut adalah yang terbaik untuk kedua pihak, buruh dan perusahaan.

Memang menurutnya, ada dilema saat menentukan hal tersebut dan proses menetapkan keputusan tersebut pun bukan mudah, melihat berbagai faktor salah satunya kondisi perekonomian saat ini yang terdampak pandemi.

Selain itu, Edy juga mengajak seluruh elemen bersama-sama menyelesaikan permasalahan mengenai perburuhan atau pekerja. Dengan begitu masalah bisa cepat selesai. “Untuk itu kita bergandengan tangan. Apa yang harus kita selesaikan, kita selesaikan,” kata Edy.

Presiden KSBSI, Elly Rosita Silaban mengatakan, sebenarnya Gubernur berhak menentukan upah.

Ia berharap selanjutnya ada diskusi yang berjelanjutan. “Gubernur berhak sebenarnya menentukan upah, mereka yang tahu inflasi dan kondisi ekonomi masing-masing,” kata Elly. ***



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UMP 2022 in North Sumatra Rp 2.5 Million | — The Ministry of Manpower appreciates the determination of the 2022 Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP) signed by the Governor of North Sumatra (Sumut) Edy Rahmayadi.

Among other things, because with the determination of the UMP, several districts in North Sumatra now have a minimum wage.

So far, several districts such as West Nias, North Nias, South Nias, and Pakpak Bharat do not have a minimum wage. However, with the Decree (SK) regarding the 2022 UMP, now some of these regions already have a minimum wage, according to the standards set out in the UMP Decree.

This was conveyed by the Special Staff of the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia Dita Indah Sari at the opening of the work meeting of the All-Indonesian Trade Union Confederation at the Grand Antares Hotel, Jalan Sisingamangaraja, Medan, Thursday, November 25, 2021.



“Pak Edy (Governor of North Sumatra) has set Rp. 2.5 million for North Sumatra. There is something encouraging, because Pak Edy’s decision became the basis for our friends in West, North, South, and Pakpak Bharat Nias, who previously did not have a minimum wage. So our workers and our friends there hold the basic standards based on what the Governor has set,” said Dita.

The Ministry of Manpower appreciates the decision. According to Dita, this can reduce the gap that exists in North Sumatra. “So, we appreciate Mr. Edy’s decision. This is not easy from the governor,” said Dita.

Dita also asked entrepreneurs not to reduce salaries according to the governor’s regulation.

According to him, many sectors have actually grown positively during the pandemic. “So if something grows positively, don’t ever think about reducing workers’ salaries,” said Dita.

Meanwhile, North Sumatra Governor Edy Rahmayadi said the decision was the best for both parties, workers and companies.


Indeed, according to him, there is a dilemma when determining this and the process of making the decision is not easy, considering various factors, one of which is the current economic condition affected by the pandemic.

In addition, Edy also invited all elements together to solve problems regarding labor or workers. That way the problem can be resolved quickly. “That’s why we join hands. What we have to finish, we finish,” said Edy.

The President of KSBSI, Elly Rosita Silaban, said that actually the Governor has the right to determine wages.

He hopes that there will be continued discussions in the future. “The governor has the right to actually determine wages, those who know inflation and their respective economic conditions,” said Elly. ***






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