Grand Opening ASL Law Office Advocate dan Menyantuni Anak Yatim | OBROLANBISNI.COM – ASL Law Office Advocate & Legal Consultan, begitulah namanya. Kantor hukum ini berada di Jalan Cinere Raya, Ruko Pasar Segar Blok RB 05 Cinere, Depok. Dihadiri para tetamu, rekanan, klien, dan sahabat, grand opening itu terlaksana pada Jumat (26/11/2021).
Salah seorang pendiri ASL Law Office Advocate & Legal Consultan, Amir Husin SH.MH menjelaskan, bahwa label nama kantor tempat bernaung sekarang ini merupakan singkatan dari nama mereka bertiga. Yakni, Amir Husin SH.MH, Syapri Adillah SH.MH dan Lisnawati SH.MH.
“Memang sedari awal kami bertiga ini berasal dari kantor hukum berbeda. Namun seiring berjalannya waktu, kami merasa bahwa kami memiliki visi dan misi yang sama. Apalagi kami adalah anak perantauan dari Sumatera Utara. Dan tekad itu yang membuat kami membuka kantor ASL Law Office Advocate & Legal Consultan,” terang Amir Husin kepada wartawan, Minggu (28/11/2021).
Bahkan dulunya, kata Amir Husin, ASL Law Office Advocate & Legal Consultan sempat berkantor di Kelurahan Tanjung Barat, Kecamatan Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta. Hanya saja, Amir Husin dan dua rekannya menilai lokasi kantor sebelumnya kurang strategis, sehingga ASL Law Office Advocate & Legal Consultan berpindah tempat.
“Jadi di kantor sekarang yang kita duduki ini adalah alamat kantor pusat ASL Law Office Advocate & Legal Consultan. Lokasi kantor kita di Cinere ini sangat strategis karena dekat dengan pusat perkantoran, mal dan permukiman elite yang terbaik di Kota Depok,” ungkap laki low profile ini.
Selain itu, lanjut Amir Husin, terdapat akses Tol Depok-Antasari yang sangat dekat dengan kantor ASL Law Office Advocate & Legal Consultan. “Sehingga apabila ada perkara atau kasus mau pun urusan hukum ke Jakarta, daerah Jawa Barat, Banten, dan luar provinsi lainnya dekat dengan kantor kita,” imbuh Amir Husin didampingi dua rekannya.
Pada pembukaan kantor baru ASL Law Office Advocate & Legal Consultan, mereka juga tak lupa mengundang anak yatim piatu, fakir miskin, dan kaum dhuafa dari rumah Al Mizan. Dengan harapan kantor hukum yang ‘digawangi’ para punggawa asal Sumatera Utara itu mendapat rihdo dan berkah dari Allah SWT.
“Kantor ASL Law Office Advocate & Legal Consultan tak cuma memikirkan materi semata, tapi juga membantu masyarakat bagi yang membutuhkan bantuan hukum. Yang lebih penting lagi tidak pandang bulu, artinya tidak harus membantu masyarakat itu hanya semata-mata memandang uang perkaranya saja melainkan harus lebih sensitif memandang dari sisi kepastian, keadilan serta kemanfaatan hukum tersebut,” sebut Amir Husin.
Praktisi Hukum: Hakim Jangan Jadikan Istilah ‘Dalihan Natolu’ Untuk Menolak Gugatan Cerai
Hal tersebut, tambah Amir Husin, juga tentunya senada dengan para anggota managing partner lainya. Tak terkecuali bagi para partnernya sendiri yang sudah lama berkecimpung di dunia lawyer. “Kita berharap dalam kegiatan peresmian kantor hukum ini, para partner kita dapat bertambah banyak dari yang sebelumnya telah beranggotakan tiga orang. Seperti bapak Jaidin H Nainggolan SH, bapak Candidat (cd), DR Saddam Hussein SH.MH, bapak M Dhobit Azhari Lubis SH.MH. Dan mudah-mudah kian bertambah lagi guna penanganan kasus-kasus yang akan dijalani oleh kantor hukum kita sekarang ini,” jelasnya.
Amir Husin dan rekan telah berencana membuka kantor cabang ASL Law Office Advocate & Legal Consultan di Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara (Sumut). “Insha Allah niat baik membuka kantor baru di Medan dalam waktu dekat ini akan terlaksana,” urai alumni Universitas Pembangunan Masyarakat Indonesia dan Universitas Nasional Jakarta tersebut.
Tampak hadir pada launching ASL Law Office Advocate & Legal Consultan Edward SH.MH (Kasi Penyidikan Kejati Banten), Ketua Marhaenisme, Eko, Dokter Gia Pratama (penulis dan artis) dan Budi Kabul (mantan Dewan Kota Jakarta Selatan 2 periode sekaligus paman kandung dari anggota DPR RI Fraksi PDI Perjuangan Krisdayanti dan Yuni Shara).
“Saya mewaliki ASL Law Office Advocate & Legal Consultan mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada rekan kerja, klien, sahabat, masyarakat sekitar dan memohon do’a agar kantor baru kami ini memberi manfaat serta mendapatkan berokah dari Allah SWT,” tandasnya. ***
Grand Opening of ASL Law Office Advocate and Supporting Orphans | OBROLANBISNI.COM – ASL Law Office Advocate & Legal Consultant, that’s the name. This law office is located on Jalan Cinere Raya, Pasar Segar Ruko Blok RB 05 Cinere, Depok. Attended by guests, partners, clients, and friends, the grand opening took place on Friday (11/26/2021).
One of the founders of ASL Law Office Advocate & Legal Consultan, Amir Husin SH.MH explained, that the name label of the office where he is currently shelter is an abbreviation of the names of the three of them. Namely, Amir Husin SH.MH, Syapri Adillah SH.MH and Lisnawati SH.MH.
“Indeed, from the start, the three of us came from different law offices. But over time, we felt that we had the same vision and mission. Moreover, we are overseas children from North Sumatra. And that determination made us open the ASL Law Office Advocate office. & Legal Consultant,” explained Amir Husin to reporters, Sunday (11/28/2021).
Even before, said Amir Husin, ASL Law Office Advocate & Legal Consultant had an office in Tanjung Barat Village, Jagakarsa District, South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta. However, Amir Husin and two of his colleagues assessed that the location of the previous office was not strategic enough, so ASL Law Office Advocate & Legal Consultant moved.
“So the office we are currently occupying is the address for the head office of ASL Law Office Advocate & Legal Consultant. The location of our office in Cinere is very strategic because it is close to office centers, malls and the best elite settlements in Depok City,” said the low profile man.
In addition, continued Amir Husin, there is access to the Depok-Antasari Toll Road which is very close to the ASL Law Office Advocate & Legal Consultant office. “So that if there is a case or case or legal matter, we will go to Jakarta, West Java, Banten, and other provinces outside of our office,” added Amir Husin accompanied by two of his colleagues.
At the opening of the new ASL Law Office Advocate & Legal Consultant office, they also did not forget to invite orphans, the poor, and the poor from Al Mizan’s house. It is hoped that the law office, which is ‘fronted’ by the courtiers from North Sumatra, will receive the blessing and blessing of Allah SWT.
“The ASL Law Office Advocate & Legal Consultant does not only think about the material, but also helps the community for those who need legal assistance. What is more important is that it is not indiscriminate, meaning that it does not have to help the community solely by looking at the money of the case but must be more sensitive in terms of certainty, justice and the benefits of the law,” said Amir Husin.
This, added Amir Husin, is also of course in line with other members of the managing partner. No exception for his own partners who have been in the world of lawyers for a long time.
“We hope that in the inauguration of this law office, our partners can increase in number from the previous three members. Such as Mr. Jaidin H Nainggolan SH, Mr. Candidat (cd), DR Saddam Hussein SH.MH, Mr. M Dhobit Azhari Lubis SH MH. And hopefully more and more cases will be handled by our current law office,” he explained.
Amir Husin and colleagues have planned to open a branch office of ASL Law Office Advocate & Legal Consultant in Medan City, North Sumatra (Sumut). “Insha Allah, the good intention of opening a new office in Medan will be carried out in the near future,” explained the alumni of the Indonesian Community Development University and the Jakarta National University.
Appearing to be present at the launching of ASL Law Office Advocate & Legal Consultant Edward SH.MH (Banten Prosecutor’s Office Head of Investigation), Head of Marhaenisme, Eko, Doctor Gia Pratama (writer and artist) and Budi Kabul (former 2nd term South Jakarta City Council as well as biological uncle of members of the Indonesian House of Representatives (PDI-P faction) Krisdayanti and Yuni Shara).
“I represent the ASL Law Office Advocate & Legal Consultant, thanking my colleagues, clients, friends, surrounding communities and asking for prayers so that our new office will benefit and receive blessings from Allah SWT,” he said. ***