Milton Pakpahan: SPBU Diharapkan Beri Kemudahan Masyarakat Mengisi BBM

Milton Pakpahan SPBU Diharapkan Beri Kemudahan Masyarakat Mengisi BBM

Milton Pakpahan: SPBU Diharapkan Beri Kemudahan Masyarakat Mengisi BBM | — Dewan Komisaris PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, Sub Holding Commercial & Trading PT Pertamina (Persero) melakukan peninjauan dan memastikan kelancaran operasi dan layanan kepada masyarakat Sumatera Utara (Sumut) di tengah kondisi pandemi.

Komisaris Utama PT Pertamina Patra Niaga SH C&T, S Milton Pakpahan bersama jajaran Dewan Komisaris PT Pertamina Patra Niaga SH C&T, M. Yusni dan Dewan Komite M Yasir Arofat, Direktur Pemasaran Regional PT Pertamina Patra Niaga SH C&T, Mars Ega Legowo Putra, Executive General Manager Regional Sumatera Utara, Asep Wicaksono Hadi, serta manajemen dan para perwira Regional Sumbagut, turun langsung.

Rangkaian acara selama tiga hari diawali dengan kunjungan ke proyek SPBU Bandara Internasional Kualanamu, kemudian ke lokasi rencana pendiran Depot Kuala Tanjung dan Pelabuhan Pelindo Kuala Tanjung, melakukan meet and greet dengan perwira Regional Sumbagut, lalu diakhiri dengan Kunjungan ke lokasi rencana Depot LPG Belawan dan Fuel Terminal (FT) Medan Group.

Komisaris Utama PT Pertamina Patra Niaga SH C&T, S Milton Pakpahan mengharapkan pembangunan SPBU di Bandara Internasional Kualanamu dapat memberikan kemudahan bagi masyarakat untuk mengisi bahan bakar sebelum melakukan wisata di wilayah Sumut.


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“Saya dan Dewan Komisaris berharap SPBU ini memudahkan masyarakat dalam melakukan pengisian BBM di Sumut karena Bandara Internasional Kualanamu merupakan gerbang bagi para pelancong yang memasuki wilayah Sumut. Pertamina tentunya siap untuk memberikan pelayanan terbaik untuk masyarakat termasuk dalam pendistribusian bahan bakar,” ungkap Milton.

Selain itu, dilakukan kunjungan ke proyek strategis nasional yaitu lokasi rencana pendiran Depot Kuala Tanjung dan Pelabuhan Pelindo Kuala Tanjung.

Milton Pakpahan serta seluruh Dewan Komisaris Komisaris menungkapkan, pendirian depot baru ini guna untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat termasuk di Kawasan Industri Kuala Tanjung dan Pelabuhan Hub Internasional Kuala Tanjung.

Tidak hanya itu, pendirian depot ini juga bertujuan untuk mendukung pertumbuhan perekonomian nasional.

“Untuk proyek pembangunan depot baru di Kuala Tanjung, Pertamina juga bekerja sama dengan PT Pelindo 1 untuk pengelolaannya. Semoga dengan didirikannya depot baru ini, Pertamina semakin dapat melayani masyarakat dengan baik,” ucap Milton.




• Pertamina Foundation Gaet Cinta Laura Kembangkan Wirausaha Perempuan Modern Indonesia

Dewan Komisaris juga menyempatkan untuk mengunjungi lokasi rencana Depot LPG Belawan dan FT Medan Group yang berada di Sumut. Kunjungan ini untuk memastikan kesiapan FT Medan Group dalam Satgas Natal 2021 dan Tahun Baru 2022, serta melihat kondisi lokasi rencana Depot LPG Belawan.

“Mendekati Natal 2021 dan Tahun Baru 2022, kami berharap FT Medan Group siap untuk mendistribusikan BBM ke seluruh masyarakat. Selain itu, saya dan Dewan Komisaris berharap dengan didirikan depot LPG baru di Belawan juga dapat melancarkan distribusi LPG ke seluruh masyarakat Sumut,” tambah Milton.

Dewan Komisaris juga berkesempatan untuk memberikan bantuan Pendidikan untuk para anak Awak Mobil Tangki (AMT) Berprestasi Tingkat SD, SMP, dan SMA. Total bantuan yang diberikan adalah sebanyak Rp114.300.000.

Selain memastikan operasional dan progres proyek strategis, dalam MWT ini Dewan Komisaris juga menyempatkan menyapa rekan-rekan Perwira di kantor Pertamina Regional Sumbagut.

Dewan Komisaris berharap, setelah terbentuk Sub Holding C&T, seluruh Perwira terus semangat dan dapat bekerja secara maksimal dalam menjalankan tugasnya, apalagi saat ini sudah mendekati masa Satgas Nataru.

“Fokus utamanya adalah menjaga pasokan dan layanan BBM dan LPG ke masyarakat. Selain itu saya juga mendukung agar para perwira dapat berperan aktif menjalankan program inovasi dan efisiensi untuk membantu kinerja perusahaan untuk lebih baik lagi. Selain itu, kami berharap semua perwira siap untuk kelancaran distribusi BBM dan LPG pada Satgas Nataru,” sebut Milton. ***



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Milton Pakpahan: Gas Stations Are Expected To Make It Easy For People To Fill Fuel | — The Board of Commissioners of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, Sub Holding Commercial & Trading PT Pertamina (Persero) conducted a review and ensured smooth operations and services to the people of North Sumatra (Sumut) in the midst of a pandemic.

President Commissioner of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga SH C&T, S Milton Pakpahan with the Board of Commissioners of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga SH C&T, M. Yusni and Committee Board M Yasir Arofat, Regional Marketing Director of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga SH C&T, Mars Ega Legowo Putra, Executive General The North Sumatra Regional Manager, Asep Wicaksono Hadi, as well as the management and officers of the Sumbagut Regional Office, stepped down directly.

The series of events for three days began with a visit to the Kualanamu International Airport gas station project, then to the planned location of the Kuala Tanjung Depot and Kuala Tanjung Pelindo Port, met and greets with Sumbagut Regional officers, then ended with a visit to the planned location of the Belawan LPG and Fuel Depot. Terminal (FT) Medan Group.

President Commissioner of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga SH C&T, S Milton Pakpahan hopes that the construction of a gas station at Kualanamu International Airport can make it easier for people to refuel before traveling in the North Sumatra region.



“I and the Board of Commissioners hope that this gas station will make it easier for people to fill up fuel in North Sumatra because Kualanamu International Airport is a gateway for travelers entering the North Sumatran area. Pertamina is certainly ready to provide the best service for the community, including the distribution of fuel,” said Milton.

In addition, visits were made to national strategic projects, namely the planned location of the Kuala Tanjung Depot and Kuala Tanjung Pelindo Port.

Milton Pakpahan and the entire Board of Commissioners revealed that the establishment of this new depot was intended to meet the needs of the community, including the Kuala Tanjung Industrial Estate and Kuala Tanjung International Hub Port.

Not only that, the establishment of this depot also aims to support national economic growth.

“For the new depot development project in Kuala Tanjung, Pertamina is also working with PT Pelindo 1 for its management. Hopefully, with the establishment of this new depot, Pertamina will be able to better serve the community,” said Milton.


The Board of Commissioners also took the time to visit the planned location of the Belawan LPG Depot and FT Medan Group, which are in North Sumatra. This visit is to ensure the readiness of the FT Medan Group in the 2021 and New Year’s Christmas Task Force 2022, as well as to see the condition of the planned location for the Belawan LPG Depot.

“As we approach Christmas 2021 and New Year 2022, we hope that FT Medan Group is ready to distribute fuel to the entire community. In addition, the Board of Commissioners and I hope that the establishment of a new LPG depot in Belawan will also facilitate the distribution of LPG to all the people of North Sumatra,” added Milton.

The Board of Commissioners also had the opportunity to provide educational assistance for the children of the Tank Car Crew (AMT) with Achievement at the Elementary, Middle and High School levels. The total assistance provided was Rp. 114,300,000.

In addition to ensuring the operational and progress of strategic projects, in this MWT the Board of Commissioners also took time to greet fellow officers at the Pertamina Regional Sumbagut office.

The Board of Commissioners hopes that after the Sub Holding C&T is formed, all officers will continue to be enthusiastic and can work optimally in carrying out their duties, especially now that the Nataru Task Force is approaching.

“The main focus is to maintain the supply and service of fuel and LPG to the community. In addition, I also support that officers can play an active role in running innovation and efficiency programs to help the company’s performance to be even better. In addition, we hope that all officers are ready for the smooth distribution of fuel and LPG to the Nataru Task Force,” said Milton. ***





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