Shopee Fashion Week 2021 Menawarkan Ragam Fashion Di Segala Usia

Shopee Fashion Week 2021 Menawarkan Ragam Fashion Di Segala Usia

Shopee Fashion Week 2021 Menawarkan Ragam Fashion Di Segala Usia | — Shopee hadirkan acara fashion paling dinanti yaitu Shopee Fashion Week (SFW) 2021 guna menjawab kebutuhan fashion masyarakat Indonesia yang beragam.

Setiap orang dari berbagai kalangan, usia, gender dan karakter memiliki preferensi serta pilihan gaya dan padu padan fashion-nya masing-masing.

Fashion bukan hanya menjadi cara seseorang untuk mengekspresikan diri, tetapi juga dapat merepresentasikan karakter, mood, dan perasaan yang ingin ditampilkan.

Terlebih, dengan adanya teknologi yang semakin canggih, kini mencari sumber inspirasi gaya fashion juga menjadi lebih mudah dan beragam.

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Kemeriahan kampanye ini diawali dengan press conference bertajuk “Shopee Fashion Week 2021: Inspirasi Tren Fashion Terkini” dengan menghadirkan Jesslyn Lim, Fashion Enthusiast & SFW Style Battle Judge dan Hetty Awi, 3Mongkis Owner yang akan berdiskusi mengenai perkembangan tren fashion, tips mendapatkan looks yang stylish dan nyaman, serta membahas perjalanan para pelaku bisnis dalam menghadirkan ragam variasi produk fashion sesuai preferensi pengguna.

Tidak hanya itu, terdapat bintang tamu spesial yaitu Refal Hady, salah satu perwakilan dari KOL Influencer Style Battle yang akan menceritakan persiapannya dalam rangkaian SFW nanti.

Adi Rahardja, Head of Fashion & Lifestyle Shopee Indonesia menyatakan, di Shopee kategori fashion menjadi salah satu kategori favorit bagi pengguna. Tercatat antusiasme yang tinggi pada 11.11 Big Sale kemarin, khususnya pada kategori Pakaian Wanita, dimana Kemeja dan Kulot menjadi produk paling favorit pengguna selama kampanye berlangsung.

“Shopee Fashion Week hadir sebagai bentuk komitmen kami untuk menjadi destinasi belanja yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan fashion esensial pengguna serta memberikan ragam inspirasi fashion terkini,” ujarnya.




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Inisiatif ini merupakan bagian dari fitur Shopee InFashion, sebuah wadah khusus yang menyediakan produk fashion unggulan yang sudah terkurasi dan dilengkapi dengan promosi menarik.

“Kami juga berharap SFW ini dapat memberikan kesempatan bagi para pelaku usaha dalam mengoptimalkan peluang dan mengembangkan bisnisnya bersama Shopee,” ucapnya.

Jesslyn Lim, Fashion Enthusiast & SFW Style Battle Judge mengatakan, sekarang ini, munculnya banyak tren fashion yang berubah dengan cepat menuntut kita untuk menyesuaikan diri mengikuti tren yang ada agar tetap up to date dan selalu tampil stylish.

Dengan hadirnya platform e-commerce seperti Shopee tentu sangat membantu perkembangan industri fashion di Indonesia. “Saya sangat senang dapat bergabung dalam kemeriahan Shopee Fashion Week kali ini karena menjadi momentum yang tepat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan produk fashion favorit dan menemukan ragam tren dan inspirasi fashion yang menarik dengan mudah hanya di aplikasi Shopee,” cetusnya.




• ShopeePay Terima Penghargaan Jasa Pembayaran QRIS Non-Bank Terbaik 2021

Selama Shopee Fashion Week yang berlangsung dari 29 November – 3 Desember 2021, pengguna dapat menikmati pengalaman berbelanja fashion online untuk beragam varian produk mulai dari atasan, bawahan, tas, aksesoris dan masih banyak lagi. Kampanye ini menyuguhkan berbagai penawaran terbaik untuk jutaan produk fashion terkini.

“Kami sangat mengapresiasi hadirnya Shopee Fashion Week yang memberikan paparan lebih terhadap brand-brand fashion khususnya brand lokal, serta memudahkan pengguna juga untuk mencari kebutuhan fashion mereka. Yang spesial kali ini, kami akan mengadakan exclusive product launch untuk beberapa koleksi terbaru kami dengan penawaran terbaik yang dapat dinikmati pengguna. Saya berharap, kedepannya Shopee Fashion Week terus berkembang semakin besar dan tetap menjadi acara fashion yang paling dinanti-nanti oleh penggemar fashion di Indonesia,” beber Hetty Awi, 3Mongkis Owner.

Tidak hanya itu, saat ini juga sedang berlangsung festival belanja terbesar akhir tahun, Shopee 12.12 Birthday Sale hingga 12 Desember dengan ragam penawaran menarik yang dapat dinikmati pengguna seperti Tanam ShopeePay 12M, Gratis Ongkir XTRA Lebih Banyak dan Pasti Diskon 50%. ***


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Shopee Fashion Week 2021 Offers Variety of Fashion for All Ages | — Shopee presents the most anticipated fashion event, Shopee Fashion Week (SFW) 2021 to answer the diverse fashion needs of the Indonesian people.

Everyone from various backgrounds, ages, genders and characters has their own preferences and choices of style and fashion.

Fashion is not only a way for someone to express themselves, but also can represent the character, mood, and feelings they want to show.

Moreover, with increasingly sophisticated technology, it is now easier and more varied to find sources of inspiration for fashion styles.

The excitement of this campaign began with a press conference titled “Shopee Fashion Week 2021: Inspiration for the Latest Fashion Trends” by presenting Jesslyn Lim, Fashion Enthusiast & SFW Style Battle Judge and Hetty Awi, 3Mongkis Owner who will discuss the development of fashion trends, tips for getting stylish looks and comfortable, as well as discussing the journey of business people in presenting various variations of fashion products according to user preferences.



Not only that, there is a special guest star, namely Refal Hady, one of the representatives from the KOL Influencer Style Battle who will tell about his preparations for the SFW series later.

Adi Rahardja, Head of Fashion & Lifestyle Shopee Indonesia stated, at Shopee the fashion category is one of the favorite categories for users. There was high enthusiasm at yesterday’s 11.11 Big Sale, especially in the Women’s Clothing category, where Shirts and Culottes became the users’ most favorite products during the campaign.

“Shopee Fashion Week is here as a form of our commitment to become a shopping destination that can meet the essential fashion needs of users and provide a variety of the latest fashion inspiration,” he said.

This initiative is part of the Shopee InFashion feature, a special forum that provides superior fashion products that have been curated and equipped with attractive promotions.

“We also hope that this SFW can provide opportunities for business actors to optimize opportunities and develop their business with Shopee,” he said.


Jesslyn Lim, Fashion Enthusiast & SFW Style Battle Judge said, “Nowadays, the emergence of many fast-changing fashion trends requires us to adapt to the existing trends in order to stay up to date and always look stylish.

With the presence of an e-commerce platform such as Shopee, it certainly helps the development of the fashion industry in Indonesia. “I am very happy to be able to join the excitement of Shopee Fashion Week this time because it is the right momentum to meet the needs of your favorite fashion products and easily find a variety of interesting fashion trends and inspirations only on the Shopee application,” he said.

During Shopee Fashion Week which runs from November 29 – December 3, 2021, users can enjoy an online fashion shopping experience for various product variants ranging from tops, bottoms, bags, accessories and much more. This campaign presents the best offers for millions of the latest fashion products.

“We really appreciate the presence of Shopee Fashion Week, which provides more exposure to fashion brands, especially local brands, and makes it easier for users to find their fashion needs. What’s special this time, we will hold an exclusive product launch for some of our newest collections with the best offers that users can enjoy. I hope that in the future Shopee Fashion Week will continue to grow bigger and will remain the most anticipated fashion event by fashion fans in Indonesia,” explained Hetty Awi, 3Mongkis Owner.

Not only that, the biggest end of year shopping festival is currently taking place, Shopee 12.12 Birthday Sale until December 12 with a variety of attractive offers that users can enjoy such as 12M ShopeePay Plant, More XTRA Free Shipping and Definitely 50% Discount. ***





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