Perally Tanah Air Jajal HTI TPL

Perally Tanah Air Jajal HTI TPL

Perally Tanah Air Jajal HTI TPL | — Kejuaraan Danau Toba Rally 2021 di Hutan Tanaman Industri (HTI) PT. Toba Pulp Lestari, Tbk (TPL) kawasan Aek Nauli Kabupaten Simalungun Sumatera Utara tinggal menghitung hari.

Ikatan Motor Indonesia (IMI) Sumut selaku penyelenggaran event nasional ini, berupaya maksimal dalam memberikan yang terbaik, demi suksesnya kegiatan Rally Nasional pada 11-12 Desember 2021.

Ketua Pengprov IMI Sumut, H Harun Mustafa Nasution mengatakan, kegiatan Danau Toba Rally tahun ini sangat spesial dan penuh semangat.

Karena selain akan menjadi cikal bakal kembali bergulirnya Kejuaran Rally Tingkat Dunia di Sumut, kegiatan ini juga didukung oleh pemerintah dan pihak swasta.


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“Alhamdulillah sampai saat ini persiapan terus dilakukan untuk hasil yang terbaik. Kita juga bersyukur event kali ini banyak didukung sejumlah pihak, salah satunya pihak TPL yang sangat antusias memberikan dukungan dalam acara ini,” ungkap Harun.

Harun menambahkan, Danau Toba Rally 2021 dengan lokasi SS (Special Stages/trayek khusus) di kawasan HTI TPL memiliki sejarah yang sangat berarti bagi para perally.

Event terakhir kali berlangsung pada tahun 1997 WRC (World Rally Championship).

“Kawasan HTI Aek Nauli TPL memiliki lokasi rute terbaik di dunia dan sudah diakui para atlit rally papan atas dunia. Sehingga kita sebagai masyarakat Indonesia dan khususnya Sumatera Utara harus bangga dengan daerah ini,” sebut Harun, Minggu, 5 Desember 2021, pasca rapat koordinasi antara IMI dan TPL di Medan.



• Ada Sekolah Kopi di Toba | Bukti Kontribusi TPL pada Petani

Danau Toba Rally 2021 juga diharapkan mampu memberikan nilai positif bagi perekonomian masyarakat Sumatera Utara, sekaligus sebagai semangat baru bagi kebangkitan Destinasi Pariwisata pasca pandemic Covid-19.

Ketua Panitia Danau Toba Rally 2021, Mahyudanil mengatakan, sampai saat ini panitia telah menerima 56 atlet rally di Indonesia, berikut dengan para crew dan mekanik mesin.

Para peserta kejuaraan mengikuti putaran 1 kejurnas pada hari pertama, dan putaran ke 2.

“Hari 1 memperlombakan 6 SS dengan jarak tempuh total 79,46 km, dan hari kedua juga 6 SS dengan jarak tempuh 78,90 km. Danau Toba Rally 2021 menentukan siapa pereli terbaik tahun ini, karena ada banyak poin kejurnas diperebutkan,” tutur Mahyudanil di dampingi Sekretaris Panitia Edwin Nasution.




• Jangan Ragu ke Danau Toba

Menurut Mahyudanil, saat ini para peserta dan crew pembalap, telah tersebar di sejumlah hotel di kawasan Prapat Simalungun sampai akhir balapan berlangsung. Sehingga diharapkan dapat mendongkrak prekonomian di kawasan tersebut.

“Kegiatan rely di Danau Toba ini juga diharapkan mampu menghadirkan multiplayer efek dalam peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat sekitar. Dengan program sport tourisme dari Dinas Pariwisata Sumut, diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kunjungan wisatawan ke Danau Toba yang merupakan destinasi wisata prioritas nasional,” katanya.

Sementara itu Direktur TPL, Jandres Silalahi mendukung penuh terlaksananya event nasional Danau Toba Rally 2021. Hutan Tanaman Industri dalam PT Toba Pulp Lestari di kawasan Danau Toba dengan potensi rute rally di dalamnya, merupakan kebanggaan Sumatera Utara dan Indonesia.

“Event Danau Toba Rally 2021 ini diharapkan dapat mendorong kebangkitan ekonomi Sumatera Utara, olahraga nasional, pariwisata Danau Toba sebagai salah satu Destinasi Super Prioritas, dan alam Indonesia yang dikelola dalam komitmen berkelanjutan,” ucap Jandres. ***



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Perally Indonesia Tests TPL HTI | — Lake Toba Rally Championship 2021 in Industrial Plantation Forest (HTI) PT. Toba Pulp Lestari, Tbk (TPL) in the Aek Nauli area, Simalungun Regency, North Sumatra, is only a few days away.

The Indonesian Motor Association (IMI) of North Sumatra as the organizer of this national event, strives to provide the best for the success of the National Rally on December 11-12 2021.

The head of the North Sumatra IMI Pengprov, H Harun Mustafa Nasution, said this year’s Lake Toba Rally activity was very special and full of enthusiasm.

Because apart from being the forerunner to the return of the World Rally Championship in North Sumatra, this activity is also supported by the government and the private sector.



“Alhamdulillah, until now preparations have been carried out for the best results. We are also grateful that this event is supported by a number of parties, one of which is the TPL who are very enthusiastic in providing support for this event,” said Harun.

Harun added, the Lake Toba Rally 2021 with the location of the SS (Special Stages) in the TPL HTI area has a very meaningful history for the perally.

The last time the event took place was in 1997 WRC (World Rally Championship).

“The Aek Nauli TPL HTI area has the best route location in the world and has been recognized by the world’s top rally athletes. So we as Indonesians and especially North Sumatra should be proud of this area,” said Harun, Sunday, December 5, 2021, after a coordination meeting between IMI and TPL in Medan.

The Lake Toba Rally 2021 is also expected to be able to provide positive value for the economy of the people of North Sumatra, as well as a new spirit for the revival of Tourism Destinations after the Covid-19 pandemic.


The Chairperson of the Lake Toba Rally 2021 Committee, Mahyudanil said, so far the committee has accepted 56 rally athletes in Indonesia, along with the crew and engine mechanics.

The championship participants took part in the 1st round of the national championship on the first day, and the 2nd round.

“Day 1 competed with 6 SS with a total distance of 79.46 km, and the second day also 6 SS with a distance of 78.90 km. The 2021 Lake Toba Rally determines who is the best rally driver this year, because there are many national championship points up for grabs,” said Mahyudanil accompanied by Committee Secretary Edwin Nasution.

According to Mahyudanil, currently the participants and crew of the racers have been scattered in a number of hotels in the Prapat Simalungun area until the end of the race. So that it is expected to boost the economy in the region.



“This rely activity on Lake Toba is also expected to be able to bring about a multiplayer effect in improving the economy of the surrounding community. With the sport tourism program from the North Sumatra Tourism Office, it is hoped that it can increase tourist visits to Lake Toba, which is a national priority tourist destination,” he said.

Meanwhile the Director of TPL, Jandres Silalahi fully supports the implementation of the National Lake Toba Rally 2021 event. The Industrial Plantation Forest in PT Toba Pulp Lestari in the Lake Toba area with the potential for rally routes in it, is the pride of North Sumatra and Indonesia.

“The Lake Toba Rally 2021 event is expected to encourage the revival of the North Sumatran economy, national sports, Lake Toba tourism as one of the Super Priority Destinations, and Indonesia’s nature which is managed in a sustainable commitment,” said Jandres. ***





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