Koleksi Terbaru Kami Gawi Berjaya | Lucky Bee Mini Tank Collection Bagi Penggemar Olivia Burton | OBROLANBISNIS.com — PT Kami Gawi Berjaya, distributor resmi Olivia Burton kembali menyuguhkan koleksi terbaru Olivia Burton, Lucky Bee Mini Tank Collection bagi penggemar brand dan jam tangan di Indonesia.
Koleksi terbaru Kami Gawi Berjaya ini menyusul keberhasilan peluncuran Mini Tank Collection pertama yang pernah dikenakan oleh artis cantik Korea, Kim Hye Yoon pada Maret 2021 silam.
Kini, Olivia Burton merilis koleksi terbaru Mini Tank Collection tampilan gold mesh dan rose gold bracelet yang makin mempercantik penampilan melalui pergelangan tangan.
Koleksi Lucky Bee Mini Tank Collection berbentuk mungil, menampilkan kesan vintage, dan Indah dipandang. Lucky Bee Mini Tank Collection dirancang untuk mereka yang menyukai gaya yang halus (delicate style).
Didukung oleh komponen dial dilapisi mutiara (mother of pearl) yang menawarkan sisi mewah dan kontemporer. Dibalut dengan strap yang terbuat dari bracelet emas mawar (rose gold-plated). Menambah kesan sempurna dengan padu padan Olivia Burton Bracelet and Bangle untuk tampilan yang memukau.
Yuki Meliana, Brand Manager Olivia Burton Indonesia mengatakan, sangat excited dengan peluncuran model terbaru dari Lucky Bee Mini Tank collection.
Dengan dua pilihan strap, gold mesh dan rose gold bracelet ditambah dengan dial yang dilapisi mother of pearl, semakin menambah sisi mewah di pergelangan tangan Anda.
Hadirnya koleksi terbaru sebagai kelanjutan Mini Tank Collection pertama menunjukkan animo penggemar yang luar biasa pada brand Olivia Burton sebagai bagian dari gaya hidup masyarakat Indonesia.
• Kami Gawi Berjaya
“Lucky Bee Mini Tank Collection adalah pilihan yang tepat sebagai hadiah untuk orang tercinta atau reward bagi diri sendiri atas pencapaian setahun terakhir!” sebut Yuki Meliana.
Dua koleksi terbaru Lucky Bee Mini Tank Collection memiliki perbedaan material, bentuk, dan warna. Lucky Bee Mini Dial Rose Gold Bracelet tersusun dari material stainless steel dengan warna emas mawar pada bagian bracelet dan case dengan diameter berukuran 16.5 x 19 mm.
Dipercantik mother of pearl berwarna putih pada bagian dengan dial yang semakin memperkaya penampilan. Ditunjang dengan kemampuan daya tahan air hingga 3 bar atau 30 meter.
Serupa namun mengandung keunikan sendiri. Lucky Bee Mini Dial Gold Mesh terbuat dari material stainless steel dan tampil dengan warna kuning keemasan pada bagian mesh strap dan case berukuran 16.5 x 19 mm.
Berlapis mother of pearl berwarna putih pada bagian dengan dial yang semakin mempercantik penampilan. Dan memiliki daya tahan air hingga 3 bar atau 30 meter.
Dua koleksi Lucky Bee Dial Rose Gold Bracelet dan Gold Mesh masing-masing dibandrol di harga Rp. 2.280.000. Tersedia secara offline di Olivia Burton stores maupun di THE WATCH CO Stores. Dan secara online di www.thewatch.co dan saluran official shop di Tokopedia, Shopee, dan Zalora. ***
Latest Clock Collection Gawi Berjaya | Lucky Bee Mini Tank Collection For Olivia Burton Fans | OBROLANBISNIS.com — PT Kami Gawi Berjaya, the official distributor of Olivia Burton, again presents Olivia Burton’s newest collection, the Lucky Bee Mini Tank Collection for fans of brands and watches in Indonesia.
This latest collection of Kami Gawi Berjaya follows the successful launch of the first Mini Tank Collection ever worn by a beautiful Korean artist, Kim Hye Yoon in March 2021 ago.
Now, Olivia Burton has released the latest Mini Tank Collection, featuring a gold mesh and rose gold bracelet that enhances the appearance of the wrist.
The Lucky Bee Mini Tank Collection is small in shape, showing a vintage impression, and is beautiful to look at. The Lucky Bee Mini Tank Collection is designed for those who like delicate style.
Supported by a mother of pearl dial component that offers a luxurious and contemporary side. Wrapped with a strap made of rose gold bracelet (rose gold-plated). Add the perfect touch with mix and match the Olivia Burton Bracelet and Bangle for a stunning look.
Yuki Meliana, Brand Manager of Olivia Burton Indonesia, said that she was very excited about the launch of the latest model from the Lucky Bee Mini Tank collection.
With a choice of two straps, gold mesh and rose gold bracelet coupled with a dial lined with mother of pearl, adding a luxurious side to your wrist.
The presence of the latest collection as a continuation of the first Mini Tank Collection shows the extraordinary fan interest in the Olivia Burton brand as part of the lifestyle of the Indonesian people.
“The Lucky Bee Mini Tank Collection is a great choice as a gift for a loved one or a reward for yourself for the achievements of the past year!” call Yuki Meliana.
The two newest collections of Lucky Bee Mini Tank Collection have different materials, shapes, and colors. Lucky Bee Mini Dial Rose Gold Bracelet is composed of stainless steel material with rose gold color on the bracelet and case with a diameter of 16.5 x 19 mm.
Embellished with white mother of pearl on the part with a dial that further enriches the appearance. Supported by the ability of water resistance up to 3 bar or 30 meters.
Similar but contains its own uniqueness. Lucky Bee Mini Dial Gold Mesh is made of stainless steel material and features a golden yellow color on the mesh strap and case measuring 16.5 x 19 mm.
Layered mother of pearl white on the part with a dial that further enhances the appearance. And has a water resistance of up to 3 bar or 30 meters.
Two collections of Lucky Bee Dial Rose Gold Bracelet and Gold Mesh each priced at Rp. 2.280,000. Available offline at Olivia Burton stores and at THE WATCH CO Stores. And online at www.thewatch.co and the official shop channels at Tokopedia, Shopee, and Zalora. ***