Danau Toba Rally 2021 | Bentuk Dukungan TPL Bangkitkan Pariwisata Sumut

Danau Toba Rally 2021 | Bentuk Dukungan TPL Bangkitkan Pariwisata Sumut

Danau Toba Rally 2021 | Bentuk Dukungan TPL Bangkitkan Pariwisata Sumut | OBROLANBISNIS.com — PT Toba Pulp Lestari, Tbk (TPL) mendukung penuh perhelatan Danau Toba Rally 2021 guna mendukung kebangkitan pariwisata Sumatera Utara (Sumut) di kawasan Danau Toba.

PT Toba Pulp Lestari Tbk (TPL) menyediakan lintasan rally sepanjang 132 kilometer di kawasan konsesi perseroan, yang berlokasi Aek Nauli, Parapat, Kabupaten Simalungun, Provinsi Sumatera Utara (Sumut).

Lintasan rally di kawasan ini sebelumnya pernah menjadi lokasi untuk event internasional, yakni menjadi bagian lintasan SS pada World Rally Championship 1996 dan 1997, dan juga dipergunakan sebagai lintasan pada Kejurnas Rally tahun 2007, serta terakhir pada Kejurnas Rally 2019.

Direktur TPL, Anwar Lawden menuturkan, perseroan bersyukur dan bangga dapat menjadi bagian dari event untuk memajukan pariwisata di Sumatera Utara, khususnya di kawasan Danau Toba.


Bacaan Lainnya


“Kami mendukung sepenuhnya kegiatan rally di kawasan konsesi perusahaan. Selama ini PT TPL mengelola kawasan konsesi secara berkelanjutan dan hal itu mendorong potensi unggul lain dari konsesi untuk sport tourism,” kata Anwar, Jumat, 10 Desember 2021.

Sementara itu, Wakil Gubernur Musa Rajekshah yang meresmikan Danau Toba Rafly 2021, mengungkapkan, event Danau Toba Rally 2021 bisa menjadi sarana promosi untuk pariwisata Sumut.

Selama penyelenggaraan, seluruh kamar hotel di Parapat telah penuh dipesan oleh tim peserta rally maupun para tamu yang hadir.

“Jika di Mandalika ada sirkuit untuk Superbike, di Aek Nauly Sumut ada lintasan untuk rally internasional. Ini potensial untuk mendorong pariwisata Sumut,” kata Wagub.




• Ada Sekolah Kopi di Toba | Bukti Kontribusi TPL pada Petani

Event rally kali ini diikuti oleh 56 peserta, dan di antara peserta yang hadir terdapat pereli papan atas nasional, seperti Richardo Gelael, Sean Gelael, serta Subhan Aksa.

Wagub Sumut pun juga ambil bagian sebagai peserta dalam event Danau Toba Rally 2021.

Protokol kesehatan diterapkan secara penuh dalam event ini, sehingga tidak ada penonton yang hadir.

Bagi masyarakat yang ingin menyaksikan ajang rally ini bisa mengakses melalui Facebook dengan akun Toba Pulp Lestari.

Pemberdayaan UMKM



Dalam event Danau Toba Rally 2021, PT TPL turut menghadirkan produk UMKM binaan perseroan. Saat ini, TPL membina banyak pelaku UMKM di sekitar kawasan konsesi.

Sejumlah produk unggulan dampingan perusahaan yang dihadirkan di event ini di antaranya kopi, madu, hingga keripik. Dari Simalungun, hadir kopi dari Sihaporas dan Nagori Sibaganding. Selain madu Takoma dari Sait Buttu.

Di lokasi rally, booth CSR TPL menyediakan kopi Sihaporas gratis untuk seluruh peserta dan panitia. Produk – produk CSR diatas juga dibagikan kepada seluruh perally sebagai promosi produk lokal berkualitas.

Selain itu, hadir pula produk-produk UMKM yang berada di bawah binaan Pemprov Sumut. ***

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Lake Toba Rally 2021 | Form of TPL Support Awakens North Sumatra Tourism | OBROLANBISNIS.com — PT Toba Pulp Lestari, Tbk (TPL) fully supports the 2021 Lake Toba Rally event to support the revival of North Sumatra (Sumut) tourism in the Lake Toba area.

PT Toba Pulp Lestari Tbk (TPL) provides a 132 kilometer rally track in the company’s concession area, which is located in Aek Nauli, Parapat, Simalungun Regency, North Sumatra Province (Sumut).

The rally track in this area has previously been the location for international events, namely being part of the SS track in the 1996 and 1997 World Rally Championships, and was also used as a track at the 2007 National Rally Championship, and lastly at the 2019 National Rally Championship.

Director of TPL, Anwar Lawden said, the company is grateful and proud to be part of the event to promote tourism in North Sumatra, especially in the Lake Toba area.



“We fully support rally activities in the company’s concession area. So far, PT TPL has managed the concession area in a sustainable manner and this has encouraged other superior potentials from concessions for sport tourism,” said Anwar, Friday, December 10, 2021.

Meanwhile, Deputy Governor Musa Rajekshah, who inaugurated the 2021 Lake Toba Rafly, revealed that the 2021 Lake Toba Rally event could be a promotional tool for North Sumatra tourism.

During the event, all hotel rooms in Parapat were fully booked by the rally participants and guests present.

“If in Mandalika there is a circuit for Superbike, in Aek Nauly, North Sumatra there is a track for international rallies. This has the potential to encourage North Sumatra tourism,” said the Deputy Governor.


The rally event this time was attended by 56 participants, and among the participants there were top national rally drivers, such as Richardo Gelael, Sean Gelael, and Subhan Aksa.

The Deputy Governor of North Sumatra also took part as a participant in the 2021 Lake Toba Rally event.

Health protocols are fully implemented in this event, so there are no spectators present.

For people who want to watch this rally, they can access it via Facebook with the Toba Pulp Lestari account.



UMKM Empowerment

In the Lake Toba Rally 2021 event, PT TPL also presents MSME products that are fostered by the company. Currently, TPL fosters many UMKM players around the concession area.

A number of superior products assisted by the company that were presented at this event included coffee, honey, and chips. From Simalungun, there were coffees from Sihaporas and Nagori Sibaganding. Besides Takoma honey from Sait Buttu.

At the rally location, the TPL CSR booth provided free Sihaporas coffee for all participants and committee members. The above CSR products are also distributed to all perally as a promotion of quality local products.

In addition, there were also UMKM products under the guidance of the North Sumatra Provincial Government. ***






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