Tampil Cantik dan Sehat Dengan Y.O.U Beauty

Tampil Cantik dan Sehat Dengan Y.O.U Beauty

Y.O.U Golden Age Refining Dinobatkan Produk Favorit Anti-Aging Serum di Indonesia


Tampil Cantik dan Sehat Dengan Y.O.U Beauty | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Y.O.U Beauty, brand kecantikan lokal di Indonesia, melalui kampanye ‘Y.O.U for You’ hadir mendatangi kota-kota besar di Indonesia, termasuk Kota Medan yang menjadi kota kelima didatangi.

Memasuki usia ke 3 tahun ini, Y.O.U Beauty semakin percaya diri menjadi salah satu brand kecantikan lokal terpercaya dan terbaik di Indonesia untuk menghadirkan produk kosmetik, skincare, dan body care perpaduan dari bahan-bahan alami dan teknologi tinggi.

Kehadiran “Y.O.U for You” di Kota Medan, ingin membangun hubungan yang erat dan baik dengan seluruh mitra terbaiknya. Kondisi yang tidak menentu membuat Y.O.U Beauty ingin menjalin relasi bermakna dengan para wanita Indonesia untuk membantu mereka memahami berbagai kondisi yang sedang dialami.

Beberapa produk unggulan dari kategori makeup dan skincare seperti Y.O.U Golden Age Refining Serum, Y.O.U Biomecera Advanced Booster Serum, dan Y.O.U 24h Noutriwear+ Velvet Liquid Foundation.



Melalui produk terbaik tersebut, Y.O.U Beauty berharap dapat mendukung dan memotivasi para wanita Indonesia memiliki tampilan cantik dan sehat dari dalam juga flawless dan glowing dari luar.

“Kehadiran Y.O.U Beauty di Kota Medan kali ini tentunya ingin mendekatkan diri dan menjalin relasi yang kuat dengan pelanggan terbaik kami. Pada acara ini kami juga menghadirkan dermatologist untuk berbagi edukasi seputar kesehatan kulit wajah, menggunakan skincare atau makeup yang tepat, agar mendapatkan tampilan maksimal, seperti halnya tagline kami yakni ‘Long-Lasting Beauty’,” ujar Ayu Anastasya selaku Brand Director Y.O.U Beauty.

Ayu juga menambahkan, selama bulan Desember, Y.O.U Beauty juga akan mengadakan Empty Bottles Campaign, yakni dimana pelanggan dapat membawa kemasan kosong seluruh produk Y.O.U Beauty berukuran full size ke mitra toko pilihan di enam kota yang dikunjungi oleh Y.O.U Beauty.

Empty Bottles Campaign akan berjalan mulai dari 7 Desember 2021 di tiga kota, yakni Kota Bandung, Kota Yogyakarta, dan Kota Surabaya.

Selanjutnya, mulai dari 9 Desember 2021 Y.O.U Beauty hadir di kota besar lain, yakni Kota Denpasar dan Kota Kendari. Seluruh rangkaian kegiatan Empty Bottles Campaign akan berakhir pada awal Januari.




• Kolaborasi & Inovasi Produk Kosmetik Halal Wardah

“Kolaborasi kami dengan para pelanggan pada Empty Bottles Campaign, merupakan salah satu usaha sederhana Y.O.U Beauty untuk mengimplementasikan gaya hidup sustainable. Nantinya mereka yang membawa kemasan kosong dan meletakkannya ke dalam drop box yang sudah tersedia, akan mendapatkan sample size Golden Age Refining Serum gratis sesudah memposting di akun Instagram masing-masing,” tambahnya.

Perjalanan Y.O.U Beauty selama tiga tahun telah mengantarkannya menuai banyak prestasi. Beberapa prestasi yang didapatkan antara lain seperti Guardian Indonesia Best of The Year 2019 Mascara and The Best Newcomer Brand, Guardian Indonesia The Fastest Growing Brand of The Year 2019, Top 5 Shopee’s Beauty and Skincare Category – Ranked Top 4 in 2020 Q4, dan Top 15 Ranked Katadata Top 12 Consumer’s Favorite Beauty Brand.

Di tahun ini, Y.O.U Golden Age Refining Serum yang menjadi salah satu produk unggulan Y.O.U Beauty berhasil dinobatkan sebagai “Produk Favoritnya Anti-Aging Serum di Indonesia” menurut hasil survei dari Home Tester Club, World’s Biggest Grocery Review Platform.

Rangkaian kegiatan “Y.O.U for YOU” selanjutnya akan hadir menyapa di Kota Kendari. Seluruh produk Y.O.U Beauty bisa didapatkan melalui toko-toko kecantikan terdekat di seluruh kota di Sumatera Utara atau melalui Y.O.U Beauty official store di Shopee, Tokopedia, dan Lazada. ***



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Y.O.U Golden Age Refining Dinobatkan Produk Favorit Anti-Aging Serum di Indonesia

Look Beautiful and Healthy With Y.O.U Beauty | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Y.O.U Beauty, a local beauty brand in Indonesia, through the ‘Y.O.U for You’ campaign came to visit major cities in Indonesia, including Medan City which became the fifth city visited.

Entering the age of 3 this year, Y.O.U Beauty is increasingly confident of being one of the most trusted and best local beauty brands in Indonesia to present cosmetic, skincare, and body care products that are a combination of natural ingredients and high technology.

The presence of “Y.O.U for You” in Medan City, wants to build a close and good relationship with all of its best partners. Uncertain conditions make Y.O.U Beauty want to establish meaningful relationships with Indonesian women to help them understand the various conditions that are being experienced.

Some of the best products from the makeup and skincare category are Y.O.U Golden Age Refining Serum, Y.O.U Biomecera Advanced Booster Serum, and Y.O.U 24h Noutriwear+ Velvet Liquid Foundation.



Through these best products, Y.O.U Beauty hopes to support and motivate Indonesian women to have a beautiful and healthy appearance from the inside as well as flawless and glowing from the outside.

“Y.O.U Beauty’s presence in Medan City this time, of course, wants to get closer and establish strong relationships with our best customers. At this event we also present a dermatologist to share education about facial skin health, using the right skincare or makeup, in order to get the maximum appearance, just like our tagline, ‘Long-Lasting Beauty’,” said Ayu Anastasya as Brand Director of Y.O.U Beauty.

Ayu also added, during December, Y.O.U Beauty will also hold an Empty Bottles Campaign, where customers can bring empty packaging of all Y.O.U Beauty products in full size to selected partner stores in six cities visited by Y.O.U Beauty.

The Empty Bottles Campaign will run from 7 December 2021 in three cities, namely Bandung City, Yogyakarta City, and Surabaya City.

Furthermore, starting from December 9, 2021, Y.O.U Beauty will be present in other big cities, namely Denpasar City and Kendari City. The entire series of Empty Bottles Campaign activities will end in early January.


“Our collaboration with customers in the Empty Bottles Campaign is one of Y.O.U Beauty’s simple efforts to implement a sustainable lifestyle. Later those who bring empty packaging and put it into the drop box that is already available, will get a free sample size of Golden Age Refining Serum after posting on their respective Instagram accounts,” he added.

Y.O.U Beauty’s three-year journey has brought her many achievements. Some of the achievements obtained include Guardian Indonesia Best of The Year 2019 Mascara and The Best Newcomer Brand, Guardian Indonesia The Fastest Growing Brand of The Year 2019, Top 5 Shopee’s Beauty and Skincare Category – Ranked Top 4 in 2020 Q4, and Top 15 Ranked Katadata Top 12 Consumer’s Favorite Beauty Brand.

This year, Y.O.U Golden Age Refining Serum, which is one of Y.O.U Beauty’s flagship products, was successfully named “The Favorite Anti-Aging Serum in Indonesia” according to a survey from the Home Tester Club, World’s Biggest Grocery Review Platform.

The next series of “Y.O.U for YOU” activities will be present to greet you in Kendari City. All Y.O.U Beauty products can be obtained through the nearest beauty shops in all cities in North Sumatra or through Y.O.U Beauty official stores at Shopee, Tokopedia, and Lazada. ***






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