DGOne Cup Media Sumatera 2021 | Inilah Jawaranya

DGOne Cup Media Sumatera 2021 | Inilah Jawaranya

DGOne Cup Media Sumatera 2021 | Inilah Jawaranya | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Telkomsel Sumatera terus bergerak maju membuka berbagai peluang dalam mengakselerasikan pertumbuhan ekosistem esports di Sumatera dengan Kembali menggelar DGOne Cup Media Sumatera yang berlangsung pada 15 Desember 2021.

DGOne Cup Media Sumatera merupakan turnamen yang dihadirkan Telkomsel Sumatera untuk terus mengakselerasi adopsi gaya hidup digital serta meningkatkan pengalaman pengguna akan layanan hiburan digital Telkomsel di kalangan rekan media Sumatera.

General Manager DLS and Direct Sales Area Sumatera, Aka Kandias Al Amin mengatakan, meneruskan komitmennya sebagai digital ecosystem enabler, Telkomsel kembali menyelenggarakan DGOne Cup Media Sumatera sebagai stimulus yang mampu menumbuhkan semangat seluruh insan di ekosistem game dan esports termasuk rekan media didalamnya, agar dapat terus berkarya, bersinergi dan berkolaborasi dalam memajukan industri game nasional. Inisiatif ini juga dihadirkan sebagai upaya dalam mendorong percepatan adopsi layanan digital pelanggan, khususnya akan layanan hiburan digital Telkomsel bagi rekan media di Sumatera.


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Pada ajang DGOne Cup Media Sumatera, terdapat 16 tim dari perwakilan masing-masing media yang bertanding dalam sistem “best of 4” dengan memainkan Games PUBG (Player Unknown Battleground) Mobile.

Para peserta langsung bertemu dalam beberapa pentandingan, dimana seluruh pertandingan disiarkan secara langsung melalui channel YouTube DGOne Gaming.

Setelah melalui 4 pertandingan, akhirnya terpilih tiga pemenang dari masing-masing perwakilan media yaitu Wartakepri, Suara Nusantara serta perwakilan dari PWI Dumai.

“Dalam kompetisi kali ini, para rekan media bukan hanya disuguhkan pengalaman pertandingan yang seru, namun juga turut merasakan kemudahan layanan payment gateway, platform media, penerbit game, dan penyelenggara turnamen dari Dunia Games. Kami berharap, kemudahan ini nantinya akan semakin mengakselerasi adopsi layanan hiburan digital yang ada di ekosistem Telkomsel,” ujar Aka.



• Sejarah Game

Dunia Games merupakan platform game dan portal media esports nomor 1 di Indonesia yang dimiliki oleh Telkomsel. Dengan jumlah monthly visitor lebih dari 12 juta, Dunia Games menghadirkan informasi terkini mengenai game dan hal-hal menarik di sekitarnya.

Selain itu, Dunia Games juga melayani pembelian kupon atau voucher untuk game PC dan mobile melalui layanan direct carrier billing. Dunia Games dapat diakses dan dinikmati oleh semua pengguna dan masyarakat Indonesia. Informasi lebih lanjut dapat diakses di www.duniagames.co.id. ***


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DGOne Cup Media Sumatera 2021 | Here’s the Answer | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Telkomsel Sumatra continues to move forward to open various opportunities in accelerating the growth of the esports ecosystem in Sumatra by holding the DGOne Cup Media Sumatra again which will take place on December 15, 2021.

The DGOne Cup Media Sumatera is a tournament presented by Telkomsel Sumatra to continue to accelerate the adoption of a digital lifestyle and to improve the user experience of Telkomsel’s digital entertainment services among Sumatran media partners.

General Manager of DLS and Direct Sales Area Sumatra, Aka Kandias Al Amin said, continuing its commitment as a digital ecosystem enabler, Telkomsel again held the DGOne Cup Media Sumatra as a stimulus that is able to foster the enthusiasm of all people in the gaming and esports ecosystem including media partners in it, so that they can continue work, synergize and collaborate in advancing the national game industry. This initiative is also presented as an effort to accelerate the adoption of digital customer services, especially Telkomsel’s digital entertainment services for media partners in Sumatra.



At the DGOne Cup Media Sumatra event, there were 16 teams from representatives of each media who competed in the “best of 4” system by playing the PUBG (Player Unknown Battleground) Mobile Games.

The participants met directly in several matches, where all matches were broadcast live through the DGOne Gaming YouTube channel.

After going through 4 matches, finally three winners were selected from each media representative, namely Wartakepri, Suara Nusantara and representatives from PWI Dumai.

“In this competition, media partners are not only presented with an exciting match experience, but also feel the convenience of payment gateway services, media platforms, game publishers, and tournament organizers from Dunia Games. We hope that this convenience will further accelerate the adoption of digital entertainment services in the Telkomsel ecosystem,” said Aka.


Dunia Games is the number 1 esports game platform and media portal in Indonesia, owned by Telkomsel. With more than 12 million monthly visitors, Dunia Games presents the latest information about games and interesting things around them.

In addition, Dunia Games also serves the purchase of coupons or vouchers for PC and mobile games through direct carrier billing services. Dunia Games can be accessed and enjoyed by all users and the people of Indonesia. Further information can be accessed at www.duniagames.co.id. ***







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