The NextDev Talent Scouting 2021 Buka Peluang Perusahaan Rintisan Bergabung Bersama Telkomsel

The NextDev Talent Scouting 2021 Buka Peluang Perusahaan Rintisan Bergabung Bersama Telkomsel

The NextDev Talent Scouting 2021 Buka Peluang Perusahaan Rintisan Bergabung Bersama Telkomsel | — Telkomsel menghadirkan program The NextDev Talent Scouting 2021, inisiatif Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) mendorong pertumbuhan perusahaan rintisan tahap awal (early-stage startup) di Indonesia melalui program rekrutmen inkubasi untuk meningkatkan kapabilitas dan kompetensi digital.

Telkomsel The NextDev Talent Scouting 2021 membuka kesempatan bagi seluruh perusahaan rintisan tahap awal untuk dapat bergabung dan menciptakan dampak sosial positif bagi masyarakat melalui pemanfaatan teknologi digital tepat guna.

The NextDev Talent Scouting 2021 mencari startup yang memiliki fokus pada peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat yang mendukung terlaksananya peningkatan kualitas hidup secara berkelanjutan.

Oleh karena itu, The NextDev Talent Scouting 2021 menghadirkan empat kategori yang telah didesain khusus berdasarkan SDGs seperti Economic Empowerment, Edtech for Change, Health Revolution, Tourism & Ecotourism agar dapat mendukung pencapaian Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) di tahun 2030.


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General Manager Corporate Social Responsibility Telkomsel, Andry P Santoso mengatakan, sebagai program pengembangan perusahaan rintisan tahap awal yang konsiten dihadirkan sejak tahun 2015, The NextDev Talent Scouting hadir sebagai wadah bagi para pelaku yang ada di ekosistem startup dan para talenta di bidang teknologi digital untuk dapat meningkatkan kapabilitas, kompetensi, dan potensi diri sehingga dapat menciptakan dan mengembangkan inovasi berbasis digital yang dapat menjadi solusi atas berbagai tantangan di setiap fase kehidupan masyarakat.

Inisiatif ini juga mempertegas dukungan Telkomsel dalam mendorong akselerasi ekosistem digital nasional serta pembangunan sumber daya manusia (SDM) Indonesia di bidang teknologi digital, agar berdaya saing tinggi, yang juga akan membuka peluang hadirnya lebih banyak smart digitalpreneur, sehingga Indonesia akan menjadi tuan rumah di negaranya sendiri dengan potensi ekonomi digital yang besar.

Dalam mengkurasi perusahaan rintisan yang telah mendaftar, The NextDev Talent Scouting 2021 menetapkan beberapa kriteria, yakni Pertama, startup harus memiliki solusi yang memberikan dampak sosial positif bagi masyarakat. Kedua, startup harus memiliki minimum viable product (MVP) atau prototype. Ketiga, pendiri startup harus memiliki komitmen dan kompetensi yang kuat sebagai tim (hipster, hacker, dan hustler).

Seluruh peserta startup yang telah lolos seleksi tahap awal, kemudian akan disaring kembali kedalam 40 besar sampai dengan top 12 startup melalui sistem pitching yang dinilai berdasarkan beberapa kriteria, seperti Dampak Sosial, Produk, Model Bisnis, Traction, hingga Manajemen Tim mereka.




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Tim startup akan melakukan pitching selama 3 menit di hadapan para dewan juri yang terdiri dari para ahli berpengalaman di industri, mulai dari Direktur Utama Smesco Leonard Theosabrata, Founder Najeela Shihab, Co-Founder & CEO Halodoc Jonathan Sudharta, hingga VP of Brand Marketing Maria Risa Puspitasari.

Pendaftaran The NextDev Talent Scouting 2021 telah dibuka, dimulai dengan Track Pitch untuk kategori Economic Empowerment pada 16 Desember 2021, Edtech for Change pada 23 Desember 2021, Health Revolution pada 13 Januari 2022, Tourism & Ecotourism pada 20 Januari 2022, dan akan diakhiri dengan Grand Final Pitch pada 27 Januari 2022. Seluruh peserta yang terpilih ke dalam 12 startup terbaik, akan mendapatkan benefit dan program pengembangan startup berupa 5G, yakni Grant Money, Good Opportunities, Great Mentors, Gain Exposure, dan Golden Ticket to The NextDev Academy 2021.

“Melalui program The NextDev, Telkomsel akan terus bergerak maju untuk membuka berbagai peluang dan memaksimalkan kontribusi sosial perusahaan melalui kapabilitas teknologi terdepan dan ekosistem digital terintegrasi yang dimiliki, untuk dapat memaksimalkan potensi para startup dan talenta digital Indonesia agar dapat berkembang dan menciptakan solusi dari pemanfaatan teknologi digital tepat guna yang mampu memecahkan berbagai solusi di tengah masyarakat yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan saat ini atau masa mendatang,” pungkas Andry.

Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai pendaftaran dan program The NextDev lainnya dapat diakses di website, dan perjalanan The NextDev 2021 dapat diikuti di platform sosial media @thenextdev. ***



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The NextDev Talent Scouting 2021 Opens Opportunities for Startups to Join Telkomsel | — Telkomsel presents The NextDev Talent Scouting 2021 program, a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative to encourage the growth of early-stage startups in Indonesia through an incubation recruitment program to improve digital capabilities and competencies.

Telkomsel The NextDev Talent Scouting 2021 opens opportunities for all early-stage startup companies to be able to join and create a positive social impact for the community through the use of appropriate digital technology.

The NextDev Talent Scouting 2021 is looking for startups that have a focus on improving people’s welfare that supports the implementation of improving the quality of life in a sustainable manner.

Therefore, The NextDev Talent Scouting 2021 presents four categories that have been specifically designed based on the SDGs such as Economic Empowerment, Edtech for Change, Health Revolution, Tourism & Ecotourism in order to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2030.



Telkomsel’s General Manager of Corporate Social Responsibility, Andry P Santoso said, as a consistent early stage company development program that has been presented since 2015, The NextDev Talent Scouting is present as a forum for actors in the startup ecosystem and talents in the digital technology field to be able to improve capabilities, competencies, and potential so that they can create and develop digital-based innovations that can be solutions to various challenges in every phase of people’s lives.

This initiative also reinforces Telkomsel’s support in encouraging the acceleration of the national digital ecosystem and the development of Indonesian human resources (HR) in the field of digital technology, so that they are highly competitive, which will also open up opportunities for the presence of more smart digital entrepreneurs, so that Indonesia will become the host in the country. itself with a huge digital economy potential.

In curating registered startups, The NextDev Talent Scouting 2021 sets several criteria, namely First, startups must have solutions that provide positive social impacts for the community. Second, startups must have a minimum viable product (MVP) or prototype. Third, startup founders must have strong commitment and competence as a team (hipster, hacker, and hustler).

All startup participants who have passed the initial selection, will then be screened back into the top 40 to the top 12 startups through a pitching system that is judged based on several criteria, such as Social Impact, Products, Business Models, Traction, to their Team Management.


The startup team will pitch for 3 minutes in front of a jury consisting of experienced experts in the industry, starting from the President Director of Smesco Leonard Theosabrata, Founder of Najeela Shihab, Co-Founder & CEO of Halodoc Jonathan Sudharta, to VP of Brand Marketing Maria Risa Puspitasari.

Registration for The NextDev Talent Scouting 2021 has been opened, starting with Track Pitch for the Economic Empowerment category on 16 December 2021, Edtech for Change on 23 December 2021, Health Revolution on 13 January 2022, Tourism & Ecotourism on 20 January 2022, and will end with Grand Final Pitch on January 27, 2022. All participants selected into the 12 best startups will receive benefits and startup development programs in the form of 5G, namely Grant Money, Good Opportunities, Great Mentors, Gain Exposure, and Golden Ticket to The NextDev Academy 2021.

“Through The NextDev program, Telkomsel will continue to move forward to open up various opportunities and maximize the company’s social contribution through its leading technology capabilities and integrated digital ecosystem, in order to maximize the potential of Indonesian startups and digital talents so that they can develop and create solutions from the use of technology. effective digital technology that is able to solve various solutions in the community that suit current or future needs,” concluded Andry.

Further information regarding registration and other The NextDev programs can be accessed on the website, and The NextDev 2021 journey can be followed on the social media platform @thenextdev. ***






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