Penyaluran Pinjaman Usaha Akseleran Tumbuh 90%

Mei 2021 | Akseleran Catat Rekor Penyaluran Pinjaman Usaha

Penyaluran Pinjaman Usaha Akseleran Tumbuh 90% | — Menyambut akhir tahun 2021, Fintech P2P Lending Akseleran berhasil mencatat total penyaluran pinjaman usaha sebesar Rp1,9 triliun lebih hingga pertengahan Desember 2021.

Catatan tersebut merupakan prestasi yang menggembirakan bagi Akseleran di tengah kondisi perekonomian Indonesia yang masih dibayangi oleh mewabahnya pandemi Covid-19 dan bahkan tercatat tumbuh lebih dari 90% dibandingkan realiasi total penyaluran pinjaman usaha Akseleran selama satu tahun penuh di periode Januari 2020 sampai 31 Desember 2020.

Ivan Tambunan, CEO & Co-Founder Akseleran mengatakan, penyaluran pinjaman usaha per bulan Akseleran telah menembus di angka Rp200miliar dengan total tingkat kredit macet (non performing loan/NPL) berada di angka 0,07% dari total kumulatif penyaluran pinjaman usaha Akseleran.

“Keberhasilan kami tentu didukung oleh lebih dari 175 ribu retail lender (lender perorangan) yang tersebar merata dari Aceh sampai Papua dan 12 institutional lender yang didominasi dari Lembaga Jasa Keuangan (LJK) lainnya baik perbankan maupun non bank. Selain itu, kami mampu menekan angka NPL tetap rendah di bawah 1% dimana selain terus konsisten menerapkan langkah-langkah mitigasi risiko melalui penilaian kredit yang prudent dengan fokus kepada cashflow calon borrower juga seluruh pinjaman di Akseleran sudah diproteksi asuransi kredit yang melindungi 99% pokok pinjaman tertunggak,” kata Ivan di Jakarta, Rabu, 29 Desember 2021.


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property: Akseleran

Selain itu, Ivan menjelaskan, sekalipun semester kedua tahun 2021 belum berakhir namun Akseleran tercatat mampu tumbuh hingga 70% dibandingkan periode yang sama secara penuh di tahun 2020.

Dengan demikian, lanjutnya, Akseleran mampu menjaga performanya tetap di zona hijau sekalipun masih di bawah tekanan pandemi covid-19 di negeri ini.

“Hingga saat ini secara kumulatif Akseleran sudah menyalurkan total pinjaman usaha sebesar lebih dari Rp3,7 triliun kepada 2.700 lebih peminjam (borrower) yang berasal dari para pelaku UMKM di Indonesia. Adapun sejumlah sektor usaha yang paling banyak memperoleh pendanaan melalui Akseleran adalah berasal dari Engineering/Construction, Coal & Related Energy, Equipment, Oil & Gas, dan Business & Consumer Services,” terang Ivan.

Menurut Ivan, Akseleran terus menjalankan komitmennya untuk mendukung pertumbuhan bisnis UMKM di seluruh Indonesia melalui akses pendanaan yang seluas-luasnya.



Data Perusahaan Pinjaman Online Berizin OJK

Hal ini, jelasnya, terlihat dari cakupan wilayah penyaluran pinjaman usaha Akseleran yang tidak hanya berfokus di Pulau Jawa melainkan juga sudah merambah luas di luar Pulau Jawa, antara lain di Kalimantan Timur, Riau, Sulawesi Tenggara, Maluku, dan Sumatra Utara.

“Tahun 2022, kami akan terus membuka peluang-peluang baru untuk bekerjasama dengan perusahaan atau Lembaga Jasa Keuangan lainnya melalui skema loan channeling dan mempertahankan tingkat NPL di bawah 1%. Secara target di tahun depan, Akseleran berharap dapat menyalurkan total pinjaman usaha hingga sebesar Rp4 triliun atau dua kali lipat dari yang kami targetkan di tahun 2021,” tambah Ivan. ***


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Accelerated Business Loan Disbursement Grows 90% | — Welcoming the end of 2021, Fintech P2P Lending Akseleran managed to record a total business loan distribution of more than IDR 1.9 trillion until mid-December 2021.

This record is an encouraging achievement for Akseleran in the midst of Indonesia’s economic conditions which are still overshadowed by the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic and even recorded a growth of more than 90% compared to the total realization of Akseleran’s business loan distribution for one full year in the period January 2020 to December 31, 2020.

Ivan Tambunan, CEO & Co-Founder of Akseleran said, Akseleran’s monthly business loan disbursement has reached IDR 200 billion with a total level of non-performing loans (NPL) at 0.07% of the total cumulative disbursement of Akseleran’s business loans.



“Our success is certainly supported by more than 175 thousand retail lenders (individual lenders) spread evenly from Aceh to Papua and 12 institutional lenders which are dominated by other Financial Services Institutions (LJK), both banking and non-bank. In addition, we were able to keep the NPL figure low below 1% where in addition to consistently implementing risk mitigation measures through prudent credit assessments with a focus on cashflow of prospective borrowers, all loans at Akseleran have been protected by credit insurance which protects 99% of the loan principal. in arrears,” said Ivan in Jakarta, Wednesday, December 29, 2021.

In addition, Ivan explained, although the second semester of 2021 has not ended, Akseleran was recorded to be able to grow up to 70% compared to the same period in full in 2020.

Thus, he continued, Akseleran was able to maintain its performance in the green zone even though it was still under the pressure of the COVID-19 pandemic in this country.

“So far, Acceleran has cumulatively distributed a total of more than IDR 3.7 trillion in business loans to more than 2,700 borrowers (borrowers) from MSME actors in Indonesia. Meanwhile, a number of business sectors that received the most funding through Acceleration were from Engineering/Construction, Coal & Related Energy, Equipment, Oil & Gas, and Business & Consumer Services,” explained Ivan.


According to Ivan, Akseleran continues to carry out its commitment to support the growth of MSME businesses throughout Indonesia through access to the widest possible funding.

This, he explained, can be seen from the coverage area for which Akseleran’s business loan distribution is not only focused on the island of Java but has also expanded outside Java, including in East Kalimantan, Riau, Southeast Sulawesi, Maluku, and North Sumatra.

“In 2022, we will continue to open up new opportunities to collaborate with other companies or Financial Services Institutions through loan channeling schemes and maintain the NPL level below 1%. By targeting next year, Akseleran hopes to disburse a total of IDR 4 trillion in business loans, or double the target in 2021,” added Ivan. ***





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